1964 Worlds Fair plate value???


<font color = red>Disney for Dopey and Dopey for D
May 9, 2001
I have a 1964 New York Worlds Fair plate on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being perfect it is a 10. It is brown and white in color . This belonged to my mom , she kept it packed away all those years . Mom passed away in 1995
and its still been kept packed away.
This passed Feb. I found myself in a position to be able to take my family to WDW for our first time . This caused me to remember this plate. It brought back many fond memories. In fact at the time in 1964 I was 10 years old and a new gold cadillac was being driven thru the grounds and people were swarming around it
and waving, it was Mr . Walt Disney himself and sitting up on the back seat with him (it was a convertable )
was Lucille Ball !!!!!! I ran after that car so fast ......
anyway when my Dad finally caught up with me i got womped..
Well it was nice to remember and tell that story again,
but I am very curious what the value of this plate is .
I dont think I cud ever part with it tho.....
I have checked on e-bay and other places and I never come across another like it anywhere.............

any help wud be appreciated...thankyou

7th dwarf
That's a great story. :D

I don't see a good market for plates in general on ebay. It seems right now there are more sellers than buyers which keeps the prices low. They're fragile, hard to photograph well and they usually cost a lot to ship - not a good combination for enticing buyers. I'd look at other sources like collectors' reference books and such, to get a more accurate figure. Just my opinion.
I also remember visiting the New York World's Fair! It was incredible, wasn't it?

My husband still has a souvenir pencil. It's one of those big ones, about 3/4 of an inch in diameter, and about 15 inches long. He lived in Queens, so his family visited often.

Teejay made some excellent suggestions. Tomart is a reliable reference source. Go to Barnes & Noble and see if one of their publications has this item listed.

Thanks for bringing back some wonderful memories. I remember riding a log flume for the first time, Small World, the Hemisphere (which is still there), the giant tire Ferris wheel, gosh! There was so much to see and do.:)

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