An Alphabetical Stroll Through Bali and Australia/+ a Bit of Philippines- M is for Morning Stroll Through Ubud City (6/1)

L is for: Lazy Days and Lounging

I’d last left off about to dunk my overheated (and walked-out) self into the pool. This was no ordinary pool. I mean, yes, it was rectangular and filled with nice, refreshing clear water, but this particular pool overlooked a small family rice field where the bird watching was nothing short of perfection.

(Yes, it's an active rice field and this guy was trying to keep the bird thieves out.)

(Not staged. As I was lounging, this plumeria blossom floated down right to my chair!)

(The Javan Pond Heron (larger bird in front) & The White-breasted Waterhen)

(A bird that was too fast for me, but made a nice photo)

First, though, I finally got to see my room. To say I was impressed would be an understatement! I had no idea for $42/night I’d actually get a HUGE room with a tub and extra seating area. Take a peek!! I mean holy smokes! I loved the drying rack in the bathroom, the housekeeping at least once a day with complimentary water, fresh pool towels whenever I needed one, and the mosquito netting. The only downside was the AC was only barely adequate. I needed to run it 24/7 and it didn’t seem to get close to cool enough to sleep until pretty late. Still…. $42 a night!!

It was within EASY walking distance to the city center where a lot of what I wanted to see was and I walked a LOT. There were TONS of great warungs nearby with live music if I’d wanted to take some in (I did, but I’ll get to this later) and loads of shops and convenience stores.

The resort, Abipraya, has about 10 rooms/suites and mine was probably the best. It had the little pond right out the front doors that I could sit and have a view if I wanted, but honestly, all the rooms had wonderful locations along the rice field or other gardens with little patios. I’d have been happy in any of them.

(Fun masks hung around in the trees)

Aside from the guest rooms, the Abipraya has several little comfortable seating areas with padded furniture and surrounded by potted or hanging plants and flowers. I took advantage of them now and then as I waited for drivers or wanted a change of scenery. But my favorite was the breakfast patio. This is where I sat each morning while my INCLUDED breakfast was made and served. It was nice and relatively cool with a breeze that took the edge off of the quickly warming mornings.

(My view from breakfast each morning)

There were, of course, 5 or 6 family/business alters that always had fresh flowers and incense.

Now that I was settled, I put on my suit, grabbed my book, and headed outside. I joined another couple in the luscious water and finally found some relief from the suffocating heat. The other folks turned out to be a French couple who go to Bali every year for vacation. They were absolutely delightful and we chatted while we soaked for nearly an hour. The gentleman had injured his leg when he fell off of his scooter in the south of the island a few days prior and was hoping to see a doctor in a few days there in Ubud. It really looked pretty bad. :(

After a bit a sweet little German family came out to the pool, Mom, Dad, and 2 kiddos who, like all kids, loved to splash and play. I was done for the most part anyway so let them have their fun being tossed up by dad while mom rested. Meanwhile I lounged on a padded chaise reading my book and drying off- sort of. One doesn’t ever really dry out in Bali. Ever.

(I was reading Last Train to Paradise by Les Standiford which gives an okay read about the building of Flagler's railroad down to Key West and its horrible fate in the end.)

It had been a long and very full day, and I think the stress of travel, the oppressive heat, my lack of drinking enough water, and a looming medical issue (cue the foreshadowing) was taking a toll. I had somewhere along the way developed a raging headache and really wasn’t feeling all that well. But I was a bit hungry and still anxious to try ALL the Indonesian food my traveling tummy could consume. So, I grabbed my camera and my phone with my debit cards in their magnetic card holder and ventured out to find the pharmacy for some Tylenol. Yes, I’d packed some, but was either out already or it was lost in the blackhole of my baggage. Luckily, there was a drugstore just down the road from the hotel and I popped in and got 10 tabs of paracetamol for about $.50 (Tylenol- overseas they won’t know “Tylenol” but will know what you need if you ask for “paracetamol”, just a fun fact in case you need some.)

