Something About Nothing............ #14

Yes I am.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone...glad to see you still care.

Good to see you Vicki......

Should be sleeping but I took a long nap this afternoon, so now I am awake.
Nothing much going on here. Today I started working on an insurance problem that was supposed to have been resolved a year ago. Ugh!
Made some tentative lunch plans for Universal. Anyone else going to be there the same time as me? September 16-22.

I hadn’t thought about that. We always leave the phone charger plugged in.
You should have seen the look I got from B when I told her that cars used to have cigarette lighters and ashtrays. Almost as good as the look I got when I told her smoking used to be allowed ih hospitals.

I’m starting to feel sleepy so I will try to get some sleep.

Belayed birthday wishes to Tink.

It`s always amazing to think back to where smoking was allowed. I still remember folks being allowed to smoke on planes and they had a curtain separating smoking and non smoking areas....same with cinemas, one half was smoking and you could be sitting beside a smoker if your seat was on the split. Crazy and thank goodness that`s over especially in pubs and restaurants. We all loathe smoking with a passion.

Hope you got back to sleep.

Quiet night weather wise, looked nice when I got up but just after 6 and the rain is now on, think it`s to be on all day and winds supposed to be getting up. So no sunbathing today.......

Enjoying a cup of tea while watching the rain though and thinking what we need today which isn`t much, Tom said he fancied a quiche tonight so will make one today and the other half will do lunch tomorrow cold. Poached eggs for breakfasts and as we`re not meeting the gang for lunch today as most are away, think I`ll do us some kind of wrap, maybe cajun chicken with some salad. Food sorted for the day.

Lordy rain is bouncing down now, wondering if we do need to go out at all now!

I`ll have another cuppa and think about it, really shouldn`t get up so early, but it`s a habit I doubt I`ll ever shake. I do enjoy sleeping late on occasion and being all cosy, mostly in the winter though.

And it`s Wednesday again.........

(Hey Felicity, first meme is for you, hope your backside feels better today)




Have a wonderful Wednesday ☔

Ah yes, camel is here, so fancy and happy and here to wish all a happy hump of feeling Wednesday, as then Friday is a day away. Yay! Mid week already, and glad to see week going by, as that much closer to our end of month trip.

Tea, and two screens having that week day routine already up and working. Nice my DH likes to start the day early. And ooh who would think an early temp would be 58 degrees? Ah yes, the last day a cold front is hanging around. That and clear skies in the overnight, with it still in the low 80’s highs today, and past days. But yay, another day clear skies until late in the afternoon. Then the clouds return, partly cloudy Thursday and cloudy Friday, as does rain chances on Friday. But our 10 day forecast shows no start of a heat wave, and mostly sunny days.

And hope Charade got back to sleep.

And hope Tink had a very happy birthday with her family and friends.

And so, a most Wonderful Wednesday wish is sent to all.
saw a particularly scary one scurry down the drain in the bathroom earlier this AM. I postponed my shower. The mr just took his, coast should be clear by now.

for first time in ages, doing a Haunted Mansion matinee today. I really do need to rope somebody into seeing Barbie & Oppenheimer with me.

PSA: New health warning out, even one drink raises blood pressure. Changes the recommendation for those of with controlled HBP that one was fine.

Just once they are going to say something positive, ala eating bacon increases your life span

Vicki - hope you the fam are doing well :)

Charade - oh, that had to be some look from your DD. TBH I remember being surprised to see the vehicle still did come with a lighter when I bought it.

One of my DS had to drive a newer school van to transport some of his team to a special event located several hours away. He was shocked to see it did still have one in it. Promptly sent me an SOS to borrow an adapter to charge his phone on the drive, as his local $ store no longer sold them.
Another super slow work day today. We didn’t get any mail yesterday, so I don’t even have any payments to post. Our upstairs neighbors are being particularly loud today which is a little annoying.

Since I don’t have much to do I have been thinking ahead to my trip and what I need to bring. I ordered some smallish, inexpensive headphones to take on the plane. I have earbuds, but can never get them to stay in my ears.

