Airline Rules - Help needed regarding delayed flight


Tagless and bitter about it
Aug 20, 1999
Could someone please tell me what the rules are on delayed flights. I seem to remember a rule stating that if the airline does not get you to your destination within 2 hours of the original time, that you could be reimbursed or receive credit for future flights. Anyone able to fill me in here?
If that's the case, then I'm tempted to go back and figure out how many times I've arrived late on flights. Heck, I could have enough credit to get my own airplane. :D

To be honest, I've never heard of a rule like that. I can't imagine that any airline would have a rule like that and I would imagine the airline industry would lobby HARD if Congress or the Dept. of Transportation tried to impose such a rule. If there is such a rule, no doubt weather and other acts of God would be exempt.
Sounds like you might be thinking of the rules for when you are holding a confirmed reservation and are involuntarily bumped from your flight. I don't know all the ins and outs (many are specific to your choice of airline), but here is a site that may help answer your specific questions:

Once you get there, look for the link (on the left side of the page) entitled "Rules of the Air".


edited to correct link
Keep in mind that each airline has differing "rules" they follow. We just returned from WDW in May on United. We volunteered to be bumped in exchange for 2 free round-trip tickets plus a meal voucher. On the next flight, we volunteered again for a free hotel room and meals (dinner and b'fast), plus 2 more tickets. We probably could have done that for several more days (a huge medical convention just ended in Orlando the day we were going home and every flight on United was oversold).

There are differences between being voluntarily bumped (like we were) and involuntarily bumped.

As for delays, unfortunately, that's a fact of life with air travel these days. Airlines don't have any obligation for most delays, although they may offer something (like a meal voucher) if you ask.

Best tip: Always politely ask the gate agent what they can do for you. Sometimes they will do nothing, but sometimes you may be pleasantly surprised at what they may offer.
It depends 100% on why you are delayed.

If there is bad weather (and remember, even if it's fine where youa re, and fine where you're going, your plane might be coming from someplace it's not!), you are entitled to nothing.

If they've decided to cancel your flight because the King of Umblethwart wants to charter the plane and pay them $3 million for it, and they can rebook you on another flight(s) which get you in within two hours of the original arrival time, even if it means that instead of a non-stop you change planes twice, you get nothing.

On the other hand, if King Umblethwart charters that plane, and the options they offer you get you in two or more hours late, you are entitled to compensation which varies from carrier to carrier and the amount of time you are delayed. That compensation generallys tarts at vouchers worth $200, and goes up from there. BTW--You can always demand your ticket purchase price back in cash, and they have to give it to you.

Back in February I was on US Airways from Las Vegas to Newark with a change in Pittsburgh. On arriving in PIT my flight to EWR had been cancelled, as they decided to take the plane out of service for maintainence. They offered to put me on a flight to LGA then bus me over to EWR. That wasn't going to happen. Then they offered to put me up for the night in PIT and put me on the first flight to EWR the next morning. No dice. They offered me a flight on a competitor that I consider up there with Aeroflot. No way. I ended up on a flight to PHL and DH was able to pick me up there (I live 1/2 way between EWR and PHL, so it sisn't really matter). If I hadn't done that, and had ended up with one of the other options, I would have arrived over two hours later, and would have been entitled to compensation. I just wanted to get home :)

Are you talking about when they change the time of your upcoming flights? If the airline changes your flight any more than 4 hours from what you reserved you can ask to change your itinerary all together... (or something like that), but weather delays, equipment delays & stuff like that you get nothin'!!!


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