alien encounter

It's a theater type show, but you are strapped into your seat. It is very dark and very loud. At one point the "alien" "breathes" on your neck. Recommended age is 7 or older. We are taking our almost 9 year old for the first time this summer. Every other year I think it would have been too scary.
There are posts from time to time about 'scary' having different meaning for different kiddos..
I totally agree. Even tho I find some of the animatronics and special effects in AE to be entertaining, my two boys (7 & 9) have both told me they would rather stay at the hotel pool than go to MK if they have to ride that 'thing'. So... probly a lot of kids are not upset with acid drooling aliens stalking around in the dark... but my guys, they say they'll pass (for now).
As someone who does not like to be scared (ie I cover my eyes during horror movies and NEVER go to haunted houses), I have to say I really did not enjoy it at all. Even though my mind knew it was all make-believe, it just really creeped me out to have that alien breathing down my neck. Plus it's very dark and when the alien supposedly escapes, you can hear him walking around and such. Just the thing to freak out those of us with active imaginations. Then I think there was some kind of jolt or something at the end that was also quite startling, I can't really remember it's been a few years.

As an adult, I was able to laugh when it was all over, but my heart was beating quite hard and I can't imagine young children, say under the age of 10 at least, going on this and not being really frightened. Of course, your mileage may vary, and all kids have different tolerance for this sort of thing, but that's my experience.

My 7 year old son has absolutely no desire to try it. My 9 year old daughter, on the other hand, is a little curious about it, so I imagine I'll be giving it another shot sometime within the next couple years. Yippee for me, I can't wait. :rolleyes: LOL!!
Yes, it's scary.

My own experience was being seated between my wife and a woman I had never met. By the time we got out, I had both their nail prints in my arms.

Would I go on it again? Yes, but only with a long-sleeved shirt :)
Personally, we are going to pass on this. My DD will be nearly 12 & 9 and there is NO WAY my 9YO will go on that ride.
I agree that it's <i>very</i> scary. I do like it, but I read about it and already knew what to expect the first time I rode it. If there is any doubt in your mind, at least ride it by yourself first before taking your child on it.

Some tips to make it less scary--sit up straight when the shoulder restraints are coming down and you won't be as squeezed in. And if it gets scary, lean forward. The special effects mainly come from the back of your seat.
George C that sounds like some good advice! LOL!

I've heard some very "colorful" language being used in AE by frightened guest! :eek: That might be reason enough not to go in! The whole thing creeps me out too.TOT I could ride all day and so can Erich who's 8,but he has no desire to do AE either...whew TG for that!
DON'T GO ON IT!!! I went on it ( I'm 13 ) It didn't really freak me out until the part where they strap you in and turn the lights off. It was pretty cool, but then the alien breaks through the glass and it got scary from that point on! I was screaming my head off and crying. Thank god they were having technical difficulties and the ride stopped half way through. I had a sore throat from screaming so much. Little kids were in there and after they got off they were balling their eyes out. I would not recommend it for kids ( or teens ) or for that matter anyone. It is WDW's scariest ride! :p
but I had read elaborate descriptions of it before I ever went on it. It was scary, but I was expecting it to be scarier, given the extremely vivid reactions that it evokes. I *also* was expecting the alien to be THE Alien, from the Alien movies, so I spent much of the time other people were freaking out sitting there going 'THAT's not what the Alien should look like!'

That said, I would *definitely* be careful about taking children on it. Riding first by yourself to gauge it, as someone else recommended, is definitely a good idea.
When the lines were loooooooooooooooooong and AE had a short line, ds and I went on it. BIG MISTAKE! I closed my eyes the whole time once the lights were off, I hated it breathing down my neck, the lady next to me and I were total strangers but ended up talking to each other, and my ds who was one month short of being 9 at the time says he'll NEVER go on it again! :eek:
Thank you for all your replies. I would never take my kids ( 6 and 9) on it. They are definitely not the courageous type and I think they would be scarred for life. LOL. I'm wondering if I, a 35 year old self-proclaimed chicken, would be traumatized for life! I have to admit, I am curious, though!
It does not take much to scare me. I am 32 years old and do NOT like to watch horror movies. My imagination runs wild. Hubby and son wanted to do Alien Encounter. Of course I had to do it too to keep this a "family" vacation. The lights went off and that THING broke loose. I freaked. Had my eyes closed the whole time (as if it mattered since it was pitch black dark in there) and head balled up in my chest and my hands were clinched on the shoulder harness as tight as I could get them. The noise of that person being attacked above and breath of the creature on your neck and the dripping (what was to be blood) on your body was more than I like to experience. My 7 year old (at the time) was fine but I was not. I will never do this again.
I think you have to be "suggestible" for AE to work for you. It did nothing for me. It didn't scare me, and it didn't interest me. I don't like being restrained except on roller coasters :-), so I won't be going on this again until one of my kids wants to try it. And they don't want to. My 10yob wants to see the pre-ride with Skippy, but based on descriptions in guide books doesn't want to do the actual attraction at all.


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