By then, it was almost dark, and I was ready to find another delicious meal of spicy, flavorful Indonesian food. I ended up a few hundred yards away at the “Lemongrass Bisma Warung” where I found a little table facing outwards towards yet another little rice field and the sunset off in the distance. I had my own little candlelight dinner with fresh flowers on my table.

I first ordered some electrolyte replacement. 😉 I present to you, my first course.

For my main course I chose the Nasi Bira, yellow rice, served with a gorgeous array of spicy goodies heaped around it. While I adored everything I was served, I couldn’t even come close to finishing it. There was no point taking it home as breakfast was included and I had plans for the next day away from the resort. Besides for about $7 why bother.

I lingered until about 7:30 when I gave in to my exhaustion and headed back to my incredibly comfy king size bed. I was asleep by 8:30 excited for Day 2 of my Balinese Adventure.

Coming up… Early morning in Ubud on a holiday’s eve
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I’d last left off about to dunk my overheated
What??? Your overheated what?!?!?!?
my overheated and walked out self
but this particular pool overlooked a small family rice field where the bird watching was nothing short of perfection.
Sounds pretty nice. :)
What a nice little shot. :)
(Not staged. As was lounging, this plumeria blossom floated down right to my chair!)
Makes the photo 10X better!
You weren't kidding when you said it was perfect for bird watching.
Caught on the wing! Nice grab. :thumbsup2
I had no idea for $42/night I’d actually get a HUGE room with a tub and extra seating area.
I'm thinking I need to visit this place.
The only downside was the AC was only barely adequate.
:headache: D'oh! The one thing you really need...
Still…. $42 a night!!
Good point!
Wow! What a room! Not just a tub... but a big hot tub! And nice looking shower, too.
The resort, Abipraya, has about 10 rooms/suites and mine was probably the best.

This reminds me of the mask in James Bond's Live and Let Die. Not a great picture, but only one I could find.
the Abipraya has several little comfortable seating areas with padded furniture and surrounded by potted or hanging plants and flowers. I took advantage of them now and then as I waited for drivers or wanted a change of scenery.
Ahhhhh... relaxation...
This is where I sat each morning while my INCLUDED breakfast was made and served.
Breakfast included??? A room like that and breakfast... for $42????
(My view from breakfast each morning)
Not too shabby!
The other folks turned out to be a French couple who go to Bali every year for vacation. They were absolutely delightful and we chatted while we soaked for nearly an hour.
Nice to be able to chat. You're lucky they spoke English... although... since it's one of the major languages in Bali, I suppose I shouldn't be overly surprised.
One doesn’t ever really dry out in Bali. Ever.
But $42/night...
a looming medical issue (cue the foreshadowing)
Uh, oh... :scared:
I had somewhere along the way developed a raging headache
Not surprised by that at all. Lack of sleep plus dehydration? Not surprised one little bit.
(Tylenol- overseas they won’t know “Tylenol” but will know what you need if you use “paracetamol”, just a fun fact in case you need some.)
Huh. There's no way I'd know that... or remember it.
I had my own little candlelight dinner with fresh flowers on my table.
Very nice. :)
I present to you, my first course.
The rice is really interesting presentation.
I’ve always been that way. Except when I was really young I guess.
Even sleeping at night has its issues.
Ummm… sarongs. Sure. That’s me. :rolleyes:

