An Alphabetical Stroll Through Bali and Australia/+ a Bit of Philippines- M is for Morning Stroll Through Ubud City (6/1)

What a gorgeous photo-filled update. It’s made my Sunday morning positively serene :goodvibes
I love that you took the time to speak to a local and learn from him about their traditional celebrations.
I thought my high school was lovely ( convent educated Irish girl here ) but it wasn’t a patch on the one you visited. Simply beautiful.
You really are getting quite the collection of birds this trip.
Looking forward to seeing where your travels take you this day.
I'm so glad you're enjoying the photos! It was such a pleasure to take them and bring them back to share.

I do love learning about where I'm traveling and hearing different perspectives for sure. :)

I am, and I was only just getting started for sure. Australia has some truly stunning birds to find.
Or the best syntax ever?
Once in a while, I do alright. LOL!
I bet there were. Fairly noisy? (In a good way)
Only when I was outside. I didn't notice it in the room since the AC was on constantly (and not working all that well).
Not buying it. You were shooting birds, so were prepared.
Ok, maybe it was a luck-skill combo.
In that movie it was Voodoo related... but how accurate? Movies didn't worry about that too much back in the day.
That is true. And I'd question the accuracy of a lot even now.
mmmm... fresh fruit for brekkie...
The high school is amazing! How old do you think the statues, etc, are?
I honestly don't know! I do know that there are TONS of cement and stone carving artists that are VERY busy and I think Dewa told me that the art at temples and around businesses and homes is constantly being added to or replaced. I'd imagine the oldest of the old is in the ancient temples (one coming up) but that a lot is pretty new as well. I think the rain and humid climate make for fast moss and lichen growth making them look older than they are.
Did you know that they were going to be celebrating Galungan when we were planning the trip?
NO!!!! I didn't which made it sooooooooo cool!! I had no idea and it was such a stroke of luck!! :dancer:
I'm curious about the clothes that the man is wearing. Was it common for men to wear a "western" shirt with a sarong instead of pants?
Yes, it is. All men wear a white shirt with their sarong which is always very colorful and beautiful. They also wear a white headband as well and flip-flops. I think both men and women wear sashes as well and get this! (I'll include in a future chapter) ALL men and women are by Indonesian law required to wear traditional clothing every Thursday as an effort to preserve traditional culture! I mean... wow.
The little Java sparrow is cute. You must have thousands of pictures. :)
Aren't they so cute?! I loved the very novel-to-me birds there!
It depends on how exhausted I am... but usually pretty good, actually. :)
Lucky you!!
I wouldn't know. I haven't had an opportunity to travel east past Hawaii.
I super hope you do someday. It's really quite something and each country is so different culturally.
Sure. That's 4pm central time... mid to late afternoon.
Heh. But the best part was that is the only time of day it wasn't stifling.
Must have been quite the sight!
It really was, and so unexpected! Had no idea it was a holiday at all when I booked the trip so was such a bonus.
Maybe the best of the lot. :)
Like this shot with the locals in it. :)
Thanks! I liked that one too!
I am too. I mean... They're places of worship. Shouldn't they be used as such?
THIS! I was honestly disgusted at the Instagrammers who were only there to take selfies and just be generally disrespectful of the purpose of the space and people.
I'm glad you asked. So many people just... don't.
And that is a shame. Most are going to say yes, and it provides a great opportunity to engage the local people and you can learn so much.
:) Another asked for photo.
It's the polite thing to do. On the Navajo or Hopi reservation it is a HUGE no-no to take a photo especially without asking.
Oh! I was so wrapped up in everything you'd already seen and done, that I thought it was a full day already! You're only just getting started!
Nope!!! Already took in tons by 9:00!
That sounds so good. A far cry from my last hotel "breakfast" of choice of cheerios or a pastry of dubious freshness.
Just...ew. 🤮
Were they different from here? Old and brown?
I have no idea... I think on fruit carts I only saw the little kind, but only ate smooshed ones in my pancakes.
Camera or phone? Pretty tough with the former and not easy even with the right lens on the latter.
That was the camera with my 75-300 on. And even then they were grainy/low quality.
Gosh I've fallen behind here! We've just got back from a few days in Kuala Lumpur and boy was I feeling your pain with the heat and humidity
Oh neat!! My daughter was in a friend's wedding there and absolutely LOVED it! She said she's never eaten so much in her life! LOL!!!
Gotta love SE Asia for value! Must be even better for you with the USD.
Exactly. It's absolutely zero surprise that it attracts tourism- they do it well and it's affordable.
Convenience is always my biggest priority for accommodation. Sounds like this fit the bill nicely.
For sure!! I mean, next time I go, I might opt for a small village out of the city just to have more of a local flavor, but not for a first visit. This trip though it was a perfect option for the things I wanted to see and do.
Very nice! I was wondering what your breakfast was like until the following update. Sounds delish!
It was really just right. My lunch was quite light so this fit the bill.
Yep, I wouldn't know what Tylenol is either lol! Panadol is what we have in Australia too.
I've heard of Panadol too, but I think at least here in the States, Panadol is marketed specifically for our pediatric kiddos. I love learning about the various formulations around the world. :)
Luckily Kwells seem to make a good difference for me, so I always make sure I'm stocked up. It's really only a problem if the flight gets a bit bumpy, but you never know in advance so I just take them religiously before flying and every 4 hours. If you wait until you feel sick it's too late. I use them for motion sickness in theme parks too.
I've never heard of that! HUH!! And you're right, if you haven't taken anything BEFORE YOU get sick, ain't nothing gonna help. :laughing: We had a ferry ride from hell coming back from Delos Island a couple of years ago and there were a ton of pukers. One lady had some orange essential oil that she started passing around, and while I'm a bit of a skeptic i general, this truly did work! I was shocked and will def recommend to others.
I enjoyed learning Indonesian, but to be honest, wasn't that good at it. Even after 7 years of study I always had trouble understanding spoken language. It was fun though just being in Malaysia and being able to pick up some words here and there and having some of the vocab come back (Malaysian and Indonesian are pretty much the same base language - I'm sure there are nuances that I don't pick up on!).
I had the same problem with Kazakh. I could speak pretty well, but had a harder time understanding. Unless the speaker intentionally slowed down UGH, it was tough. We could understand a bit of Turkish and a fair amount of Kyrgyz, but even knowing a little of a foreign language is really fun.
Wow this is a stunning photo!
Aww, thanks!! It was one of my favorites too. :)
Haha that was unexpected! I always think some of the high schools in Europe look amazing too!
My high school was so utilitarian and boring. This was like a museum and so much of it open air too. I loved strolling around and seeing the differences.
Very interesting to hear more about the holiday. I'd actually never heard of Galungan before!
I hadn't either! It was super fun to have accidentally come across it.
ALL men and women are by Indonesian law required to wear traditional clothing every Thursday as an effort to preserve traditional culture!
Wow I'd never heard of this either! That's very cool.

