12/4 – 12/5/05 PBH solo (day 2)


May 11, 2003
I got up fairly early, got ready and headed to the Gelateria for a bagel and a latte. Even though I had made coffee in my room, it just wasn’t enough. And I really like the coffee at the Gelateria. I also ended up in a long discussion with the cashier because I didn’t want any cream cheese for my bagel. She couldn’t understand how anyone could eat a plain bagel, so I told her how hard it was for me to lose those 15 pounds this year and I didn’t want the cream cheese messing things up for me. Fortunately she wasn’t the one who had waited on my last night when I had gotten the hot fudge sundae for dinner. That would have destroyed my “no cream cheese” excuse.

I slowly strolled to the parks by way of the Garden Walk. What a perfect way to start the day. I went to IOA first but I had to stop at customer service on the way into the park. I was paranoid that I had brought the wrong park pass. I was pretty sure it had one day left on it but wanted to double-check. I’d hate to be humiliated at the gate. Full of excuses why the pass doesn’t work and nobody believing a single one of them!

Fortunately, the pass did have a day left on it and I got into the park with no problems. The park was empty and stayed that way pretty much the whole day. All the CMs were bored to tears which is great if you feel like chatting. But I felt more like riding the rides.

First my two favorites, the Hulk and Spiderman. As always, they were wonderful and exhilarating. Then I wandered around and found a great spot for pictures back behind the The Olive. I hadn’t brought my camera so I made a mental note to come back later in the day for pictures.

I continued to wander and ended up at Poseidon’s Fury. I think it might be my favorite thing at the park. Ok, the Hulk is really my favorite. And Spiderman is #2. So that makes Poseidon’s Fury #3… but it’s all good.

Then it was time for lunch at Mythos. My first time eating there. I didn’t have reservations but was able to get a table right away. Like I said, the parks were empty. Mythos deserves all the hype. It was delightful. I had a lovely spinach salad (with a non-bacon dressing), the vegetarian pasta and more diet coke than one human being should be able to drink in one sitting. Everything was great but the best was the little dessert in the shot glass. What a great idea. I definitely didn’t have room for a big dessert so this was perfect. I think I had the cheesecake or something like that but it was wonderful.

The waitress was great but chided me for forgetting my AAA card. “You could have gotten a discount” she said. You’d think I’d know better by now. Oh well, what’s a couple of bucks. I’ll make it up at dinner.

After lunch I took the boat back to the PBH. Checked Email, voice mail, worked a little bit and rested for a little bit. Then I got my camera and headed back to IOA to take those pictures. Then I walked over to the US to ride MIB and Mummy. This is where the story gets a little weird and if I was telling it to you in person you might slap me for being so stupid.

Anyway, I couldn’t figure out the storage lockers. I normally don’t take anything with me to the parks because I love to just ride the rides but I had brought my purse so I could have my camera. And there was a lady there who couldn’t get her locker open. So I was panicked that I would lose all the stuff in my purse and just walked away.

The same thing happened at Mummy. I just didn’t feel comfortable with those storage lockers. Time was getting short (the parks close so early in the “off-season”) so I knew I wouldn’t have time to go back to the resort, drop off my stuff and come back. So I didn’t do anything at US. Shame on me.

Fortunately it all worked out great. I went back to the PBH and changed into my swimsuit and had the villa pool almost all to myself. Afterwards I walked over to the beach pool and spent a long, lovely time in the whirlpool. I felt like melted butter after that. The reason this is so special to me is that this was the first time I’ve stayed at the PBH when it was warm enough to go swimming. I’ve been drooling over that villa pool for 4 years and finally got to enjoy it!

Since I had used up so many calories swimming (yeah, right) I went to The Gelateria again but it was closed (another “off-season” negative) so I went into the gift shop and got popcorn, pop and some other treats for dinner. Another healthy dinner!

I spent another lovely evening in my room taking it easy. I may not have been able to do everything I wanted but I had been able to do everything I needed.
Enjoyed your trip report. We usually stay at HRH, but you make PBH sound pretty good!
i'm enjoying your trip reports! i am trying to finally take that solo trip i have been dreaming about. i was thinking that i would stay at HRH for the crowds because PBH was so deserted when i was there in september. i was also thinking of going in the summer (i like to have lots of people around). how was it being in the park alone? how was eating alone?


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