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astromickey---$100-$20067-180-SSR-Sep-0/21, 309/22, 180/23, 180/24- sent 3/16

I've been reading around here for a while, and it's been so helpful! So thought I'd finally make an account and share my info :)

I sent about 2 dozen lowball offers before getting to this one. I could've kept looking, but I liked how loaded this contract was, so I went for it. We'll be able to cancel a cash stay in August that would've cost about $2k and use the banked points from '21 instead.

For those holding out for low cost contracts. Keep trying! I also had a seller agree to $88pp but the UY couldn't work for me.
Wow. Good for you. I’m still looking for that low cost contract. Have submitted a few low ball offers and have yet to come to an agreement. I’ll keep looking. Would love to find a seller agreeing to $88 😜
We finally heard back that our contract made it through ROFR Today.

Electron_si---$155-$32596-200-PVB-Dec-125/22, 200/23, 200/24-Seller pays closing- sent 3/2 passed 3/16
Congrats! I am so glad you heard back! Maybe next week we will get lucky!
Congrats! I am so glad you heard back! Maybe next week we will get lucky!

Thanks. Was starting to get a little nervous after seeing contracts submitted a week after ours come back already. Glad it worked out. Really happy with our UY and to have PVB as our home resort.
Wow. Good for you. I’m still looking for that low cost contract. Have submitted a few low ball offers and have yet to come to an agreement. I’ll keep looking. Would love to find a seller agreeing to $88 😜
Looks like it's still available 😅 It was a 150point contract listed by the board sponsor.
Hopefully someone takes it soon, so I don't get any funny ideas 🤣
Why does Saratoga get a lot of shade?? I know next to nothing about the WDW resorts but I'm just curious.

I'm nosy and googled the names of our sellers. Not much internet presence, per se, but unique enough names that I did find them so I saw the state they reside in and their rough ages. Ha!
We bought SSR because of its quietness, proximity to Disney Springs, and availability last minute. The price was a factor obviously as it’s cheap so easy to use as SAPs too.
Post refurbishment it is lovely. My kids loved the studio we stayed in and the pools. My husband and I liked that it was still Disney bubble while having a calmness to it. It’s main downside is transportation as buses are your only option.
Im hopeful the treehouses will get as nice of a refurbishment as the buildings did. I think those will be great value for family vacations but they are really outdated currently.
LittleBitGoofy---$120-$26363-200-BCV-Oct-400/22, 200/23, 200/24- sent 3/16

This is our first attempt at DVC so we're keeping our fingers crossed! Pretty thrilled with the price and starting with quite the nice loaded stack to get us going.

More info for those curious: Listed at $158/pt. Figured what the heck and swung for the fences on our first attempt. Picked two we liked and called both brokerages on Tues afternoon. This one (my preferred option) called back Wed morning, we chatted, I made the verbal offer, and the agent texted back in about two hours that it was accepted. Got everything signed today and sent to ROFR this afternoon. The other brokerage didn't call back until today (Thurs).

We're using Mason which we requested after the recommendations we read here and turned out to be their preferred Title co too. Bonus.

I greatly appreciate all the quietly collected info over the past few weeks and those who helped answer questions about our plan (buy Resale first then add on smaller Direct chunks to reach Blue Card - I suffer from FOMO).
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We bought SSR because of its quietness, proximity to Disney Springs, and availability last minute. The price was a factor obviously as it’s cheap so easy to use as SAPs too.
Post refurbishment it is lovely. My kids loved the studio we stayed in and the pools. My husband and I liked that it was still Disney bubble while having a calmness to it. It’s main downside is transportation as buses are your only option.
Im hopeful the treehouses will get as nice of a refurbishment as the buildings did. I think those will be great value for family vacations but they are really outdated currently.

After these posts, I went and looked at it and I think it looks nice!
I would have had fun with that. "No... explain it to me".

I once had a Broker (and I'd bet its the same one you had this experience with) tell me there was no such thing as Subsidized Vero Beach contracts.
I did dump all my knowledge back at them and said a lot of sellers willing to negotiate.

Might have been better your way 😂
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Just put an offer which seemed to offend a broker so much they asked if I even knew what DVC is. It's made my day 😂😂
I think they are going to add this in their signature very soon .. after all these low ball offers
I’m counting minutes when I will receive such a message soon!
I received another "scolding" from an agent as well for my low offer ($90/pt SSR). Had to tell them we already own multiple contracts and I'm well aware what the market is currently sitting at and what contracts are going for and that my offer stood as is. :rolleyes2
More info for those curious: Listed at $158/pt. Figured what the heck and swung for the fences on our first attempt. Picked two we liked and called both brokerages on Tues afternoon. This one (my preferred option) called back Wed morning, we chatted, I made the verbal offer, and the agent texted back in about two hours that it was accepted. Got everything signed today and sent to ROFR this afternoon. The other brokerage didn't call back until today (Thurs).
There might be a lot of older 2042 owners who can no longer make it to WDW, and just want to get ride of the contract they bought and held for a long time. I'm sure most are making a nice profit on their points from the original buy in, and have enjoyed a lot of nice vacations at WDW. Even though it is nice to get a market price for a contract, sometimes it is just better to get ride of it.
Just put an offer which seemed to offend a broker so much they asked if I even knew what DVC is. It's made my day 😂😂
Yeah these are the best to get. I've gotten the sellers to take down their listings by offering what I thought was fair on contracts. It has happened 2 times. I thought I was in the ballpark for some too. ha ha
Some of the broker interactions on here remind me of working with car salesman, where they get offended by people who do their research and present an offer consistent with the market.

I typically spend 3-4 weeks just emailing internet sales managers trying to get the best deal and I’ve received some responses back where they are personally offended with an offer until I send them a copy of the same offer from another dealer in writing and they backpedal.
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