After 5 Weeks, He Has Showers & Electricity Again!!


Proud Mom of a United States Marine
Feb 16, 2000
After 5 weeks in Iraq using Baby Wipes to keep himself clean, Bobby and the rest of his Marines are now back in Kuwait. :bounce:

They were transported by helicopters - taking the scenic route over Baghdad, the Tigris River and parts of Iran before bringing them back to their base in Kuwait.

They got their first showers in 5 weeks and a hot meal last night, complete with COLD drinks and ice cream. :D

Life is good!!;)

Still no word on when they'll return to California, and eventually Indiana...but right now, I'm happy with Kuwait.

I think this is a Mother's Day I'll never forget!!!
That is wonderful!!! Glad to hear that they are back in Kuwait and enjoying some of the finer things in life. That is a great Mothers Day gift! :)
Great news Patty! Now that he's back in Kuwait do you think you'll get another call?
Wow, so glad he can now have all the things I take for granted everyday. Again, please relay to him a great big thank you for a job well done!

Happy Mother's Day to You!:D
Wonderful news. I suspect those showers felt really good.

Have a great Mother's Day.
That news started my day off with a small and a warm spot in my heart. Those guys did one FANTASTIC :Pinkbounc :bounce: job for their/our country. God bless them all and hope they all get home to there families real soon. :D


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