Well, if you go to Bali, and even if sarongs are not your thing, you will be required to wear one at every temple you visit. No sarong, no entry. Loads of folks wear them, so you'd not be out of place.
Maybe we don’t want to know.
Good point. You might be right.
But what about all those other cups???
But, but you like tea no? These were so flavorful!
Ugh, I can't imagine how uncomfortable that would be for long haul flying. I need to fly quite a lot for work (and from Perth, any flights are a minimum of 3.5 hours), so you'd think I'd be getting better, but I think I'm getting worse! For me it's a combo of anxiety, travel sickness, restless legs and ear pain during take-off and landing.
Oh dear, the worst of the flying bummers. Ear pain and nausea are just awful! I can always take some Ibuprofen and Tylenol, but short of sedating meds, there isn't much to be done about air sickness. You could ask for scopalamine patches?
2 of my 3 trips were actually study tours when I was learning Indonesian at school and uni, so the idea was to try to talk to as many locals as possible! My first trip was in 1994 and little girls with blonde curly hair were still very much a novelty, so I was very popular - I literally had women fighting over who would get to braid my hair lol! It was such a pivotal few years for Bali... by 2002, blonde hair was no longer a novelty.
OH WOW!! How well did you learn it? Still practice? Immersion is the only way to go for sure! When my daughter and I went to Sierra Leone to Ebola Central, it was the same way. Everyone wanted to touch our hair, LOL!

I'm sure Bali has gone through some astronomical changes, some for the good and some maybe not so good. Two sides to that coin for sure!
To say I was impressed would be an understatement! I had no idea for $42/night I’d actually get a HUGE room with a tub and extra seating area.
This sounds like a great bargain! It looks lovely. :)
It was within EASY walking distance to the city center where a lot of what I wanted to see was and I walked a LOT.
That was convenient. :)
The other folks turned out to be a French couple who go to Bali every year for vacation.

After a bit a sweet little German family came out to the pool, Mom, Dad, and 2 kiddos who, like all kids, loved to splash and play.
Did you find more European tourists than American? You were pretty much off the beaten track there.
What??? Your overheated what?!?!?!?
I confess... bad syntax on that. ;)
See?! LOL!
What a nice little shot. :)
Thanks!! It was a little calling card from Heaven just for me in that moment.
You weren't kidding when you said it was perfect for bird watching.
There were loads of songbirds too, not just the water birds near the rice field.
Caught on the wing! Nice grab. :thumbsup2
Accidental I assure you.
I'm thinking I need to visit this place.
You will not be disappointed.
:headache: D'oh! The one thing you really need...
Wow! What a room! Not just a tub... but a big hot tub! And nice looking shower, too.
I enjoyed a few hot soaks after the pool. :)
This reminds me of the mask in James Bond's Live and Let Die. Not a great picture, but only one I could find.
Not seen many Bond movies, but I can sure see the similarity. Do wonder if it was meant to be a Balinese mask or some other culture.
Breakfast included??? A room like that and breakfast... for $42????
It wasn't gourmet, but fit the bill. The fresh fruit was REALLY nice!
Nice to be able to chat. You're lucky they spoke English... although... since it's one of the major languages in Bali, I suppose I shouldn't be overly surprised.
I've found that most Europeans speak at least a little English.
Not surprised by that at all. Lack of sleep plus dehydration? Not surprised one little bit.
The Tylenol did help and so did a sleep.
The rice is really interesting presentation.
Wasn't it though? I've never seen a cone shape of rice before. Certainly a mound like out of a bowl though.
This sounds like a great bargain! It looks lovely. :)
Yeah, I enjoy Asian travel because of such great prices, customer service, and awesome food at amazing prices. I could spend $200/night in Westernized countries for FAR less in a room and the same-old, same-old food. Sure, it costs a bit more to get there, but worth it for the variety and the feel that you've actually done something different and exotic. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Australia and even more so Italy, but I've never been disappointed in any of my travels to SE Asia.
Did you find more European tourists than American? You were pretty much off the beaten track there.
Yes, there were a lot more Europeans than Americans, but the vast majority were Aussies with a fair amount of East Asians as well.
It's just incredible to me that places like this exist in the real world!!! I need to get more adventurous in my travels, clearly, but for now SO enjoying yours vicariously!
You'll never be disappointed in a trip to SE Asia. So much to see and do if you're willing to endure the travel/flight(s) there and the weather. It's a lot like Florida in August but a even a bit more humid.
Love the side of Tylenol on top! I bet this was so refreshing!!!
IT was just what the doctor ordered! LOL!
I confess... bad syntax on that. ;)
Or the best syntax ever?
Thanks!! It was a little calling card from Heaven just for me in that moment.
There were loads of songbirds too, not just the water birds near the rice field.
I bet there were. Fairly noisy? (In a good way)
Accidental I assure you.
Not buying it. You were shooting birds, so were prepared.
You will not be disappointed.
I enjoyed a few hot soaks after the pool. :)
I bet you did!
Not seen many Bond movies, but I can sure see the similarity. Do wonder if it was meant to be a Balinese mask or some other culture.
In that movie it was Voodoo related... but how accurate? Movies didn't worry about that too much back in the day.
It wasn't gourmet, but fit the bill. The fresh fruit was REALLY nice!
mmmm... fresh fruit for brekkie...
I've found that most Europeans speak at least a little English.
Sleep is for the weak... LOL!
M is for Morning Stroll Through Ubud City

