Something About Nothing............ #14

My brother still watches Taggart over and over

One of his favorite shows

Fantastic show, takes us right back to the 1980`s/90`s and fabulous detective show too, even after Taggart himself passed away, the show carried on.

I remember you saying your brother loved it.

I pressed post before finishing typing..... 🥴

Have you ever watched any of them? The accent especially in the early ones could be quite difficult for folks outside of Scotland to pick up on, certain words anyway.
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I got bored and told Mr Mac I would do the run to Walmart.
Mostly bought cat food and his diet dew.

He had said he was feeling poorly so did not expect him to do a food run today

Store had too many shoppers in it and long check out lines so I basically picked up only essentials

$200 for cat food, cases of diet Mt Dew, Pepsi, basic toiletries, cleaner supplies and bread

Obviously we will go to Taco Bell for dinner this evening as did not hit Publix for people food.

Oh…. I found a note he left me when I got home
He felt better and was going to the Battlefield to ride his bike….

I think we will be eating out for meals the next few days since I have suddenly forgot how to cook
I got bored and told Mr Mac I would do the run to Walmart.
Mostly bought cat food and his diet dew.

He had said he was feeling poorly so did not expect him to do a food run today

Store had too many shoppers in it and long check out lines so I basically picked up only essentials

$200 for cat food, cases of diet Mt Dew, Pepsi, basic toiletries, cleaner supplies and bread

Obviously we will go to Taco Bell for dinner this evening as did not hit Publix for people food.

Oh…. I found a note he left me when I got home
He felt better and was going to the Battlefield to ride his bike….

I think we will be eating out for meals the next few days since I have suddenly forgot how to cook

Glad the mister felt better later and did get to go a bike ride after all, do him the world of good.

Not a bad haul from Publix......minus people food of out is always good!!!
Good evening. Another quiet day today. Tomorrow we might start car shopping. We had planned to wait until May, but dh got a text message from the dealership where he bought his current car. They claim to have incentives, so we figure it won't hurt to talk to them.

Tomorrow we start making plans for the graduation trip.
Back from Taco Bell
Well worth it

Glad you enjoyed it!!

Good evening. Another quiet day today. Tomorrow we might start car shopping. We had planned to wait until May, but dh got a text message from the dealership where he bought his current car. They claim to have incentives, so we figure it won't hurt to talk to them.

Tomorrow we start making plans for the graduation trip.

Have fun planning the trip......I was asked a week ago what we were doing for several days in answer was I have no clue!! It`s so far away right now, I have a rough idea of things we`ll be doing, but as to specific days.....not a clue.

Hoping we hear about our new car in the next week too. Cancelled our second Porsche SUV we had ordered as they were then claiming it would be a year, so ordered a different one, should be here soon, fingers crossed! Shame as we quite fancied the same car again, but time for a change.

Torrential downpours last night and high winds through the night, now it`s just very breezy. I did hear the foxes last night in the woods.....holy moly, something is annoying them right now.

Heading out this morning for a few bits and pieces that`ll see us over the weekend, hoping to have a few days inside without wandering days where we can hibernate.

Ham for dinner again tonight, and brie, bacon and cranberry grilled sandwiches for lunch, so once again food is sorted, all important decisions of the day. I`m starving this morning so will make something substantial I think this morning.

Hoping our lovely friend Vicki @tink1957 is doing ok, haven`t heard from her for a while....we miss you Vicki and hope Trey and Danielle are both ok:hug: too




Happy Friday.....:goodvibes
Good morning Schumi, hope your out and about got what you needed. Nice to just chill with no need to go out grocery shopping throughout the weekend.

Ah yes, Fabulous Friday! Yay! I’m so ready for the weekend.