I have 4 more hours to go at work. I think I will start working on the monthly invoices.
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saw a particularly scary one scurry down the drain in the bathroom earlier this AM. I postponed my shower. The mr just took his, coast should be clear by now.

for first time in ages, doing a Haunted Mansion matinee today. I really do need to rope somebody into seeing Barbie & Oppenheimer with me.

PSA: New health warning out, even one drink raises blood pressure. Changes the recommendation for those of with controlled HBP that one was fine.

Just once they are going to say something positive, ala eating bacon increases your life span

Vicki - hope you the fam are doing well :)

Charade - oh, that had to be some look from your DD. TBH I remember being surprised to see the vehicle still did come with a lighter when I bought it.

One of my DS had to drive a newer school van to transport some of his team to a special event located several hours away. He was shocked to see it did still have one in it. Promptly sent me an SOS to borrow an adapter to charge his phone on the drive, as his local $ store no longer sold them.

Crikey I`d move out too!!! Nope, don`t like spiders or any creepy crawlies really.......I`d run the water for at least an hour before I`d send Tom in....then I`d

Ah, there`s a way round that Janet.....if you`re on vacation, calories and bad things don`t affect you......bacon, alcohol....the lot......i`m sure it`s true :rolleyes1

Enjoy the cinema!!

Another super slow work day today. We didn’t get any mail yesterday, so I don’t even have any payments to post. Our upstairs neighbors are being particularly loud today which is a little annoying.

Since I don’t have much to do I have been thinking ahead to my trip and what I need to bring. I ordered some smallish, inexpensive headphones to take on the plane. I have earbuds, but can never get them to stay in my ears.

I have 4 more hours to go at work. I think I will start working on the monthly invoices.

I hate people being noisy when it`s so quiet.

I`ve never used earbuds, they don`t look overly comfortable to be honest and I may have odd ears, so I doubt they`ll stay in!

Can I say, I have never seen rain like we have today outside of Florida.....and in Florida it usually stops at some point! It has been solidly bouncing down since very early this morning and will still be going into the early hours of tomorrow, but maybe not as heavy from around midnight! It was so dark around 2pm we put the lamp on for a time, brightening up now but rain is incredible.

We went out for some fresh mushrooms and leeks for the quiche tonight, roads were already flooded in parts, so goodness knows what it`s like now, we were home by 9.15am. Got some housework done and made my pastry for the quiche, going to make the filling now and let it cool before adding it to the pastry.

Salad and coleslaw with it tonight, we serve it hot and keep half for lunch tomorrow ice cold.

Tom is through making us a pot of tea right now, I didn`t bake anything today which might be a good thing!!
Did i read coleslaw with dinner tonight?
Set another plate for me as I love coleslaw

It was gorgeous!! Home made today, very creamy but I did add jalapeno and diced cranberries after I shredded everything.....we like it fruity and spicy! Not for everyone but we love it.

Not sure you`d have liked the quiche as it had mushrooms in it, but next time will make you a chicken, bacon and leek mushrooms!! It is so filling though.

It`s still raining but just not as heavy as it has been for the last 14 hours.

Very full from dinner, a quarter quiche, salad and more than a tablespoon or three of coleslaw, it`s too lovely. No room for anything else except a cuppa or two!

And we have actually put the heating`s not cold as such, just feels a little cooler than it should be for the bliddy 2nd of August!!

Think we`ll pop the tv on and see if there`s anything on worth watching......doubt it though!
The infamous Primanti Sammies. :love:Often imitated, never duplicated. Made with vinegar based coleslaw, hand cut fries and mancini’s Italian bread. The chain is celebrating their 90th year in business

Shared spicey fried pickle spears, I got thru 1/2 of my capicola (on the left). The mr had roast beef & DS ready to dig into his burger version.

Movie was good too lol
Good Wednesday evening everyone :wave:


Your sewing sounds adorable too, it`s nice to have a talent, all the ladies that can sew, knit and crochet, I wish!!!
I finished the blanket. It is a tie no sew blanket. It turned out good.

Made some guacamole, creamy garlic and chive dip and a cilantro free spicy salsa, enjoying a little snack of spicy Doritos with the dips, will keep us going till dinner later. Love days like this.....👩‍❤️‍👨
Sounds like some yummy dips.

Yea! Shocking Loews could deliver the next day. May have to start my appliance search anew :). Got so disgusted with the shipping delays earlier in the year.
We were surprised too.

