borrow points

  1. HairyChest

    This Is So Frickin Frustrating!

    It’s been like this for over 2 YEARS. You bought resale and you want to borrow points to secure that room that you’ve been stalking for months? TOO BAD! You need to call member services and hold for 1 hour so that the agent can tell you “so sorry it’s been taken already”. Frejdjdnfnrrhehdhfn!!
  2. m4tty_j

    Bank and borrow from the same year

    OK Bare with me. Is it possible to borrow some points from next year, and bank the rest for the year after? For example... Year 1 - 200 Year 2 - 200 Year 3 - 200 would become Year 1 - 300 Year 2 - 0 Year 3 - 300

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