A very light rain to fall right around the hour before sunrise. Saying .005 inches to fall. In other words, just some very humid air. Then another day where I’m hoping that mostly cloudy, has more sunny in there. And 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. Ack, that ever not a good tease. Showing chances of snow next Friday. Yeah, with predicted 36 degrees the high next Friday, any wet weather probably will be snow. Sigh. Not ready yet. Hope it changes like this last 10 day. Said snow in there, but was only rain with the higher temps. Another good reason to make next Friday a lazy one. Also with the idea, would be a bonus 4 day one, as the following Monday is a Federal holiday. Woot!!!

So, a most Fabulous Friday to you and all have a Wonderful Weekend.
a lot can change between here and next Friday (maybe)

Hope it’s not a dump of snow that hits your area.

I would be shattered if it happened to me
and all the kids in my neighborhood would would be squealing in delight
Good morning. No car shopping for us today. Dh called the dealer and the "incentives" are just an extra $1000 with trade in. We aren't trading in his car (B will get it when she graduates) so we can wait a bit on car shopping.

Have fun planning the trip......I was asked a week ago what we were doing for several days in answer was I have no clue!! It`s so far away right now, I have a rough idea of things we`ll be doing, but as to specific days.....not a clue.

Hoping we hear about our new car in the next week too. Cancelled our second Porsche SUV we had ordered as they were then claiming it would be a year, so ordered a different one, should be here soon, fingers crossed! Shame as we quite fancied the same car again, but time for a change.
Will you be going to Universal in May? We are planning which park we will go to each day in California (have to make sure to avoid grad nights) but other than that I don't want to get too specific. We may make a couple of dinner reservations, but that's about it.

It's crazy how difficult it is to get a car right now. Even something simple and basic like we want takes time.

Showing chances of snow next Friday.
Depending on which forecast I look at we will either be getting rain or snow. My guess is rain.

I need to get up and start being productive. My car could really use a good wash after our snow day in Tennessee.
Morning all

xmas tree is finally coming down. Over my dead body, RIP me lol. i always drag my feet…maybe we are Russian, need to get that extra week in :)
We have started making our plans for our graduation trip in June. I'm not happy with the cost of airfare right now, so I have been doing a ton of research. I have found a way we can all fly using our air miles, but it will require us flying out of Charlotte, NC
Was going to ask where until I saw u later mention DL.

I agree with the airfare, it’s shocking. Looks like new pattern for us is rates coming out ridiculously out of gate, with a chance of a price drop no more than two months prior. hate playing a game of chicken that way.

Will say, as much as I’ve been leery of frontier airlines. They are one of only 2 airlines for us now to the west coast and prices aren’t too shabby. DiL trying them for flight home from MCO after the race in April. Waiting to get her take on it before I dip into that pond tho lol

little one had a poke bowl, and older one had sushi.
Yum, make or take out?
He is completely focussed on running, his running group have been amazed at his ability since he started, he won Most Improved of the Group at their Christmas night out which he was pleased about although everyone knew he`d win that one.
He is so laser focused on his goals!
$200 for cat food, cases of diet Mt Dew, Pepsi, basic toiletries, cleaner supplies and bread
Cat needs to get a job
Hehe, made one Keisha. I don’t like. The sushi was bought though. Older one only likes the sushi from 3 fancy grocery stores, and no other. I can see why he likes those places, they all have a sushi chef making them fresh. There’s a new sushi restaurant opened near us, I guess one day I’ll take him there to see if he wants to eat there. I’m hoping they have no sushi items if we do go there.

Lunchtime walk was with jacket, but yay for rocking my shades. Sunnier out, but cloudy still around. 43 degrees out. Not too shabby for a January day.