I found out today that an arrest was made in the murder of my friend’s brother. He had let another man, a friend of a friend, stay in his house in exchange for some work being done around the house. He later discovered that the man had stolen some tools and drugs from him. He had the man removed from his house and in retaliation the man killed him, burned the house down, and stole his truck. Looks like the ex-wife may not have had anything to do with it.

Horrific crime.

My sisters friend`s murderer was never charged with her death, but he was in prison for several other young girls murders. They knew he killed her though, but it felt unfinished knowing he was never actually sentenced for her brutal murder. I do hope there is proper closure for them though.
So sad when there is no closure for the Family. I often feel that if Justice is not done here it is done on Judgement Day.

The infamous Primanti Sammies. :love:Often imitated, never duplicated. Made with vinegar based coleslaw, hand cut fries and mancini’s Italian bread. The chain is celebrating their 90th year in business
I remember seeing Primanti’s on the food needwork.

Happy belated birthday to Janets son.


Happy belated birthday to the lovely Tink



May you have many more happy birthdays.

I was able to snag a spot for 6 house UMH Tour. There was a cancellation. That will be my woohoo Wednesday celebration. Can’t believe some of the tours are selling out so soon.

Have a wonderul Wednesday everyone.


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Pass the coleslaw please

lol.....will make extra next time! Coleslaw is one of my favourite things in the world....well, good coleslaw!!

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The infamous Primanti Sammies. :love:Often imitated, never duplicated. Made with vinegar based coleslaw, hand cut fries and mancini’s Italian bread. The chain is celebrating their 90th year in business

Shared spicey fried pickle spears, I got thru 1/2 of my capicola (on the left). The mr had roast beef & DS ready to dig into his burger version.

Movie was good too lol

That is some good looking food!!! I first saw that sandwich on Man vs Food and the lovely Adam raved about this sandwich, it did look good!!

And glad you enjoyed the movie!! I think we go Tuesday, I think it`s Tuesday to see Mission Impossible.

Good Wednesday evening everyone :wave:

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I finished the blanket. It is a tie no sew blanket. It turned out good.

Sounds like some yummy dips.

We were surprised too.

Horrific crime.

So sad when there is no closure for the Family. I often feel that if Justice is not done here it is done on Judgement Day.

I remember seeing Primanti’s on the food needwork.

Happy belated birthday to Janets son.

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Happy belated birthday to the lovely Tink
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May you have many more happy birthdays.

I was able to snag a spot for 6 house UMH Tour. There was a cancellation. That will be my woohoo Wednesday celebration. Can’t believe some of the tours are selling out so soon.

Have a wonderul Wednesday everyone.

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Yes, I think they would have preferred a conviction, but back then they didn`t have the same ways of finding killers, no DNA for a start. But, so many have the same outcome sadly.

Glad the blanket turned out well too. Hope you and yours are all doing good.

Rain has finally stopped. Certainly won`t need to have the lawns or plants watered for a time! More rain is forecast though for tonight and for the rest of August!

Slept as always like a rock last night, I have a few friends that do have trouble sleeping, or getting to sleep, thankfully (so far) it`s rare for me not to be able to sleep or fall over mum says it`s because I have a clear

Getting some items delivered today, so ordered some grocery deliveries too, I think Tom is nipping out for something or other, I forget what it is, but a day in for me. Not much to do around the house except inside of windows.....not a fun job, but they all need doing. Tom and I share the housework, he is very good at that, but I don`t let him near the windows!!

We`re going to have rolls with bacon this morning for breakfast, lunch is cold quiche with some coleslaw and dinner has still to be decided. Opened a new box of tea this morning to try it, not a fan, it doesn`t taste strong enough despite me brewing it for longer as advised, first one in a while I haven`t liked, so back to another old favourite for my first pot of the day. We do like a robust tea.

Catching up with some emails while sleeping beauty is still out for the count, so breakfast is at least an hour away yet, usually around 8.30 suits us for breakfast, can`t eat this early.



Have a wonderful Thursday!!​
City routine week day. Ugh. But enough clouds, was very dark out, and my car kept switching from high beams every so often through my close neighborhoods, didn’t once got into the city. Ah yes, quiet until later. Training right now. Two classes I’m streaming this morning. And tea made from bottle water.

