12 days

Patrick IL.

Dis Poster
Jan 7, 2001
My counter says 12 days:earseek: :earseek: I am so having trouble keeping that in mind, seems like 12 years....so many things happening at work, my coaching has started ect...It will feel good to get in the sun, warm weather and see so many friends! :) The trick is getting through the next 12 days....I suppose we will get there eventually. See you guys soon :teeth:
It's just so exciting, isn't it Patrick? I can't wait to meet the newbies and to see my old friends again :)
13 days left for me. I definitely know what you mean about all the stuff going on before DIS CON! I think it will be here before we know it though! :)
13 days left for me. I definitely know what you mean about all the stuff going on before DIS CON! I think it will be here before we know it though! :)
I'm having a hard time concentrating on the right now and what I need to get done before I go. I think the excitement has way hit me!!!!
I can't wait Patrick...lol. Good luck with coaching and everything.

Ten days for me, maybe eight days ifI can find a room.

Ray :)
12 days seems like such an impossibillity with Thanksgiving, Kelly's BD party, packing, laundry, yeah, yeah, you all know what I know!! Decorating for Christmas before or after? Wrapping BD & Christmas presents. Christmas cards. The lists are mind-boggling (well at least for this easily-mind-boggled DISer!)

I'm sooo anxious to leave though!!! :bounce: :bounce:
15 days for poopie, it's ok "Go on with out me" I'll hold the fort down and catch up with you guys. Of course you guys know the REAL perty doesn't start untill I get there anyway. lol

8 DAYS!!!

I am now officially entering extreme panic mode!


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