

<font color=green>We'll remember when...<br><font
May 13, 2001
Just returned from DW.. Was there from 9/9 thru 9/22.. I have to say this was the most "unusual" vacation I have ever experienced in my life! Not only did the horrendous terrorist attacks take place during this vacation, but I also managed to get sunblock in my eyes on our first day at the MK and couldn't see a blessed thing (ouch!); got food poisoning the next day (NOT on DW property); spent more time in a rain poncho in those 14 days than I have in all of my 51 years; got blisters on both feet; threw my back out; and came home with severe bronchitis and an "unidentified" virus that has left me with unbearably itchy red dots (similar to measles or chicken pox) from head to toe.. Other than that, it was a great vacation! LOL :rotfl::rotfl:

To get to the point at hand though, I want to go back again in 2 years and think I would like to stay at the Dixie Landings.. (Yes, I know the name has changed but I like the sounds of DL better - ha!) What is the LEAST that anyone has ever paid for a room there and how did they do it? How much do you think the cost of Disney Resort rooms and park passes will increase over the next two years? If I stay at DL am I still able to purchase the Ultimate Park Hopper passes?

Most importantly, throw some neat and creative ways at me that I can try to save up this money as quickly as possible.. Also - if I went during the first 2 weeks of December how would the crowds and weather be?

Thanks for any info you can provide!
Hi C.Ann,

Sorry to hear about your troubles on your last trip. We paid $89/night at the DxL this past May. My opinion is that the first 2 weeks in Dec is the absolute best time to go. We used to make every trip at that time until our son started school. The crowds are the least then. The only concern is the weather. Although the weather was great 90% of the time(mid-70's sunny) it can go to the extremes. One trip we had the temperture go from 85 degress to 29 in one day, so my advice is to bring warm and cold weather clothes.

As far as saving for the trip, you may want to check out the DIS Rewards Discussion Board. Although there is not a great amount to be made using reward programs, they can help with gift certificates and cash.

Good Luck
I have gone the first week of Dec. and it was great. The weather was good and hardly any crowds. Plus the christmas lights will be in place.
you poor thing! Hope you recover soon!
The best rate I have recieved has also been the 89.00$
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to still get UPH passes...
The money part...I would start with as much as you can and set it aside and
don't touch it...have a garage or tag sale, sell stuff on ebay...save all of your
change in a jar and glue it shut (we're doing that now)
Good luck!
How did you get the $89 rate? Do I need to be a member of the Disney Club or something? Also, what are the rooms like? Do they include a coffeemaker or no?

Been thinking of trying to sell things on e-bay or Amazon but don't have a clue as to how to go about it.. Looked at both of their web sites but couldn't make heads or tails of the information they provided.. (Must be the meds I'm on - ha!)
I just had to reply to your post after reading, "unidentified" virus that has left me with unbearably itchy red dots (similar to measles or chicken pox) from head to toe".
I had the exact same rash...woke up with it on the second day of our trip and it first appeared on the backs of both legs. First thing that morning I went to the First Aid station in Epcot. They told me that it was "concrete dermatis", an allergy to the formulation in the Disney concrete sidewalks. I was to keep cold wet compresses on it as often as possible (went from ladies room to ladies room throughout the day, wetting wads of paper towels). For the rest of the trip I wore long pants....it looked AWFUL, and didn't completely go away for another couple of weeks.
We also stayed at DL, and we just loved that resort. The theming is wonderful and I totally enjoyed the evening boat rides over to DD. However, we weren't able to get a discount and our rate was about $154+ tx per night.
Sorry about your trip... It stinks to have so many "unexpected events" Any one of them would have been bad enough!!!

Anyways, Regarding DxL, I'm pretty sure the lowest price I've ever seen has been the 89.00 rate. That rate is usually available with the annual passholders discount, but the AP discount is rarely available for December... but is this year... I don't think DxL has coffee makers in the room.... BUT Coronado Springs does (I believe it to be the only moderate with coffee makers)

As for saving now for going in two years... Buy your tickets now!! You'll save two years of increases...
Had the rash thing too but the red dot things were different as they were on the tops of my feet & bottoms of my feet (which were covered the entire time I was in FL with socks & sneakers) - on the tops of my legs (also covered) - on my neck, and even my FINGERS!! Really strange and soooooo itchy!!!!
You might want to consider an annual pass - then you'd be eligible for passholder discounts on rooms, if there are any. You could buy your voucher at the Disney store as soon as you can afford it. I get my room reserved as soon as the discounts are available (sometimes before, and then keep shopping) - I pay on it a little at a time so's it's all paid for before I go.
looking at mousesaver.com for there discount codes... They have different
specials going on for different states...so check it out there....
Also you can do as the above mentioned...used the AP rate....I haven't taken the
plunge yet...to do that...
Also AAA gives pretty good rates sometimes so check into those too if you
have AAA.

I haven't started selling on Ebay yet either but DH started up an account for us...
so when I get my act together I will let you know....
Oh, you could do a search on here and it will come up with all the threads that mention Ebay...I know people have given advice before....

PSS...I get that rash on my legs everytime I go to the World and it is painful...hope you are
feeling better!

I also got that rash--which started on my ankles and slowly crept upwards--the first time in July 2000. During that trip we also went down to Key West where it got worse. I think it's an allergic reaction to the intense sun's reflection off pavement. I went to the drug store (confirmed first with the pharmacist) and got Benadryl and 1% hydrocortisone cream and I noticed improvement by the next day.

For our fall and winter trips to WDW, I only got a slight rash and the hydro. cream cleared it up. But it started to come back in full force during this past July's trip because the sun is a lot stronger then. I kept it in check with the hydro. cream, lots of high SPF sunscreen and some cover-up make-up to help provide a barrier from the sun plus disguise the redness (I didn't want to wear long pants if at all possible). I tried to keep in the shade as much as possible. I think I only took one or two Benadryl as it tended to make me too sleepy. I managed to keep it from getting very bad and it cleared up quickly, once we headed for home.
I'm speechless! Ug! But goes to show what troopers the DISers are, an itchy painful rash won't stop 'em...

By any chance, could it also be an allergy to sunscreen as well? I found out I was allergic to PABA one summer when I used a sunscreen with PABA in it and I got an itchy rash with white bumps all over me. And I know there are other ingredients in sunscreen (and lip balm as well) that can cause allergic reactions. I know I for one don't have cause to use sunscreen/block unless I'm theme-parking, so an allergy like that wouldn't make itself known until I was in a theme park. Just a thought.
If you are staying two weeks, buy an annual pass! This is your best value and will get you a huge discount on your resort room wherever you stay and also give you a few other perks. Look under the AP info section on this website.

first two weeks of Dec is a great time to go.


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