It was a bit of a fitful night at the Abipraya; the AC was marginal, and it was a new place. I don’t know about y’all, but I don’t ever sleep well in a new place the first night. You’d think that by now, nearly a week in a Far East time zone, I’d be over the jetlag bit. I was not. While not ideal, I yet again took advantage of nature’s early morning wake up call and got ready to venture out on foot. Trust me on this, the best time to be out and about on foot in Bali is 5:00AM.

By 5:45 I found myself on the quiet and empty streets of Ubud headed towards the city center. There wasn’t another soul on the road that my hotel was on, so I had the entire place to myself to take photos and enjoy the peaceful scenery along the way.

Once I got to the main thoroughfare I found a bit more activity- not throngs of tourists, but colorfully dressed locals in the most gorgeous sarongs headed to the temple with their holiday offerings. First, though, enjoy the scenery along the way:

(The Water Palace that I'd visit another day)

The women, in their traditional finery, gracefully carried large baskets atop their heads; some balanced them precariously as they rode on the back of a scooter. Men were also sporting the traditional bright silk or cotton sarongs with white shirts as they made their way to the many temples in the city to pray and accompany their wives or sisters who entered the gates to leave their baskets.

(Peering over the fence)

Being a holiday, tourists were not allowed into any temple grounds in Ubud to make room for locals and provide privacy; I was okay with this. There would be other temples to see outside the city that were open or on other days. Instead, I found another place to explore which was equally amazing. I approached an entrance, easily recognizable by the elaborate, pointed halves on either side, and seeing no sign that said “No Entry”, I made my way in. I was the only person inside aside from an older woman setting little offerings at altars, on the ground near the fountains, on steps…. A little self-conscious, I asked if it was okay to be there and take some photos, and she returned her answer with a smile and “yes”. This little space of quiet and tranquility offered some amazing art and photography fodder. I really loved spending the 30 minutes of wandering around what turned out to be a high school of all places! Can you even imagine going to high school in a place like this?!

I got back on my way and headed towards the hotel again, stopping now and then for photos. This gentleman was puttering around his yard and I stopped to ask if I could take his photo. He said, “sure!” and I took the opportunity to chat with him about the holiday, Galungan, and how it's celebrated. He shared that they make the Penjor (the tall hanging decorations I've posted) and get it hung a week or so before, then on the day of, they place offerings at their family altars, the temples, then visit each other’s’ homes to pray and visit, and end it by feasting on foods they’ve cooked all week long. It was a really nice conversation and I’m richer for the interaction.

(Another penjor; I was obsessed, so deal with the onslaught)

I did arrive back at my hotel with plenty of time for the breakfast I'd ordered the evening before and to gather my things for the day’s adventure.

(The rice field across the street from the Abipraya as I got back from my walk)

The menu was limited to about 6 choices that really don’t change, but all delicious, and I chose banana pancakes with chocolate sauce, fresh fruit, mango juice, and coffee. It was a perfect portion size and I ate all but the fresh bananas. Because, unless bananas are IN something and cooked or frozen, they are gross. 🤮 I loved the fresh fruit every single morning more than anything! The coffee was surprisingly ok, I mean, it is Indonesia after all, but it was not a (homemade) latte which I am used to having every morning . :snooty:princess: I soldiered on. LOL! I guess I didn't take a photo of my meal, but you'll get to see a much better presentation in another chapter.

