A couple interesting ?'s About HHN!



Well, I was just on the HHN website and it states that the closing time for HHN on Friday and Saturday is 2 and every other night is MIDNIGHT!!!! Is that true? In years past, it has always been 1. Also I thought someone else said that it would just be for opening week. Well also on what days is the Ooze Zone (??) open. It says select days. And finally, for years past I have ALWAYS gone on the Thursday, this year it is the 18th and there has been absolutly no people. This year it seems that everyone is talking about going on this night. Does anyone think that it will be pact. Please answer. Thank you so much!
Ive always gone on this thursday of October and it has never been bad. I think that there are a couple of people from this board that are talking about going on this night but thats just this board. I really don't anticipate it to be that crowded.
10/18/01 BABY!! I Cant Wait!:jester:
I remember all non-peak nights always ending at midnight years past. Maybe they have always been sheduled to end at midnight, but actually close an hour later.
All non peak nights end at 12. All peak nights end a two.
I havent really heard any trip reports for HHN. Has anyone gone yet? I only recall one on this web site, plus a number of complaints about the bil and ted show. I want to know how it was this year. I work for a ticket master outlet and there are people comming in buying tickets for more days. They are saying that this years show is ALOT better then last years. Can anyone agree or rebut on this? I would like to know for I am going up there on the 26th. Any trip reports about the event would be cool, but try and keep the spoilers down.


YODA-"Always two there are; no more, no less; a master and an aprentice."


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