All of My Credits, Installment number 3


Sufferin' Succotash!
Jul 14, 2005
And yes! The third installment. There's not much to say here, but I'd like to mention that the ending song is a series of excerpts from "Tonight." Enjoy!

(The All of My Credits theme song fades in as the set fades into view. The scene is a beautiful house’s front lawn. There is a coach bus parked in the street, and VMK_Willa is ready to board it. VMK_Fern and VMK_Runo are standing behind her.)

Willa (crying): But mom!
Fern: Willa, I told you…
Willa: But I want to go to college!
Runo: Please, Willa. We can’t afford more than your first two years. College is so expensive, and with the new house and your brother’s wedding…
Willa: But I can do it!
Runo: Please, college is so expensive- and with your student loans and those pricey college lunches…
Fern: And school trips,
Runo: Senior rings…
Willa: Please! I want to go to college!
(Runo and Fern exchange glances, and there is a pause.)
Runo: I suppose if you get a job and work very hard…
Willa (with tears of happiness): Thank you daddy!
(Willa runs onto the bus and the scene fades to darkness. The All of My Credits theme plays and a commercial comes on.)

(The All of My Credits theme fades in with the new scene. The set is a college campus. There are several stores in a plaza on the left side of the set and grass and trees on the middle and right sides. A cardinal is perched on the bottom branch of one tree. Willa is sitting on a blanket on the grass, doing her homework. A boy approaches her. He wears a pirate hat and eye patch.)

Boy: Hey.
Willa: Hi.
Boy: Care if I sit?
Willa: Sure! And who might you be?
Boy: My name is Baby.
Willa: That’s a strange name. My mom has a strange name, too.
Baby: And what’s her name?
Willa: Fern.
Baby (with a gleam in his eyes): Your mother is Fern?
Willa: Yeah. I wish she’d let me go to college without having to slave away at my 3 different jobs. That reminds me, I have shift #1 in an hour.
Baby (with a sly grin): You seem like an intelligent girl. My… employer gives me a lot of money; I would happily pay for the rest of your college years.
Willa (skeptical): There’s no catch?
Baby: No, but I’d like to meet your parents. You know, to discuss business and stuff.
Willa (excited): I’ll call them! They’ll be very happy to meet you.
(She takes out her cell phone and runs offstage.)
Baby: I shall be very happy to meet them, too…

(Fade to black. An ominous version of the All of My Credits theme plays. Another commercial break comes on.)

(After the commercials, we find Runo and Fern at their dinner table.)

Fern: I’m happy Willa decided to go to college. She’s an intelligent, hardworking young lady.
(The doorbell rings.)
Runo: I’ll get it!
(Runo opens the door, and Baby is standing outside with Willa right next to him. Baby whips out a badge.)
Willa (surprised): Wha?!?
Baby: Fern, you’re under arrest.
Willa: Baby, what is your job and who is your employer?
Baby (with a menacing grin): I am a mercenary of Yavn.
(Runo, Willa, and Fern gasp.)
Runo (standing his ground, confidently): Willa, run!
Baby (offstage, yelling): Stop her!
(The camera follows behind Willa as she runs through the house. She goes into the backyard only to be met by Host_Caffdawg and Host_Hula, who has her hair in a towel. She is obviously obsessed with her hair.)
Caffdawg (confidently): Where do you think you’re going?
(Willa, Caffdawg, and Hula are all teleported into the ‘pending for deletion’ room. The camera goes back to Baby, Fern, and Runo. They are also teleported.)

(The new set is the ‘deletion’ room. Yavn is surrounded by his army of “mercenaries.” Lily still hasn’t been deleted yet.)
Yavn: Fern, you dare go against the law of yavn? (His voice is growing in fervor) You shall pay for your insolence!
(Runo disappears.)
Fern: No!
Lily: You monster!
Yavn (booming): Had enough, Fern?
Willa (crying): Mom… what is he talking about?
Fern: When your father and I were younger, oh… Runo was such a hunk…
Willa: MOM!
Fern (blushing): Ahem. Sorry. Well, your father and I were spies against Yavn. We led the Anti-Yavn Strike Force.
Willa: And how come I didn’t know about this?
Fern: It wasn’t successful…
Yavn (slyly): And why was that?
Fern (embarrassed): It only had 3 members.
Willa: What happened to the third?
Fern: She found out that there were no healthcare benefits, and quit.
Yavn: Fine. We shall have a trial.
(Once again, the cartoon courthouse appears with the same yavn clones.)
Yavn (judge): GUILTY!
Willa: Yavn, I’d like to make an appeal.
Yavn: We don’t look at those.
Willa (calmly, yet threateningly): Shut up and listen to my appeal.
Yavn (growing in height and volume): You dare talk to me like that?
Lily (to Fern): He uses the word “dare” a lot.
Yavn: You people are worse than the VMK Fansite.
Fern: Our pleasure.
Runo (only a voice): Hello? I’m awaiting an appeal.
Yavn: Nah, we don’t look at those.
Lily and Mercenaries: Yeah, he doesn’t look at those.
Runo (voice): Ok then, we’ll just delete all of you and get it over with.
(Fern and Willa disappear. The Mercenaries cheer.)
Yavn: Gee, that was an abrupt ending.
Baby: Yeah, and there was no song.
Hula: Let’s sing a song from Hairspray!
Mercenaries: No!
Runo (voice): Fern and I will sing.
Mercenaries (groaning): Awwww!

Runo and Fern (voice, singing):
Only you, you’re the only thing I’ll see forever,
In my eyes, in my words and in everything I do,
Nothing else but you

Runo (singing):
Always you, every thought I’ll ever know,
Everywhere I go, you’ll be.

Runo and Fern (voices, singing):
For here you are
And what was just a world is a star

(The All of My Credits theme plays and the screen fades.)
Nice, the best episode of the three. It Was Awesome!

If you could some how put me into a cameo role I'd really like it
So is Hula a good or bad guy? And what happens to Runo? Is it that he turns evil or something?

Side notes:
- Lily has no lovelife.
- Runo was a "hunk"
- Dont trust Babies ;)
lol I wondered when people would start asking for cameos :lmao:
Nice job! You're really good with the screen play stuff, maybe you should consider getting some sounds people to help make a podcast or something. That'd be dabomzors (awesome)!
Note to self. Never post a screenplay when somebody who is better at it has one too

LOL. Part 2 of mine is getting like no pupblicity but I'm good If I get a cool cameo performance soon.


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