(My breakfast view)

While I was eating, I took some time to enjoy a bit more bird watching. I was having so much fun “collecting” birds I’d never seen and may likely never see again. Here is a small sampling of a few of the more common species that hung around the pool and breakfast area. Please excuse the horrific quality of the photos, long distance and moving birds, and all that, ya know. :rolleyes2

(Eastern Spotted Dove)

(Java Sparrow)

(Yellow Vented Bulbul)

(Scaly-breasted Munia)

(White-rumped Munia)

(Olive-backed Sunbird)

Soon enough Dewa was there to pick me up right as scheduled at 9:00. I’d made sure to have my camera (with a charged battery and an SD card actually IN the camera), some water, my phone, and some Tylenol.

Stick around for the famous Balinese terraced rice fields, waterfalls, more temples, and a traditional village!!

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What a gorgeous photo-filled update. It’s made my Sunday morning positively serene :goodvibes
I love that you took the time to speak to a local and learn from him about their traditional celebrations.
I thought my high school was lovely ( convent educated Irish girl here ) but it wasn’t a patch on the one you visited. Simply beautiful.
You really are getting quite the collection of birds this trip.
Looking forward to seeing where your travels take you this day.
I really loved spending the 30 minutes of wandering around what turned out to be a high school of all places! Can you even imagine going to high school in a place like this?!
The high school is amazing! How old do you think the statues, etc, are?
I took the opportunity to chat with him about the holiday, Galungan, and how it's celebrated.
Did you know that they were going to be celebrating Galungan when we were planning the trip?

I'm curious about the clothes that the man is wearing. Was it common for men to wear a "western" shirt with a sarong instead of pants?
I was having so much fun “collecting” birds I’d never seen and may likely never see again.
The little Java sparrow is cute. You must have thousands of pictures. :)
I don’t know about y’all, but I don’t ever sleep well in a new place the first night.
It depends on how exhausted I am... but usually pretty good, actually. :)
You’d think that by now, nearly a week in a Far East time zone, I’d be over the jetlag bit.
I wouldn't know. I haven't had an opportunity to travel east past Hawaii.
Trust me on this, the best time to be out and about on foot in Bali is 5:00AM.
Sure. That's 4pm central time... mid to late afternoon.

colorfully dressed locals in the most gorgeous sarongs headed to the temple with their holiday offerings.
Must have been quite the sight!
Like this shot with the locals in it. :)
Being a holiday, tourists were not allowed into any temple grounds in Ubud to make room for locals and provide privacy; I was okay with this.
I am too. I mean... They're places of worship. Shouldn't they be used as such?
A little self-conscious, I asked if it was okay to be there and take some photos, and she returned her answer with a smile and “yes”.
I'm glad you asked. So many people just... don't.
I really loved spending the 30 minutes of wandering around what turned out to be a high school of all places! Can you even imagine going to high school in a place like this?!
A high school! :faint:
I stopped to ask if I could take his photo. He said, “sure!”
:) Another asked for photo.
He shared that they make the Penjor (the tall hanging decorations I've posted) and get it hung a week or so before, then on the day of, they place offerings at their family altars, the temples, then visit each other’s’ homes to pray and visit, and end it by feasting on foods they’ve cooked all week long.
It sounds really nice. :)
It was a really nice conversation and I’m richer for the interaction.
(Another penjor; I was obsessed, so deal with the onslaught)
and to gather my things for the day’s adventure
Oh! I was so wrapped up in everything you'd already seen and done, that I thought it was a full day already! You're only just getting started!
I chose banana pancakes with chocolate sauce, fresh fruit, mango juice, and coffee.
That sounds so good. A far cry from my last hotel "breakfast" of choice of cheerios or a pastry of dubious freshness.
Because, unless bananas are IN something and cooked or frozen, they are gross. 🤮
Were they different from here? Old and brown?
The coffee was surprisingly ok, I mean, it is Indonesia after all, but it was not a (homemade) latte which I am used to having every morning . :snooty:princess:
:laughing: Well, la dee dah!

