10/12 - 10/14 Columbo W/E


<br><font color=green>DIS Veteran<br><font color=m
Dec 18, 2000
Our Week-End (well, beginning)
10/12 - 10/14
DW, 11yo DD & 11yo best friend, & me

Arrived RPR Sun. 9:30 am and got our keycards (room not ready), took boat over and went straight to Hulk in IOA. No better wake-up ride in the world for us! Followed that up with Dr. Doom and Spiderman.
Weather is gorgeous, if not a little warmer than normal. Decided on JPRA for a cool-off instead of a good thorough soaking on Dudley. Don't like eating lunch when drenched anyway, and we knew that Enchanted Oak rib platter was just around the bend waiting!
Of course, a ride on Ice Dragon was in order first (Fire would have to wait as hunger won out). Can't say enough good things about the meals here. DW & DD split a platter, and I still get a leftover rib from them. DD's friend had a burger plate (more fries for me), so 3 plates & 4 drinks was about $35-$38 with AP discount. Even left one ear of corn untouched. Thought better of trying to trade it with other guests for more ribs.

Well, now too full for a coaster, so we head over to Seuss and ride Cat in Hat (yeh, let's "spin" on full stomachs instead!). Now, more than ever before, alot of the doors on CITH are operational. Even the hanging clothes in the closet would part as you neared them. This ride is so good there oughtta be a movie about it!
Stopped at the Pin Booth in Port Entry next. Attendant here is very friendly & she always remembers us. DW bought an HHN '03 pin (it was still up in the air if any / all of us would go that nite or not). She gave some tips for if we took the kids to HHN (ie: hold their hands & give a little squeeze when a "scare" was comin'; walk a few feet behind a group & stay in the middle of the path; forget about the houses / mazes! Turned out I would be the only HHN'er in our party later).
She even called RPR for us so we could check on our room (that little card you get with your check-in packet does appear to be a valid phone # afterall).
Thanked her for everything and off we went to see "what we got"!

DW had reserved a Standard for $109 and politely asked for an upgrade. Had the luck of the draw too, we got a 1BR Suite in Room 1301. Nickelodeon on the living room TV & NFL in the bedroom. Life is good!
Did our football picks just before kick-off and simply lounged out for the next hour or so.
By halftime, DW & girls were ready for pool and I was on my way back to IOA for many Dragon rides. Alchemy Bar was full of Buccaneer fans, so that was the game on their TV (thanks to all you Jag & Dolphin fans not showing up!). Didn't even consider asking for a channel change.
Up the hill to ride Fire!
I've got to say this about Dragons' Express, and I know it's been said lots of times, it NEEDS an attendant who gives a rat's patoot. He scans your card and that's it, his job is done. You actually have to size up everyone in the regular line you can take, if it comes to more than just their snide remarks. Nobody likes to be cut in front of, and that is understandable, but you're always outnumbered on this one. Besides, it's hard to merge into a line that's not moving! (On Columbus Day at about 3pm, only 1 set of trains were on... go figure.)
The lines were always past the Express entry this visit. Rant over.

Only got about 4 DD rides in during the entire 2nd half & into the 4pm games. Family met up with me in Lost Continent and off to JPRA we go. This ride is certainly making a comeback as one of our faves. Just had to lay off it for awhile on previous trips.
Quick info: Big doors open on cue; Ultrasaur looking good; T-rex slash good as ever; refreshing splash-down, like always!
DW & I cut girls loose to ride Dr. Doom while we grab a couple drinks at Backwater Bar. Very nice out on the patio there. We discuss HHN some more.... better not to take the girls this time. Maybe next year.
I'm allowed if I promise good behaviour tho!

We head toward the exit and do our good-bye kisses. They're off to the pool and that good 'ol Jake's take-out, and I fall in line at vacation services for my Stay & Party ticket. In & out in five mins.
Now, I'm no serious HHN vet by any means, but one of the spookiest things of all, to me, was when I headed back over to Lost Continent.
I took the shortcut next to Green Eggs and really started noticing the music playing. It was like circus / carousel music, but dragging some. Had some background noises mixed in too that I can't really define exactly. It's still broad daylite out, and I'm in one of the most colorful cartoon places on the face of the earth, and I'm getting the creeps.
I remember thinking "Something wicked this way comes"! Had to just pull up a seat on the wall and soak it all in for a few minutes. It was definitely one of those "had to be there" moments... glad I was.

