12 nts@ Hard Rock Hotel (Part Four)


DIS Veteran
Jan 5, 2002
Tuesday 19th (day 7) IOA


We left the HRH at 9.30am and walked over to IOA through the HRH car parking lot, which took around five minutes. We usually take the pool entrance route, but I was pretty eager to get over there and didn't mind the scenery. The HRH don't exactly encourage you to go through the parking lot, but plenty of employees saw us and didnt seem too bothered. Its a shame the HRH stopped people going throught the back of the Beach Club, because that was the quickest route before they made it employees only:


We got to the entrance to USF and Scooby and Curious George were there and Hannah was very happy to see them both. After the obligatory photos we then headed over to IOA.



Inside the entrance to IOA, we rented a stroller and were given two options: One with a steering wheel for $12.00 and one without for $10.00. To keep her occupied, we opted for the $12.00 one. Unfortunately in practice the steering wheel gets in the way of getting them in and out, but no big deal.



We then walked to the Hulk. Using the FOTL room card I walked straight on it. The regular line was around a 10 minute wait. When it came to Andrea's turn she was told it may be better coming back in a few minutes as they were in the process of adding a new car, so she went on Spidy and I managed to get some fairly good snaps of The Hulk. After Spidy, Andrea went on the Hulk. Again, no wait.







We then headed over to Seuss Landing and Andrea took Hannah on One Fish Two Fish.



Hannah managed to get a good soaking!


Andrea then took her on CaroSeussEl. Both of these rides had no wait.

We then went on the trolley ride. Hannah thought this ride was great, because we all got to ride it together and there was plently to look at.


For lunch we usually go to Mythos, but decided it was time for a change and went to Confisco Grille.


We were seated immediately. The service was great. I had a cheeseburger, Andrea had a pasta dish, Hannah had a cheese pizza and we all shared chicken stingers. The total was $47.00 inc tip :thumbsup2

Then it was off to the Lost Continent. The theming on this Island is incredible.




We stopped by to see Bob (Mystic Fountain) and he was up to his usual tricks!


Then into Discovery Center at Jurassic park to cool down and have a look around.



Jurassic Park River Adventure

We then walked around the rest of the park and then out to City Walk.



Then over to Bubba Gumps to take a look at this evening's menu:


We then got the boat back to the HRH (No wait). We arrived back at the HRH for 3.00pm. Hannah had a sleep for a couple of hours and we left the room around 6.45pm and walked over to Bubba Gumps.


There was a 10-15 minute wait, so we had a look around the shop. Despite the rest of City Walk being relatively quiet, Bubbas restaurant was very busy.


We were seated at our table and had a very nice server who explained how the system worked. Basically you flip the "Run Forrest Run" licence plate over if you want a server to attend your table. Being new, the place was very clean and it appeared to be very efficient, so first impressions were great, then we ordered our food and it all started to go down hill. I ordered Fish and Chips for Hannah. We had the popcorn shrimp and onion rings to start and the T-bone and Lt. Dans Drunken Shrimp for our mains. Around 15 minutes went by and they brought our food to the table, only it was our main course, not our appetizers. Then the person who brought it out tried to just palm it off on us anyway. I very politely told them to take it back. Another 15 minutes went by and our starters came out, then a couple of minutes later our main course came out. I explained to the server, that we hadn't even started our appetizers and she made out like it was a big deal to take it back. After finishing our starters, we waited another half an hour. The server said "because you sent them back, we have had to cook them again!" Our Main Course came up. My steak was rare and I asked for medium. My Jacket potato was hard and underdone. The server did come to the table and she apologised for the mix up, but by that time, we just wanted to leave and did. The check was also brought to the table before we had even finished eating our food, which I thought was rude? So, I asked for an AP discount (I never do this) and was given 5% off the check. The meal total came to $88.00. As always we still left a good tip (20%) because we felt the restaurant was having teething problems and it wasn't the servers fault. Later on we found out from other people at the HRH who have been to Bubbas have had similiar problems. One lady told us the server brought the wrong order to her table and when she explained that she didn't order it, the server started to argue with her in front of other people. If we go back to the HRH next year, I would love to try Bubbas again, but for now, we'll be steering clear until the teething problems have been sorted. It would be interesting to read other reviews of this restauraunt.


Popcorn Shrimp

Next up: MGM studios (fantasmic Dinner package), More HRH stuff, Margaritaville (Very Good) and MNSSHP.
I've really been enjoying reading your trip report...thank you so much for taking the time to post. :goodvibes Hannah is such an adorable young lady! The pictures you've taken are gorgeous!

I'm sorry to hear about your not-so-grand experience at Bubba's. Hopefully things will improve with time. :)
Great pics at the park and sounds like a great day, marred by bubba's
I am really enjoying reading your reports and I particularly enjoyed todays photos...they are brilliant
Shame about Bubba Gumps :sad2:
Excellent report ~ Shame about Bubbas, we are thinking about eating there in March. Hope it improves.


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