Little one was wondering what the temps in Orlando would be at end of January. I said a crap shoot. Older one and I did three nights in the dark side then drove to Miami for a Disney SW cruise, the one night back at the dark side before coming home the third week in January. We were in shorts every day, but one, that we had our lightweight jacket and heavier sweatshirt on, as was much cooler then the other days. Thinking should be in 70’s and 80’s that time of year. Hmm. Those APs are burning a hole in my pocketbook. But maybe. Have to crunch the numbers. Saw some flights under 100 dollars one way. We may have to travel weekend to weekend as stupid SW still has no direct flights on week days. I refuse to stop even in Atlanta on the way down, given a 2 hour flight from my City airport.
I would be shattered if it happened to me
and all the kids in my neighborhood would would be squealing in delight

Kids do love snow don`t they! I doubt you`d get a lot of snow anytime, it`s far too nice where you live mac......

Good morning. No car shopping for us today. Dh called the dealer and the "incentives" are just an extra $1000 with trade in. We aren't trading in his car (B will get it when she graduates) so we can wait a bit on car shopping.

Will you be going to Universal in May? We are planning which park we will go to each day in California (have to make sure to avoid grad nights) but other than that I don't want to get too specific. We may make a couple of dinner reservations, but that's about it.

It's crazy how difficult it is to get a car right now. Even something simple and basic like we want takes time.

Depending on which forecast I look at we will either be getting rain or snow. My guess is rain.

I need to get up and start being productive. My car could really use a good wash after our snow day in Tennessee.

Yes, we have 3 weeks in May this year, yes a couple of dinner reservations is what we normally do, but all offsite, it`s always a good idea to have a rough idea what you want to do, but overplanning fills me with dread.

Yes, wait times are scary, ours would have been here earlier but Tom added a few toys and it was almost like a custom buil car by the time it was done. The car itself already had all the bells and whistles, but there`s always something he likes to add.

Morning all

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xmas tree is finally coming down. Over my dead body, RIP me lol. i always drag my feet…maybe we are Russian, need to get that extra week in :)

Was going to ask where until I saw u later mention DL.

I agree with the airfare, it’s shocking. Looks like new pattern for us is rates coming out ridiculously out of gate, with a chance of a price drop no more than two months prior. hate playing a game of chicken that way.

Will say, as much as I’ve been leery of frontier airlines. They are one of only 2 airlines for us now to the west coast and prices aren’t too shabby. DiL trying them for flight home from MCO after the race in April. Waiting to get her take on it before I dip into that pond tho lol

Yum, make or take out?

He is so laser focused on his goals!

Cat needs to get a job

lol.....nice meme! No need to rush with your tree......dark winters need something bright and cheery. There`s an island off of the Shetland Islands (remote enough on their own) called Foula. The island is mostly shrouded behind a shower of fog, you can`t really see it apparate until you carefully work your way through the treacherous Shaalds o’ Foula, it`s a very shallow protectorate reef. Weird place apparently.

Not only have the Shaalds kept the island from becoming a shipping hub, but they have allowed Foula to stay one step out of time with the rest of the world. The mostly unchartered and deadly reef explains Foula’s adherence to an ancient calendar which means this island basically on the edge of the world celebrates Christmas 12 days late. Ferry runs twice a week, weather permitting!

Dull Something about Nothing fact of the and they don`t have a pub or shop so I won`t be visiting anytime in this millenium :rotfl:

Janet he`s always been very focussed, even as a tot, everything had his full concentration.....different from me, all my reports were...."easily distracted" lol.....

I haven`t looked for flights yet for our next trip. We bought our May flights last June, but haven`t looked in a while!!! One friend told me to have a stiff drink before I looked at flights.....well, I`m always happy to take good advice......☺️

We`ve had the nicest day again.....just one of those lovely days Tom and I just sat around and chatted, watched some tv, listened to the radio and generally watched the world go by. Lunch was very nice, we did have our ham, brie and cranberry grilled sandwiches, no cake afterwards, then dinner was the last of the ham, all gone now.

Tonight is a G&T while watching quiet right now. But colder than it`s supposed to be, so we`ll be hibernating a little longer I think.