After security finished their sweep of Lost Continent, I flashed my tic and entered Alchemy. Saw quite a few of the FLCC shirts in there, but no one I recognized. Watched a little of the football game until it seemed like the place was emptying out some.
This was the cue to go start hitting the open houses!
In a nutshell: Did Psycho Scareapy; Screamhouse Revisited; All Nite Die-In; 1 lap around the park; watched 5 mins. Infestation.
Enjoyed them all immensely, not gonna grade 'em tho. They were all great. Got everything out of HHN that I wanted & expected. Great job by all concerned!

DW took girls to USF with a plan of riding all rides and seeing all shows (been a long time since we'd done that). I made it there later for a T2-3D show and then departed for some IOA coasters, a store run, and back to room for a nap.
Housekeeping hadn't been in yet of course, so I couldn't get in full "sitting in my underwear eating chee-tos" mode.
First knock at the door was the dish collector (milk & cookies from nite before). Said he'd call for housekeeping for me. A few minutes later she came, so off to Jake's I go. Who needs a stinking nap when Jake's has all that Corona & bowls of almonds anyway?
Got that second wind going and ended up back at IOA for more coasters. As I pass by Mythos, which had closed at 3pm I think, I had a sudden hankering for a steak. Would have to seek one out that evening.

Did some Dragons (couldn't be many, mind you.... 1 set of trains) and Happy Hour for awhile. Stopped on the Dudley bridge later, with a pocket of quarters! I had cannon #4 and another guy had #5, had to be patient for the rare somewhat-dry people tho. Funny how some folks don't even have a clue!
Anyway, hit Doom & Hulk before heading home.

DW & girls at the pool. They'd accomplished their USF complete goal, minus a Nick Tour. (*Told me Curious George, Ball-Shooting room, & Woody's coaster were closed, if anyone's curious)

We went out to Motown Cafe for dinner.
Great environment, food was so-so. My steak was scrawny & the Motown fries weren't anything more than a generic brand of frozen-bag fries. Although, the appetizer plate of ribs & wings was tasty. Should've just ordered 8 appetizers of that!
It was our first & last anyway. Trying a new thing this trip wasn't a good thing!

Everyone slept in today. Got 2pm check-out and went for IOA. Hulk, Doom (girls), Spiderman, JPRA, and then lunch on the Burger Digs balcony.
Time was growing short so we headed over to USF for a final Shrek before check-out.

Really sorry we didn't get into Confisco this trip. We'll certainly hit it next month!
Any questions I can answer tonite when I'm looking at the park guides & check-in stuff.

Jim, another awesome report! I just love reading them, makes me feel like I'm there (wish I was!). The way you guys tour the parks and take in all the little things is great! I guess that comes only when you are able to be there as often as you are. Not a day goes by that I dont at least give a thought to moving closer!

The girls outings sounds like they had a ball! I'm glad you got to check out HHN and do all that you wanted. Sounds like fun if not a bit (LOT) creepy too.

What an excellent upgrade you scored...good deal!! About time too for you guys.:)

Good to know about Motown too, I hate it when we deviate to try something new and it disappoints. But if we didnt we couldnt find some new favs too! I'll remember to do appitizers only there.

Thanks again Jim, for writing, always a pleasure to read! :)

I wanna go NOW!!!!!!!!! Okay I feel better....NOT!:p

Great report. Thanks for sharing. I agree about Motown!!!!

Jess- The atmosphere is probably one of the best at Citywalk, but food is not bad, but not great!

Thanks again Jim!:D
Loved the trip report!! I have been waiting for one forever it seems.

Your description of the carnival music at HHN really gave me the creeps - I certainly couldn't have done it alone!

Glad you had a great time.
Thanks everyone-
Another thing about our visit I failed to mention, quite alot of British & Australian accents around the parks & hotel.
So it's good to see more folks getting out and about nowadays!


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