And so, nicely cool enough inside, and more humid out now outside, good to stay hydrated. And a day to be.

Hope all enjoy some drinks, as it’s Thirsty Thursday. Hope today is fabulous for you.

And yep:
Good morning homies!
Looks to be a lovely day for all of us.

Rain might hit my area today but have no plans to go out today.
As long as I have ten dozen cans of cat food, the day will go smooth.

Yup it’s thirsty Thursday so enjoy!
But, i do get there :)

off soon to watch the husband fix a toilet at jr’s, take middle for some bloodwork, quick grocery store & pharmacy stop & the DMV with picture license hot in my hand…see you in a week lol

I finished the blanket. It is a tie no sew blanket. It turned out good.
Project Linus? jr did his senior service project with them, rounded up lots of fellow students too.
was able to snag a spot for 6 house UMH Tou
Oh, that’s great news! Did see some single spots When I last looked, discouraged, I gave up looking, guess I need to be a bit more persistent & restart the search.

have a great day all
Another slow day. It’s much cooler today, but we have rain again.
Dh was supposed to be in Williamsburg today. He wanted to take a quick getaway before classes start again in a few weeks. He was going to leave yesterday afternoon, but one of his crowns came out at lunch. The dentist couldn’t work him in until this morning, so he canceled his trip.

I need to find something to do. I’m about to fall asleep at my desk.
Good Thursday late morning.



Glad the blanket turned out well too. Hope you and yours are all doing good.
Thank you Carole. Hope you all are doing well too. We are hanging in here doing ok.

And so, nicely cool enough inside, and more humid out now outside, good to stay hydrated. And a day to be.
What did we ever do without airconditioning. So thankful to have it.

Rain might hit my area today but have no plans to go out today.
As long as I have ten dozen cans of cat food, the day will go smooth.
We got the rain last night and it gloomy today. So it might be on its way to you.
A little cat humor for you.



I laughed when I read this one……Country and Western Cat Band….LOL….Look at the cat in the audience and the one playing harmonica.

Oh, that’s great news! Did see some single spots When I last looked, discouraged, I gave up looking, guess I need to be a bit more persistent & restart the search.
I kept looking and a spot opened up. It showed up on online and I called. The agent looked it up and someone had canceled. It was a later time than I wanted, but I took it. It was the only day available while I’am there. Think talking up HHN all these years has come back to bite us old timers in the keister.

He was going to leave yesterday afternoon, but one of his crowns came out at lunch. The dentist couldn’t work him in until this morning, so he canceled his trip.
Hope your hubby gets his crown taken care of.

jr did his senior service project with them, rounded up lots of fellow students too.
What a nice project to do and share with others.

I checked out Big Lots the other day and they had some Halloween things out. The animated lights were awesome.



The big Jack Pumpkin head I had not seen before or the little Ghosts and small white singing pumpkins below.
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I blinked and it's been a week since I posted!!! I've been a little busy :rotfl:

Life is still rolling along here. Had a busy weekend puttering around the house and enjoyed the backyard as we had perfect outdoor weather! Even eat meals outside over the weekend.

WE installed the new appliances last night. My kitchen is still a disaster. We needed to move our pantry cabinet over. The opening was 1/4 inch too small to fit the fridge - so now to pick up an oak spacer - and then stain it blah blah blah. I also need to re-organize my cupboards as the new stove doesn't have the storage drawer underneath - where I had all my frying pans. I am thinking I will need to make a purchase from ikea for some extra storage thingy :rolleyes2 The joys of a small kitchen.

So far the weather today looks promising. The sun is shinning. Hopefully no storms blow in late afternoon like yesterday. The Barometer brain with our weather this summer has been testing me. Yesterday a migraine hit me hard mid afternoon - when I walked out of work I knew why. About 10 minutes after I got home - we had a strong storm roll through - with a weather alert for tornados :scared1: None happened - just heavy winds and rain rolled through - so that was good!