(My breakfast view)
What a view!
Please excuse the horrific quality of the photos, long distance and moving birds, and all that, ya know. :rolleyes2
Camera or phone? Pretty tough with the former and not easy even with the right lens on the latter.
(with a charged battery and an SD card actually IN the camera)
Stick around for the famous Balinese terraced rice fields, waterfalls, more temples, and a traditional village!!
Can't wait!
Gosh I've fallen behind here! We've just got back from a few days in Kuala Lumpur and boy was I feeling your pain with the heat and humidity!

I mean, yes, it was rectangular and filled with nice, refreshing clear water, but this particular pool overlooked a small family rice field where the bird watching was nothing short of perfection.
How lovely!

I had no idea for $42/night I’d actually get a HUGE room with a tub and extra seating area.
Gotta love SE Asia for value! Must be even better for you with the USD.

It was within EASY walking distance to the city center where a lot of what I wanted to see was and I walked a LOT. There were TONS of great warungs nearby with live music if I’d wanted to take some in (I did, but I’ll get to this later) and loads of shops and convenience stores.
Convenience is always my biggest priority for accommodation. Sounds like this fit the bill nicely.

This is where I sat each morning while my INCLUDED breakfast was made and served. It was nice and relatively cool with a breeze that took the edge off of the quickly warming mornings.
Very nice! I was wondering what your breakfast was like until the following update. Sounds delish!

It had been a long and very full day, and I think the stress of travel, the oppressive heat, my lack of drinking enough water, and a looming medical issue (cue the foreshadowing) was taking a toll. I had somewhere along the way developed a raging headache and really wasn’t feeling all that well.
Uh oh...

(Tylenol- overseas they won’t know “Tylenol” but will know what you need if you ask for “paracetamol”, just a fun fact in case you need some.)

Yep, I wouldn't know what Tylenol is either lol! Panadol is what we have in Australia too.

For my main course I chose the Nasi Bira, yellow rice, served with a gorgeous array of spicy goodies heaped around it.

Oh dear, the worst of the flying bummers. Ear pain and nausea are just awful! I can always take some Ibuprofen and Tylenol, but short of sedating meds, there isn't much to be done about air sickness. You could ask for scopalamine patches?
Luckily Kwells seem to make a good difference for me, so I always make sure I'm stocked up. It's really only a problem if the flight gets a bit bumpy, but you never know in advance so I just take them religiously before flying and every 4 hours. If you wait until you feel sick it's too late. I use them for motion sickness in theme parks too.

OH WOW!! How well did you learn it? Still practice? Immersion is the only way to go for sure!
I enjoyed learning Indonesian, but to be honest, wasn't that good at it. Even after 7 years of study I always had trouble understanding spoken language. It was fun though just being in Malaysia and being able to pick up some words here and there and having some of the vocab come back (Malaysian and Indonesian are pretty much the same base language - I'm sure there are nuances that I don't pick up on!).

Wow this is a stunning photo!

I really loved spending the 30 minutes of wandering around what turned out to be a high school of all places! Can you even imagine going to high school in a place like this?!
Haha that was unexpected! I always think some of the high schools in Europe look amazing too!

He said, “sure!” and I took the opportunity to chat with him about the holiday, Galungan, and how it's celebrated. He shared that they make the Penjor (the tall hanging decorations I've posted) and get it hung a week or so before, then on the day of, they place offerings at their family altars, the temples, then visit each other’s’ homes to pray and visit, and end it by feasting on foods they’ve cooked all week long. It was a really nice conversation and I’m richer for the interaction.
Very interesting to hear more about the holiday. I'd actually never heard of Galungan before!


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