100 years of Magic- 172 DVD's


Jan 12, 2005
100 years of Magic- 172 DVD's.
Can anyone tell me if this is a legitimate purchase? If you google it, it's about 200 dollars for 172 dvds, but some are casper, tom and jerry etc. I doubt if Disney actually sanctioned this, can someone advise?

Thanks a bunch
It screams bootleg to me and I wouldnt touch it with a 100 foot pole especially since
a) quite a few are NOT disney movies and have no disney historical reference (i.e something they owned/partnered with at one time)
b) some mentioned are not referenced with the correct title of the movie
c) The numerous spelling/grammar errors within the listing
d) it's not for sale from any known legitimate provider (i.e amazon)
e) If they are calling it 100 years of magic they are either 10 years to late (and a lot of those titles were not available or existed in 2001 for the 100 years celebration) or 13 years to early as the company was founded in 1923!

If it sounds to good to be true.. It prob is


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