We are having a great time:
It looks like you had a great time!
forgot to ask, was it a monkey bread sort in a Bundt pan?
Kind of like that. I rolled it out and put my sauce toppings and cheese. Then I cut those into strips and layered them on top of one another. And Then cut those strips into more manageable squares. Then I layered them sideways into the pan and let rise for another 45 minutes before baking. If that makes sense. It was a great meal! I will definitely make again - only on a weekend or day off when I have the time to do it. It's easy - but the rise time for everything doesn't make it for a quick weekday after work meal.
We did pay extra for the braided metal water hoses that connect from the washer to the wall. We will never allow plastic hoses of any kind on appliances or toilet fresh water tano ever again. We had a bad experience with that many years ago.
We did too! Dh won't let plastic lines into the house either.
Who in the blazes takes a 5:30 am hopper flight ….
(I am not a fan for the butt crack of dawn set up.)
We do!!!! Especially if we are flying east. We take a red-eye to Toronto then down. There are very few direct flights here in the west going to destinations in the east. And it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's always a hard 48 hrs for us when we travel east because of that.
I found out today that an arrest was made in the murder of my friend’s brother. He had let another man, a friend of a friend, stay in his house in exchange for some work being done around the house. He later discovered that the man had stolen some tools and drugs from him. He had the man removed from his house and in retaliation the man killed him, burned the house down, and stole his truck. Looks like the ex-wife may not have had anything to do with it.
:eek: I am honestly speechless. I hope the family can get some closure and peace in the coming years.
Slept as always like a rock last night, I have a few friends that do have trouble sleeping, or getting to sleep, thankfully (so far) it`s rare for me not to be able to sleep or fall over mum says it`s because I have a clear
I am like that as well. It actually ticks off dh who doesn't sleep well. Although this age thing - and transition of life thing is interrupting it a bit - I will get back to sleep easily most night.
I checked out Big Lots the other day and they had some Halloween things out.
Those are some awesome finds.

Well, I should go track down some papers to sort again!

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning homies!
Looks to be a lovely day for all of us.

Rain might hit my area today but have no plans to go out today.
As long as I have ten dozen cans of cat food, the day will go smooth.

Yup it’s thirsty Thursday so enjoy!

Lovely days all round is a good thing! Hope you don`t get too much rain if it comes.

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But, i do get there :)

off soon to watch the husband fix a toilet at jr’s, take middle for some bloodwork, quick grocery store & pharmacy stop & the DMV with picture license hot in my hand…see you in a week lol

Project Linus? jr did his senior service project with them, rounded up lots of fellow students too.

Oh, that’s great news! Did see some single spots When I last looked, discouraged, I gave up looking, guess I need to be a bit more persistent & restart the search.

have a great day all

Your husband is so handy!!

I should brag Tom put up a new shelf in the utilty room today and hung a picture up in a corner of the room that looked empty!!! Yes, I know it`s not the

Another slow day. It’s much cooler today, but we have rain again.
Dh was supposed to be in Williamsburg today. He wanted to take a quick getaway before classes start again in a few weeks. He was going to leave yesterday afternoon, but one of his crowns came out at lunch. The dentist couldn’t work him in until this morning, so he canceled his trip.

I need to find something to do. I’m about to fall asleep at my desk.

Hope your day goes quicker and you find something to do.

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Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.

Find something to laugh about today. Humor is healthy.

I like those!

I blinked and it's been a week since I posted!!! I've been a little busy :rotfl:

Life is still rolling along here. Had a busy weekend puttering around the house and enjoyed the backyard as we had perfect outdoor weather! Even eat meals outside over the weekend.

WE installed the new appliances last night. My kitchen is still a disaster. We needed to move our pantry cabinet over. The opening was 1/4 inch too small to fit the fridge - so now to pick up an oak spacer - and then stain it blah blah blah. I also need to re-organize my cupboards as the new stove doesn't have the storage drawer underneath - where I had all my frying pans. I am thinking I will need to make a purchase from ikea for some extra storage thingy :rolleyes2 The joys of a small kitchen.

So far the weather today looks promising. The sun is shinning. Hopefully no storms blow in late afternoon like yesterday. The Barometer brain with our weather this summer has been testing me. Yesterday a migraine hit me hard mid afternoon - when I walked out of work I knew why. About 10 minutes after I got home - we had a strong storm roll through - with a weather alert for tornados :scared1: None happened - just heavy winds and rain rolled through - so that was good!