Bacon up for breakfast tomorrow.......🥓🥓🥓
:wave2: Finally getting back in here!!!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! We had a good 2+ weeks off. Christmas was great - minus having to help the kids with a very nasty not so nice plumbing issue that happened on the 23. We ended up having to tear out a kitchen ceiling to get at the plumbing that was above that to rectify the issue. So they are currently waiting for their insurance now to do their part.

We had a lovely time with our gd between Xmas and New Years. She slept with Grandpa and Grammie slept in the spare room until Gramps left for work in the early mornings.

New Years was quiet. We are ot big New Years people. The dd, sil, gd, and one sick kid ( ds was fighting a flu of some sort) we had fondue then a night of games. Everyone petered out by 10:30, and went to bed. I stayed up until after midnight to see the new year in.

I started at the new job on Tuesday for training. I have quite a few more training days yet, but I see how everything connects together. Now just to get used to the processes and executing everything as it needs to be done.

Came back to my full-time job today to a desk full swimming with papers, and my computer hard drive fried :faint: So into another office and no access to my required spreadsheets and things. Luckily I have emailed myself I copy of links and spreadsheets I use daily, incase that I needed to work from home That came in handy today ::yes::I have almost everything caught up.

Well, I should finish up, but just wanted to make an appearance again. It's been a very busy 2+ weeks, but it feels good to be back at work and routine again.

Have a great day everyone!
Pumpkin, good to hear from you, glad even with plumbing issue, had a fabulous time with your gd. Yeah, we did not go out and I was at least in bed at midnight on NYE.

On little one’s list is also doing that sea kayak through the Washington state islands. Thinking if at least doing it when it was very warm out. Can’t remember, is it you Pumpkin or Sue that does the sea kayaking? Saw REI has a tour with it, but seems very expensive. I was thinking I could do cheaper, but haven’t really done any research yet. That’s a maybe next Summer thought.
Good evening. We have had a very productive day. We booked our flights, a hotel stay for before and after our flights (going to do the park, sleep, fly thing), reserved a rental car, and reserved our DL hotel and tickets. We still need to figure out where we are going to stay in Hollywood.

I agree with the airfare, it’s shocking. Looks like new pattern for us is rates coming out ridiculously out of gate, with a chance of a price drop no more than two months prior. hate playing a game of chicken that way.

Will say, as much as I’ve been leery of frontier airlines. They are one of only 2 airlines for us now to the west coast and prices aren’t too shabby. DiL trying them for flight home from MCO after the race in April. Waiting to get her take on it before I dip into that pond tho lol
I just used up almost all of my flight miles. I still have a $125 voucher to use before April 30. I'm hoping the price of flights to Orlando will go down some before then.

We only have 1 airline that flies out of our city, so options are very limited. If I fly from Roanoke there are a few more options, and even more options from Richmond.

We may have to travel weekend to weekend as stupid SW still has no direct flights on week days. I refuse to stop even in Atlanta on the way down, given a 2 hour flight from my City airport.
The only place I can fly direct is Charlotte, NC. The downside of living in a small city.
Finally getting back in here!!!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
Hi Pumpkin. Good to see you. Glad you had a good holiday apart from the plumbing issues.
:wave2: Finally getting back in here!!!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! We had a good 2+ weeks off. Christmas was great - minus having to help the kids with a very nasty not so nice plumbing issue that happened on the 23. We ended up having to tear out a kitchen ceiling to get at the plumbing that was above that to rectify the issue. So they are currently waiting for their insurance now to do their part.

We had a lovely time with our gd between Xmas and New Years. She slept with Grandpa and Grammie slept in the spare room until Gramps left for work in the early mornings.

New Years was quiet. We are ot big New Years people. The dd, sil, gd, and one sick kid ( ds was fighting a flu of some sort) we had fondue then a night of games. Everyone petered out by 10:30, and went to bed. I stayed up until after midnight to see the new year in.

I started at the new job on Tuesday for training. I have quite a few more training days yet, but I see how everything connects together. Now just to get used to the processes and executing everything as it needs to be done.

