The Running Thread -- 2022

Anyone else on the northeast and the weather struggle bus? Got in 6.5 today before the rain turned to windy, sharp snow and I gave up. Sun tomorrow (when I'm busy) through the week until Saturday, when it's supposed to rain the entire weekend....again.

I don't mind gloomy/light rains/snows because the trails are less crowded, but c'mon, mother nature. A girl's gotta get her longer runs in!
Anyone else on the northeast and the weather struggle bus? Got in 6.5 today before the rain turned to windy, sharp snow and I gave up. Sun tomorrow (when I'm busy) through the week until Saturday, when it's supposed to rain the entire weekend....again.

I don't mind gloomy/light rains/snows because the trails are less crowded, but c'mon, mother nature. A girl's gotta get her longer runs in!
Yes, we received about 20cm of snow here. Fortunately, we found a calmer period today when snow stopped, most major streets had been cleared and the wind was manageable. I am skiing tomorrow and will postpone my long run to Monday. This Winter has been the worst since I started running.
Anyone else on the northeast and the weather struggle bus? Got in 6.5 today before the rain turned to windy, sharp snow and I gave up. Sun tomorrow (when I'm busy) through the week until Saturday, when it's supposed to rain the entire weekend....again.

I don't mind gloomy/light rains/snows because the trails are less crowded, but c'mon, mother nature. A girl's gotta get her longer runs in!

Me! I missed my Wednesday run because of rain/snow. I got it in yesterday and then this morning was pouring and windy. So another run bites the dust. I'm heading to Disney on Thursday so at least I know I'll have nice weather for a few days!
Weather struggle bus for sure! Just not sure I have another single digit run in me this winter - over it!

I took this week off to try to heal some shin pain I’ve been having. Today will be first run - aiming to run-walk. I’m so bummed because I’ve got the cherry blossom 10 miler in a few weeks and feeling undertrained. But I was fearful that it’s bad shin splints….or worse…and I really hope today feels ok.
I’ve been on the life struggle bus including the weather. I am registered for the Springtime Surprise Challenge, thinking it’d be a good primer for the Gettysburg half the following weekend that I’m doing. Then doing the Pittsburgh 5K and half at end of April. Unfortunately I’ve only done 5 runs since November. After my dad’s passing in October, my brother broke his foot in three places and needed surgery in January. So we’ve been helping him out. So the weather doesn’t help with keeping up with all the properties etc. We decided to sell our house and move closer to my brother since it’s just me and him now and he’ll need help. We’re hoping in the fall to move. On top of that our senior furry pup has cancer. Just life happening I know. Others have it far worse. I’m still going to do the races but it’ll be slow to avoid injury. Needless to say, looking forward to spring and trying to find some sort of routine!
Winter Will. Not. End. Last weekend it was in the 50s. Yesterday the "feels like" was 0. We got another 3in of snow over the weekend. February is always the worst month for me, and a lot of other people, because of the cumulative effects of 3 months of limited sunlight (I have a cousin that tracks the number of "full sun" days (which means 6hrs or more) and its usually below 15 for the whole winter.) And even though I run on the treadmill without an issue or complaint, I'm SO SICK AND TIRED OF COLD AND WIND AND SNOW.

But it's supposed to be above freezing during the day all week. So hopefully we are headed in the right direction.
Weather here has actually been really nice (to me). My husband still thinks it’s too cold. The cold front that is making all y’all miserable resulted in a few unseasonably cold days here with morning run temps in the upper 30’s-low 40’s for a few days. We are also getting a little warm-up this week but the morning temps are looking nice a bit longer.
I have really been enjoying running lately. I don’t usually get a post-race slump. I enjoy a little break with no running for a few days and those next few weeks where I am doing recovery runs (read, short and easy) are just so much fun. Since my conditioning is peaked, the miles just feel so easy, so if I am not sore or injured, they are amazing. Still living in that for another week or so before my next training plan starts. While it is harder to fit 5 days of running into my life, I think it has helped my conditioning so much that I don’t think I will go back to 4 days, at least not for a good long while. Overall, my runs feel better with those extra miles Under my belt.
Just because someone else has it worse, doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck for you! It sounds like you have a lot happening at once and that is stressful. I hope things start getting better for you soon!
THIS. Quoting it for emphasis. Everyone has problems and struggles that are relevant to their own life and you are allowed to be sad or stressed about the circumstances in your life.
Dempsey Dash 5K, Gainesville, GA. Extrapolated time: 27.23*. First place old guy! It gets easier as you get older because eventually you're the only guy left in your age group. The award was a bow-tie.

*Unfortunately, there was confusion on the course and we didn't run a full 5K. I've never run a race where NONE of the turns were marked. My actual time: 23:27 for 2.65 miles.

A 'great' day for racing: low 30s, spitting sleet and snow (feels extra good when driven by 40 mph winds)!

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Congrats on the 1st place.
My son and I were downtown at Georgia Tech running the Pi Mile race in (literally) freezing weather, something I try not to do. As you mentioned, the winds were fierce, as if the cold wasn't enough.
I said I'd take it easy to spare my lungs, but I'm unable to do that and wound up with a 9:50 pace to finish in 30:30.
Definitely not a flat course, but those hills didn't seem so big when I was a student....
My son pulled away from me after Mile 1 and was presumed gone, but apparently I passed him sometime after mile 2. I didn't realize this until around Mile 3 when he caught up to me. He then fell behind again and I had visions of finishing ahead of my 16-year old. Alas, I was running out of breath and he cruised past me in the last 100 yards of so and finished 8 seconds faster. Good for him, but just dang for me. ;-)
And naturally, by yesterday afternoon, them temps were back into the more normal high 50's.

Happy Pi Day, and beware tomorrow....


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