It looks like you had a great time!

Kind of like that. I rolled it out and put my sauce toppings and cheese. Then I cut those into strips and layered them on top of one another. And Then cut those strips into more manageable squares. Then I layered them sideways into the pan and let rise for another 45 minutes before baking. If that makes sense. It was a great meal! I will definitely make again - only on a weekend or day off when I have the time to do it. It's easy - but the rise time for everything doesn't make it for a quick weekday after work meal.

We did too! Dh won't let plastic lines into the house either.

We do!!!! Especially if we are flying east. We take a red-eye to Toronto then down. There are very few direct flights here in the west going to destinations in the east. And it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's always a hard 48 hrs for us when we travel east because of that.

:eek: I am honestly speechless. I hope the family can get some closure and peace in the coming years.

I am like that as well. It actually ticks off dh who doesn't sleep well. Although this age thing - and transition of life thing is interrupting it a bit - I will get back to sleep easily most night.

Those are some awesome finds.

Well, I should go track down some papers to sort again!

Have a great day everyone!

Glad you`re getting your kitchen organised. Even with a lot of storage, there`s never enough. I store everything away as I don`t like clutter on the worktops, except the obvious Kettle, toaster and microwave and things like that.

Yes we find travelling home East is much harder than coming out......

I think we`re lucky as we both can drop off in a heartbeat, but some of my friends struggle, so I don`t mention it often.....unless I`m being naughty of

Have a lovely day Pumpkin....

Lazy-ish day for us, Tom nipped out on his own for a few bits and came home with some lovely fresh shrimp from the fishmonger, so creamy garlic shrimp tonight for dinner, made up the sauce and added a little spice with some fresh red chillies, nice!!! Didn`t do pasta or rice, but today I made some jalapeno-cheddar bread which was ideal for dipping in that sauce!!

He`s making us some tea right now, we don`t want to leave the kitchen as the aroma is lovely from the sauce and bread!! Happy enough to sit through here on the sofas for a while.

Doubt we`ll need the heating on for half an hour tonight, it`s milder than last night.

Had a friend txt and ask what we`re doing idea was my answer. Not sure what she`s thinking with that.

Tea tray in front of me now and some cranberry scones buttered....perfect!!
Good morning! Hopelessly trying to catch up!
Charade cure needlepoint!
Lynne had a nice NYC day.
Robo gets new washer! What type did you get? Love Lowes. Got our dishwasher from them. Great service.
Good to hear Toms better. When my husband got a virus he was down for 2 weeks . It was awful.
Keisha great looking garlic. I’m going to try (again) growing some. I’ve saved some garlic from a friends daughters farm that I’ll plant. My first effort last year was not good. Bulbs were tiny.

Schumi I love those wrap around porches, they remind me of my aunts porch. They had a beautiful house built at the turn of the century and have childhood memories of sitting on that porch.

Mac I arrive at the butt crack of dawn lol! Look at it this way, you get a full first day! We take the red eye from west coast so our first day isn’t wasted. Otherwise if we take an early AM flight we don’t arrive at MCO till 5 or 6pm

Charade glad to hear an arrest was made. .

Mac I had one eye done and now vision is great. Oddly my other eye doesn’t have a cataract.

Happy belated to Tink! pixiedust:

I think everyone here would love a health advisory that bacon is good for you!

Pumpkin very brave of you installing your own appliances!

My countdown is 2 weeks! Started sorting thru clothes to decide what I’m taking. Pre-ordered my meal on flight. Going to make my pre trip mani-pedi! Lynne looking forward to meeting up with you! We should start thinking of lunch plans?

Today going to lunch with girlfriends at the golf club. Birthday celebration. Tonight going with my daughters and a couple of my friends to Barbie! I can’t believe how the shows are selling out!
Last Saturday we went to The Queen E theatre to see Aladdin. It was for my oldests birthday surprise. The show was great. I think Genie stole the show!

Checking flights and no schedule changes. Alaska Air rarely does with the exception of Covid times. I avoid Delta. For some strange reason every time I flew Delta it was a disaster. But a friend flys them regularly and hasn’t had problem!

Long Holiday weekend here for us. It’s B.C Day Monday. (British Columbia)


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