Springtime Surprise Weekend (April 13-16, 2023)

How’s everyone’s training going?

I did one 4-mile run so far this week and then my legs were sore until today 😬 (My fault for not stretching properly.) It’s gonna be a long ~12 weeks over here…
Not great, I may have had a small bout with covid (or some other bug?) that I didn’t know about at the time. This obviously sounds weird, but I started feeling gassed after routine walks last week, which is exactly how I felt after my first time with covid last January (that time I had symptoms and tested positive). My heart rate also seemed way high after runs earlier this month so I guess I need to take that as a warning sign now. 🤷‍♂️ Starting to feel better so I might try to get a short run in this weekend.
How’s everyone’s training going?

So I came back from Dopey and promptly got grounded by my physical therapist at my post-race check-in on Monday. Non weight bearing exercise for at least a week - oh, and he threw in some planks to keep me occupied. :crazy2: I kind of suspected that this was coming, but it still doesn't make me happy. Unfortunately, my PT was on the right track - I threw a 10 minute walk into yesterday's biking and that was enough to irritate the foot.

My original plan was to take the rest of January off and just do walking and cross-training. Apparently the universe is going to make me stick to that plan.
Because I'm a wimp when it comes to the cold, I've been doing all my runs on the treadmill. I keep trying to convince myself to incorporate a few outdoor runs a week to get used to the different terrain. Anybody else ever train for a runDisney race primarily on a treadmill? Was it a complete shock to the system when you hit those hills on the road?

It's not that I don't have the gear or the means to run outside, nor is it that cold (high of 40 today); I just lack the enthusiasm to get out there and suffer through the wind. :rotfl:
Anybody else ever train for a runDisney race primarily on a treadmill? Was it a complete shock to the system when you hit those hills on the road?

I did the vast majority of my training for Princess 2020 inside on a treadmill and track and it wasn't a problem.

If you've only ever run on a treadmill, running at Disney could come as a shock, but if you run outside at other times of the year, I can't see it being a problem. While most Disney courses have a couple of "hills" in the form of highway overpasses, it is generally flat. The hardest part for me is the road cambers which tends to make my legs/feet cranky with me.

I don't run outside in the snow or ice - period. It's just not worth the injury risk IMHO. So, like you, I would stay inside for the next couple of months and look forward to doing my final long runs outside.
How’s everyone’s training going?
Getting into it now! I have done 3 runs this week and feel like I am finding my groove.
Anybody else ever train for a runDisney race primarily on a treadmill? Was it a complete shock to the system when you hit those hills on the road?

It's not that I don't have the gear or the means to run outside, nor is it that cold (high of 40 today); I just lack the enthusiasm to get out there and suffer through the wind. :rotfl:
I did my training on a treadmill for the 10 mile last year and am doing it again for the 10K this year (I am not up for running on the inch of ice on all our sidewalks). I think it works out. I do try to run at a 0.5 or 1 incline most of the time and add in higher inclines for some of my runs to help me remember that there will be the resistance of wind and non-flat roads on the actual day. For me I think the biggest issue was going from constantly sipping my drink to water stops. I will probably run with water this time around.
Because I'm a wimp when it comes to the cold, I've been doing all my runs on the treadmill. I keep trying to convince myself to incorporate a few outdoor runs a week to get used to the different terrain. Anybody else ever train for a runDisney race primarily on a treadmill? Was it a complete shock to the system when you hit those hills on the road?

My mom (68) only trains on the treadmill. She's done several HMs and did Dopey in 2018. So it's definitely doable.

With that being said, the conversion of treadmill training to racing outdoors isn't 1:1. If you're close to the pace limit of a 16 min/mile, then I'd consider getting outside some just to confirm your outdoor pacing is translating. In addition to that, if the goal is to be in PR level shape, then you'll definitely want to get outdoors some because of the differences between treadmill and road. But if you're not near the pace limit, and don't want to be in PR shape, then there's very few reasons you can't/shouldn't exclusively train on the tread.
If you've only ever run on a treadmill, running at Disney could come as a shock, but if you run outside at other times of the year, I can't see it being a problem. While most Disney courses have a couple of "hills" in the form of highway overpasses, it is generally flat. The hardest part for me is the road cambers which tends to make my legs/feet cranky with me.