Came back to my full-time job today to a desk full swimming with papers, and my computer hard drive fried :faint: So into another office and no access to my required spreadsheets and things. Luckily I have emailed myself I copy of links and spreadsheets I use daily, incase that I needed to work from home That came in handy today ::yes::I have almost everything caught up.

Well, I should finish up, but just wanted to make an appearance again. It's been a very busy 2+ weeks, but it feels good to be back at work and routine again.

Have a great day everyone!

Good to see you back Pumpkin and glad you had such a lovely time with your family over Christmas, sounds a lovely time with you granddaughter.

Hope the kitchen incident is sorted and insurance comes through quickly. And glad you`re catching up at work and good luck with the training in your new job, hope it`s everything you wish it to be.

Good evening. We have had a very productive day. We booked our flights, a hotel stay for before and after our flights (going to do the park, sleep, fly thing), reserved a rental car, and reserved our DL hotel and tickets. We still need to figure out where we are going to stay in Hollywood.

I just used up almost all of my flight miles. I still have a $125 voucher to use before April 30. I'm hoping the price of flights to Orlando will go down some before then.

We only have 1 airline that flies out of our city, so options are very limited. If I fly from Roanoke there are a few more options, and even more options from Richmond.

The only place I can fly direct is Charlotte, NC. The downside of living in a small city.

Hi Pumpkin. Good to see you. Glad you had a good holiday apart from the plumbing issues.

You did well with your planning for your California trip and hope you get a good price for your Orlando trip.

A very good morning from a wild and woolly part of the UK again......46mph winds which is not fun to wake up to, apparently it was like that during the night....I never heard a thing!

But, wow, it`s wild out there. No plans to go out at all today, I don`t think we need anything at all, so will happily hibernate as we do try to never go to shops on a Saturday if we can help it, we have all week, so no excuses really. I think two of our friends are coming round for a cuppa this morning as they`re over this way to visit the beach with the dogs, that`ll pass an hour or so. Might spend some time scanning pictures, I doubt I`ll ever get them all done.

Chicken noodle soup I made from scratch will be lunch today and some rosemary bread I`ll bake this morning, I think Kyle will be joining us for that, and then I think we`re getting a Thai takeout tonight, something hot and spicy I think.

Lazy Saturday again.....





Have a wonderful Saturday and weekend ☺️
Ah better weather day for me, when in January, it’s dry, and 45 degrees the high, and another partly cloudy one. 8 mph winds, but still windy enough to make it feel cooler.

No matter, with that nice enough weather, will still be rocking those shades. And think little one has a shopping agenda today. Thinking if we get out before noon start, that would be good. Not holding my breath that will happen though.

Quiet enough Saturday morning. Should be seeing older one soon. He works most weekends.

Yay, for Charade to have almost all her CA trip set. I think when we did DL, Universal and Hollywood, we stayed the GC when doing DL, then drove, and stayed at the Sheraton across the street from Universal. Was an easy walk to universal, and very close to the parking garage we used to tour Hollywood. We took in a movie in the Disney Theater and a meal and ice cream at the Disney ice cream parlor next to the theater. At the top of that parking garage across the street from the Disney places, you could see the Hollywood sign. We then drove around Hollywood, seeing Pink’s and other iconic places to see, but traffic was crazy. The three times we have been to the LA area, we flew into LA, and twice into SD for some fun down there. Only thing both airports don’t have rental car places that close to the airport. We always give ourselves extra time to make our way back to the rental place and get their shuttle bus back to the airport. Also nice you have airline credit to use. Hehe, just saw the airfare back just went down 10 dollars. So cheapest round trip I’ve seen since the virus times. Just saw AP hotel rate as cheap as seen in past. Rental cars prices’ seem to be about the same as last year, as being higher then I think they should be. Sigh. Just more pulling at wallet for end of month use of our APs. Should I pull the trigger? Hmm.

Super sized, super happy Saturday to all.


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