1-17-04: Flyfly_Eclipse: Screaming, and Drooling (WITH PICS)


<font color=green>Manager of the DISBoard Ghostbus
May 18, 2003
Me, Flyfly_Eclipse, 16-year old Ghostbuster Drooler, likes to find ways to amuse herself
Mom, 47-year old who enjoys the Ghostbusters Show, and is obsessed with MIB.
Dad, 45-year old who can barely tolerate the Ghostbusters Show (but still can).
Aunt Mary, 51-year old aunt who is a huge Ghostbusters Show fan, despite only been to Universal 2 previous times.

So we get there around park opening as usual. My aunt, mom, and dad went over to MIB. I encountered Bev (phamton) on my way over to MIB a little while later.

I went on once before I met up with my parents. My mom told me a girl working there asked her where I was. We went on about 2 more times before we were sent to the side where this girl was working. As she checked our seatbelts, she told my mom, "I guess she hasn't caught up with you yet!" She then looks at me and says, "Oh wait! She's right in front of me!!!"

Mom and Aunt Mary went on again as my dad and I went on Jaws. It was pretty much walk-on. We got off and met up with Mary and Mom at Shrek. On my dad's and my way over to Shrek, we passed Kevin (DocBosch)! He was there with a girl and I teased him saying it may not be a good idea to take her to a Ghostbusters Show...lol.

Mary, Dad, and I went on Shrek via Express. Then Mom, Mary, and I went on Jimmy Neutron (via Express also). We were in the last row, which was pretty good, despite me not liking this ride all that much.

After that, the four of us ate lunch at Louie's. It was pretty good. While they were eating, I quickly ran over to get an Express pass for Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue (to ensure I could get my spot at the show).. After lunch, we all went on Jaws. It had a 15 minute wait, and so when we got on, we had a full boat.

Ohh this was fun!! I like to add to the excitement of the ride, but screaming and freaking out. In the middle of it, Mom, Dad, and Mary joined in. My screaming was so convincing that I made a poor little boy sitting behind me start crying (oops!!) and the people in the two rows in front of me turned around with amused smiles on their faces. Mom and Mary, who were on either side of me, would "cling onto me for dear life." In the boat house, my dad made muffled sounds of a person calling for help, right after the Skipper asked if anyone was there. It was hysterical!!!

Mom, Mary, and Dad went to see the Blues Brothers Show as I went to the Ghostbusters Show stage. Turned out, another GB Groupie was in my spot already...for the sake of literally 1 minute (she was still walking over as I got to the corner). I set my things down next to her and saved a spot for my mom and aunt. They finally joined me. Two guys from IOACentral came up to me. This was including IOAFreak13, who gave me a copy of Videomaker magazine, which was really nice of him!

We watched the show. It was hystercail! It was odd seeing only one "regular" GB (guy who's usually there). But all 4 guys did a fantastic job. Two I hadn't seen in months!!

After the show I told GIO4 that another GB groupie said "hi" (she posts over at UniversalIMHO) and then got my picture taken with them.

After that, I ran into yet another person from IOACentral, who was a HUGE fan of the Ghostbuster movies and cartoon. We talked until the next show. He left to go home, and my aunt joined me up front. After the show, I ran into a friend of a GB groupie I hadn't seen in months.

My aunt and I ran to Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue. I had given my mom the express pass, since I wouldn't have made it in time for the Express people entering. Meaning the potential of not getting my spot. So, we got there, and Mom, Mary, and I sat up front and center.

Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue was HYSTERICAL!!!!!! Something was different...this Beetlejuice...I had never seen him before. At the beginning of the show, when he walks around, he does a movement that GIG2 does during the GB Show (the one GIG2 does after the cowboy makes his boardway joke...as if to say it went over his head). That was the very first thing I thought of when BJ did that. So the show was continuing...being as good as usual.

Then came to the point where Beetlejuice introduces Frankenstein. He usually goes, "Ladies, watch your blood pressure, and try not to drool. Here is our Graveyard Idol, Bling Bling: Frankentstein!!" INSTEAD, he said, "Ladies, try not to drool, and watch your blood pressure....and WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THOSE IDIOT GHOSTBUSTERS!!!: Frankenstein!"

