Jr. High or Middle School?

But now there is a trend for 6th grade only schools to be named Intermediate school.
There is a small district near me that has an elementary school, an academy, a senior academy, a middle school, and a high school.

I am not sure of all the breakdowns.

The elementary school is just PreK and K. The academy and senior academy are 1st - 5th, not sure the exact break down. The middle school is 6-8 and the high is 9-12.
It's been called "Intermediate School" (grades 7-8) here since at least the 1960s. Been referred to as Middle School often enough over than same time, but never Jr. High. Jr. High was something I only ever heard in TV shows/movies when I was young.
Within my area, it depended on how your schools were structured.

Kindergarten was its own thing.
1-5 or 1-6 was Elementary, depending on the town.
6-8 was Middle or 7-8 was Junior High, depending on the town.
9-12 was High.
When I was in school in the 70’s, we had:
Elementary - grades K through 6
Junior High - grades 7 through 9
High School - grades 10 through 12

Not sure when, but years later, most districts around here changed to:
Elementary - K through 5
Middle School - 6 through 8
High School - 9 through 12.
When I was in school:

K-5 was elementary schools
6-8 was middle school (literally called (Town Name) Middle School)
9-12 was high school

When I was in middle school they changed to it being grades 7-8, still called middle school. It looks like it's back to 6-8 now.

The town I live in now only has one school for K-8, the high school is shared with the next town over (the one I grew up in). It used to have a separate middle school, but enrollment is down so much it isn't needed now.
When I went to school 30 plus years ago, Elementary school was 1st grade to 6th grade. Junior High is what we called 7th to 9th grade, and High School was 10th to 12th. I know over the years that where I went to school it has changed many times. Such as High School is now 9th to 10th. For my daughter, who is now a junior in high school....they have Kindergarten in the Elementary schools (and some Pre-K...not all schools have that) and elementary goes to 5th grade. 6th to 8th grades are called middle school. This is the same in California and Georgia, at least where we lived.
Its been a minute since I was in 6th grade (like 30 years) but when I was in school 6-8th grade was called Jr. High. Now its seems everyone calls it middle school. Is this a regional thing? Or something that happened over the last 30 years for some reason I completely missed? Where I went to school in Illinois we had elementary school, jr. high and high school. My kids school district has EC (K-2), Elementary (3-5), Middle (6-8) and then high school. What is it called where you are?
Where I grew up.
6-8 Middle School
7-8 Intermediate School
7-9 Jr. High School. Jr. High schools pretty much ceased to exist during my time in school and districts went to middle schools or intermediate schools as I got older because the high schools wanted grade 9 to be with the high school for football.
Up through the 80s/early 90s, in my area of NE Ohio, it was Junior High and grades 7-9. All school districts in my county now call it Middle School and it’s grades 6-8.
Also in NE OH and it used to be junior high around here, but it was grades 7 & 8. Now, my district has middle school grades 5-7, with grades 8-12 at the high school.
Where/when I grew up (small town NY in the 70s and 80s) we had -
K-3 primary (one building)
4-6 elementary (one building)
7-8 Jr. High (shared with HS)
9-12 High School (shared with Jr.H)

for my DS (MA, not very long ago) there were 4 separate buildings -
K-3 elementary
4-6 intermediate
7-8 middle school
9-12 high school

but there is another district around here that I used to sub for that did -
K-4 elementary
5-8 middle school
9-12 high school
Where I grew up.
6-8 Middle School
7-8 Intermediate School
7-9 Jr. High School. Jr. High schools pretty much ceased to exist during my time in school and districts went to middle schools or intermediate schools as I got older because the high schools wanted grade 9 to be with the high school for football.
9th grade has always been high school anywhere I've lived.
Here the names Junior High School, Middle School and Intermediate school are interchangeable and refer to 7th and 8th grade schools.
Elementary school is K-6 and High School is 9 thru 12.
However, with the dive in enrollment the last 20 years they have closed a lot of Junior High/Middle School/Intermediate schools and consolidated 7th and 8th grade into the elementary schools, so there are several K-8 schools.
When I went it was 6-8 and called Middle School (in NJ)

Here in So Cal, it's also Middle School, but it's 7-8 only. Elementary in our district is K-6.

I have never lived anywhere (in 5 states) that called it Junior High.


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