I did my training on a treadmill for the 10 mile last year and am doing it again for the 10K this year (I am not up for running on the inch of ice on all our sidewalks). I think it works out. I do try to run at a 0.5 or 1 incline most of the time and add in higher inclines for some of my runs to help me remember that there will be the resistance of wind and non-flat roads on the actual day.

With that being said, the conversion of treadmill training to racing outdoors isn't 1:1. If you're close to the pace limit of a 16 min/mile, then I'd consider getting outside some just to confirm your outdoor pacing is translating. In addition to that, if the goal is to be in PR level shape, then you'll definitely want to get outdoors some because of the differences between treadmill and road. But if you're not near the pace limit, and don't want to be in PR shape, then there's very few reasons you can't/shouldn't exclusively train on the tread.

These are all such awesome responses! Thanks so much for answering my question.

When I did the DLP Half Marathon, I trained in a very mountainous region of Germany and felt like it really helped with potential inclines on the road. So I tend to keep the incline at 1.5 on the treadmill in the hopes that it helps.

Other than the wintertime, I usually run outside and I'm hoping by March it'll warm up enough for me to get back out there (of course, that's also England's windy season so I'll be trading one obstacle for another. :rotfl:)
I also find my pace on the treadmill to be slower than my outdoor pace, but I'm not at risk for keeping up with the 16 min/mile pace and definitely don't plan on trying for a PR. So, with all that being said, it sounds like I can ease up on myself a bit for sticking to the treadmill. Thanks!
I was so hyped after running the Marathon, I snagged a 10M spot and booked the quickest/cheapest (without sacrificing convenience) stay I could — 2 nights at ASM, Frontier flight and only going to take my small personal item (the small backpack I usually take to the parks anyway), and going to squeeze in 2 parks days— Saturday and Sunday after the race (I think I can probably just about be done running, showering, and back to EPCOT just as it’s opening if all goes well). Before the marathon, the only other runD I did was the Princess challenge in 2022. I am so excited!!!
I was so hyped after running the Marathon, I snagged a 10M spot and booked the quickest/cheapest (without sacrificing convenience) stay I could — 2 nights at ASM, Frontier flight and only going to take my small personal item (the small backpack I usually take to the parks anyway), and going to squeeze in 2 parks days— Saturday and Sunday after the race (I think I can probably just about be done running, showering, and back to EPCOT just as it’s opening if all goes well). Before the marathon, the only other runD I did was the Princess challenge in 2022. I am so excited!!!
I've done a wild two night trip via frontier...leave Sun evening and return Tuesday early morning. It's exhausting and fun! You'll have a great time!
A few weeks now back from an awesome (extended) Marathon Weekend vacation/workation. Unfortunately, my wife was sick almost the entire trip (not Covid) and spent much of the time in the room. She felt cheated and didn't get to do much while we were in Disney so we decided to do a reboot for her birthday in April. As the Toy Story Ten Miler is still available, we both just registered, so we will be joining the fun on April 16!!

Now just hoping for our DVC waitlist to come through. We are booked at Pop for now.
A few weeks now back from an awesome (extended) Marathon Weekend vacation/workation. Unfortunately, my wife was sick almost the entire trip (not Covid) and spent much of the time in the room. She felt cheated and didn't get to do much while we were in Disney so we decided to do a reboot for her birthday in April. As the Toy Story Ten Miler is still available, we both just registered, so we will be joining the fun on April 16!!

Now just hoping for our DVC waitlist to come through. We are booked at Pop for now.
I'm using it as my birthday trip too! Everyone else in the family has been to Disney World on their birthday. Even my wife who is indifferent to the whole thing. Now it's my turn!
Here I sit, with minimal running motivation. So I started pricing out making a trip for just the 10mi. And pretty much no matter how I slice it I'm looking at $1000 if I want to drive 2.5hrs each way to a larger airport and fly down Saturday morning, or $1500 if I want to fly out Thursday from our local airport. Bah. I really like the medals this year, but I'm having a hard time with justifying the cost for the virtual these days.
I'm struggling with the "is this necessary." Everyone is encouraging me to do it - hubby, kids, friends. I just feel that it's not needed. I did my first ever runDisney during Princess 2022 and said that was a one and done bucket list item. But here I am signed up again. I'm doing it solo this time. That was my plan last time but a friend joined along side last minute. That was a blast, but there was part of me wanting to do this one my own. IDK - is it "necessary!???"


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