Oh neat!! My daughter was in a friend's wedding there and absolutely LOVED it! She said she's never eaten so much in her life! LOL!!!
Malaysian food is my absolute favourite - give me all the roti, rendang, nasi lemak and satay 🤤

I've heard of Panadol too, but I think at least here in the States, Panadol is marketed specifically for our pediatric kiddos. I love learning about the various formulations around the world. :)
I always find the subtle differences so interesting. One thing I can never believe when I'm in the US is the amount of prescription medication advertised on TV lol!

I've never heard of that! HUH!! And you're right, if you haven't taken anything BEFORE YOU get sick, ain't nothing gonna help. :laughing: We had a ferry ride from hell coming back from Delos Island a couple of years ago and there were a ton of pukers. One lady had some orange essential oil that she started passing around, and while I'm a bit of a skeptic i general, this truly did work! I was shocked and will def recommend to others.
Oh, Kwells are amazing! I'm not sure what's in them but man they work well. I've actually got orange essential oil but never thought to try it for motion sickness! I was once sick for about 12 hours of the flight from LA to Sydney when I'd forgotten my Kwells (truly a hell on earth) - they tried pressure points, ice, ginger... nothing worked.

My high school was so utilitarian and boring. This was like a museum and so much of it open air too. I loved strolling around and seeing the differences.
My high school looked like a prison :rotfl: They've done renovations over the years and it looks a little more appealing now.
Once in a while, I do alright. LOL!
Ok, maybe it was a luck-skill combo.
I super hope you do someday. It's really quite something and each country is so different culturally.
Maybe someday. :)
It really was, and so unexpected! Had no idea it was a holiday at all when I booked the trip so was such a bonus.
Good timing!
THIS! I was honestly disgusted at the Instagrammers who were only there to take selfies and just be generally disrespectful of the purpose of the space and people.
I know that climbing the pyramid at Chichén Itzá used to be a thing, but the government outlawed it in 2008 to protect it. People still do it though, despite that, and occasionally pay the price...

And that is a shame. Most are going to say yes, and it provides a great opportunity to engage the local people and you can learn so much.
Good point!
It's the polite thing to do. On the Navajo or Hopi reservation it is a HUGE no-no to take a photo especially without asking.
I wasn't sure if it was still relevant or not. Good to know.
I remember the joke about someone trying to take a photo of a native american and was told he couldn't (by the native american being photographed). The photographer apologized and asked if it was because of his beliefs and the native american replied "No. Your lens cap is still on."
Nope!!! Already took in tons by 9:00!
So much! :worship:
Just...ew. 🤮
Wasn't the best.
That was the camera with my 75-300 on. And even then they were grainy/low quality.
Huh! Surprised at that... unless they're cropped in?


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