50th Anniversary Touches All Over - Pics


Staff member
Dec 15, 1998
Disneyland is looking so nice for the 50th anniversary, and it's hard to hide all the touches before the grand opening on May 5th. I've included links to articles about some of the 50th celebration.

There are gold accents on Main Street that makes the whole street just glitter and shine.

The Opera House will host the exhibit Disneyland - The First 50 Magical Years, and has been spruced up.

Tinkerbell transforms the gaslamps to gold with her pixie dust.

There are 51 Mickey Mouse 50 Logos throughout Disneyland - some are obvious, and some are subtle. I've taken pics of the more obvious ones -- you can click on some pics for a bigger pic or close-up.

The front of the Main Street Train Station


The train station facing Main Street.

Town Hall





Speaking of Adventureland, I was talking to a CM - David - who is a skipper, and he told me that they are adding new animals to the Jungle Cruise, and the waterfall will be different, too. So this will be a new experience on May 5th.



New Orleans Square


Critter Country

Certain attractions that are considered to be the original ones when Disneyland opened will have a gold car in commemmoration turning gold for the 50th anniversary. Here is a picture of Dumbo - one of the elephants is covered, and will be unveiled on May 5th.


Happiest Faces on Earth

Disneyland has taken thousands of photos submitted by guests, and turned them into collages to create giant pictures. These photo collages all all throughout Disneyland. Click on some of the photos below for a different perspective.

Sleeping Beauty's Castle Will Shine for the 50th

Wonderful pictures..... Thanks for posting them.

Can't wait to see it all in person in the fall!

---Paul in Southern NJ
Thanks for the great pictures! We still have 105 days till we go. I can't wait!
Some of the new Disneyland bricks lead the way to the Disneyland entrance. Here's a pic. Click on it to see a closeup of the brass logo.

Mary Jo, thank you soooooo much for posting these pictures! They are wonderful! I wish I was going to be going to Disneyland this year, but at least I get to see what is going to look like through your pictures and the pictures my parents will take in June!
Thanks again for posting the pictures. Only 36 more sleeps until I get to see it in person! WHOOOO HOOOOOO :Pinkbounc
Yes, thanks MaryJo! You must live 'round the corner, eh?

I enjoyed the photos..........
Thank you so much Mary Jo - this is all so exciting. :banana: It's exactly 100 days today until we leave for our first trip to California and Anaheim - I just can't wait!!!!!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Let me add my thanks too! We arrive in 19 days!

Are those bricks still available for purchase? This was the first I had heard of them.
Great Pictures! Thank you so much for taking the time to post them! :flower:
Thank you soooo much for the cool pics!

Really can't wait to go now :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
thanks.. I am so excited just seeing the pics... can't wait for our turn to see the magical DL
I recently went to Disneyland (Sunday, May 1st and Tuesday May 3rd) and I took some more pictures of the collages. :goodvibes They are really amazing.

My favorite so far is of the Nautilus from 20,000 Leagues under the sea. They also have ones of Snow White, Buzz Lightyear, Alice in Wonderland, Ariel, Pocahontas, Mulan, Cinderella, the Hitch-hiking ghosts, Hercules, Beauty and the Beast, It's a Small World, Mickey for Mayor, Donald for Mayor, Mickey's Trailer, Malificent as the dragon, Sleeping Beauty, Woody, Jane, and Fantasmic.

If anyone sees a collage that I missed, please let me know.

Also, Mary Jo I have a question. Do you have any clues as to what is going in where the submarine ride used to be? When I went there yesterday, all the water had been drained out.

Tomorrow's the big day. :banana: Go 5oth!!!! :cheer2: Hope to see you there. :wave:
A local morning news program is at DL on the 4th (as with many other news organizations of course) and I recorded the show from 6:45 until 10am and I am now watching it (monday eve) and all the bits about DL!!!! It is great! I am seeing some of the parade, interviews with special cast members, etc. I love it!!!!!

:cheer2: :wave: :banana: Go 50th Celebration!
Here is a link to some of the collages that I mentioned earlier as well as some other pictures.

My pictures

When you get to the page, click on a number and it will take you to a picture.

It's a plain page, but I hope you enjoy the pictures. ::MickeyMo
These photos are just magnificent TeachSPED!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOOO much!!! Do you have others of DL? How am I ever going to wait another 97 days until we leave for Ca?????
Great pictures, Mary Jo! Is it October yet? And will you come be my personal tour guide for my trip?

Thanks for making me more excited for my trip :)

TeachSPED, your pictures are awesome!!!!!!!! I loved the pictures of the collages, I liked how you got the whole picture of it and then a close up( so you could see some of the pictures~who is in them)! I tryed looking to see if I could see any of the pictures I sent in, but had no luck. I hope Disney sends me an email to let me know if they did use my pictures!
I've been doing research on the 50th anniversary celebration now that I know we are going to DL next June and I came across this post. The pictures are all so awesome. I can't wait to see all those Mickey 50s in person!! I don't think I am going to show these to my DD or tell her about them but let her be surprised when she sees them, she will think they are so cool! Are the Mickey 50s just in DL or are there some at the Disney hotels, DD, or DCA? We are staying at the GC!

I just realized as I was typing this that our trip is 9 months from today!!



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