I have never laughed so hard!! And one other thing. Right when the monsters do their last number (I, wanna rock and roll, all night....and party everyday......) and Beetlejuice says, "And I'm---" and the Mosters go "Beetlejuice!" This time, BJ goes, "Watch it with the B-word!!" (ANOTHER Ghostbuster reference...the Beetlejuice in the GB Show says that.)

After the show, my mom went to save my spot as I went to the meet and greet. I talked to Wolfman and got a picture with him(who cares that I got one with him just 6 days prior?! lol)

I went to the third GB Show and got my spot. Mom and Mary then left to go to BTTF and MIB. I think my dad actually stayed, though in the back. After the show, I gave the cowboy and guy in red each a business card for my website.

After the show, I saw a group of 5 IOACentral people...2 were the two I saw this morning. I said "hi" and they asked if I had seen all the GB Shows so far. I old them, of course, "yes."

When there was still no sign of Mom and Mary, Dad and I walked around the park. We were pretty much back at the GB stage when they called my cell phone. They were in line for MIB, and would make their way over to the GB Show afterward. So, I went and saved my spot. The last show was great. After the show, I gave the guy in green a business card for my website. I waved "bye" to Beetlejuice and the cowboy. Would have said "bye" to the others, but they were literally surrounded by a flock of people.

I found out some great, interesting news, and some disturbing news. Neither which I can, nor will, post here. :( It's driving me crazy though!!! :p :p
Sounds like the perfect day for a GB groupie! Loved the part about screaming on Jaws. Maybe I'll get my son to try that on our next visit. He enjoys acting. It just occured to me--maybe he'll be a GB one day. I think he has the looks! Not just because I'm his mom, lots of people tell me we should have him modeling. But I digress. How about a PM with the 411 on the last paragraph of your report?
Well, okay...but only because I trust you to not mention it to anyone!! I know you wouldn't! :)
Great report as usual, and great pics too! But, CLAAAAARE, why did you even write that last paragraph? That's like telling the whole world you have a secret. NOW I WANT TO KNOW YOUR SECRET!!! If you didn't say you had a secret, I wouldn't want to know it. Too late. Now I'm losing sleep. And it's all your fault. Hope you're happy. Really. I mean it.
:teeth: Had to! Needed to drive you people crazy, because it was driving me crazy!!! ;)
Hmpphhh. Misery loves company?

Well, if you don't tell anyone, I'm going to have to guess.

Your exciting news is that you're going to Prom with GIO(1, 2? what one are we up to now?), but there's a rule that performers can't date fans, so it's got to kept a secret.

The disturbing news is that Barry insists upon chaperoning.
I will take your silence as an indication that I have guessed correctly...
LOL you're not quite....:p :p but you are right that it has to do with the GBs...that's all I'll say ;)
no, no...thankfully. the bad news is probably just a rumor and has little to do with the actual show. good news is great though :teeth:
Love your report FlyFly! That's hysterical about Jaws! I love doing stuff like that. My hubby and I went (without the kids) to Dollywood a couple of years ago and screamed like maniacs on everything and made crazy faces and gestures on all the rides when they take your picture. We had the best time.

I wanted to try to meet up with you Saturday but we ended up at IOA all day. The kids talked me into going on the water rides, then we were soaked and had to go back to the hotel to change. They wanted to swim for awhile then and I was still a little chilled from the soaking I got on Ripsaw Falls and Popeye so I sat wrapped up in a chair by the pool. I did finally talk my daughter into going over to USF, but we didn't get there until 5:30 and the last Ghostbusters show had ended so I wouldn't have known where to find you! I did see the Ghostbusters the next day. We had our pics made with them except you can't really see our faces because Beetlejuice jumped in the picture and tried to cover us up! Oh well, at least we can see the Ghostbusters. It was so funny...I felt like I knew them already because I have seen your pictures and read so much about them through your posts!
I'm glad you liked the show!!! Yeah, we left the park after the last show. Maybe we'll meet up some other time!! :) I'm guessing the you the good Beetlejuice...he was there on Saturday...he's great! Think you'll post the picture ;)
great report fly fly...you are making me more and more excited about my trip!!! even though we cant know the news...lol :teeth:
Great report! I want to go on Jaws with you and your family, all of you seem like you're a lot fun. :D
well...since we go so often, you just might find yourself on the ride with us one of these days. :teeth:


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