293 days and counting...


Jun 25, 2013
We are 30 days out from our trip!! So I decided to start a blog to share our holiday. It is called 293 days and counting, as that is how many days away our trip was when we first decided that we would go. http://293days.blogspot.co.nz
how exciting only 30 days to go. enjoying the blog.
Loved reading your blog, even more exciting as our tickers a day apart.
I think you will be at LAX the same day as my kids will be flying home, although they will be going to Oz:thumbsup2
Wow, the book is a great idea as they can keep looking at all the fun things in store. Sunds like a wonderful trip you have planned.
Your trip sounds wonderful, I'm sure you will all have an amazing time. The book is a great idea as sometimes I don't think kids really understand what is in store when planning a holiday - great they can go back and read it again and get excited some more
Thank you everyone, the book was a spur of the moment thing, I was just going to type up a quick itinerary for the kids but it sort of snowballed and turned into the book.

The aim is to update the blog as the trip progresses, but we will see what happens when the time comes.
Looks like a fantastic trip. And your hotel in LV looks like the same non-gaming apartments we stayed at which was fantastic. Let me say that the walk between the towers and the main Casino hotel is longer than you think! All undercover and part of the structure connecting them though.
We have been home now since Sunday, and slowly getting back to normal.

My blog isn't finished yet, but I am slowly updating it with more posts. I think I still have about 5 days left to blog.
Off to read your blog this evening. It's always hard coming back to reality after a holiday, I console myself by starting planning for the next one :)
I've just read through all your updates (the benefits of being sick...)! Looks like you had a great time :thumbsup2 What wonderful memories and some great photos! I can't wait to read about the last few days of your trip and see your photopass photos :goodvibes


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