Animal Kingdom...Park Strategy w/Character Breakfast?


DIS Veteran
Aug 30, 2000
We have a PS for Donald's Breakfastasaurus at 8:10. The park opens at 9:00. We always do Safari first. Since we are in Dinoland, do we have time to hit the rides there first before massive pileup begins at Safari or should we keep with tradition?
We were in the same situation last year. We went over to the safari. The Primevil Whirl ride is not something I would do on a full stomach:( We went back to that area later in the day and let DD play & release energy in the Boneyard while DH rode Dinosaur (too scary for me!)

It was not that big of a deal to get to the safari and we had about 5 minute wait.
We love the 8:10 Ps for Donald's breakfast. We go off season so this may not work well if you go during a crowded time. We finish breakfast right at 9:00 and enjoy a slow pace at dino world. Because everyone else runs from the gate to the safri we have dino-world to ourselves. We just worke our way to the safri as the the day wares on and ride with little or no wait. The safari has fastpass also so that can aid in cutting wait time. It's a pretty good treck from Donalds to the safri.

jordan's mom
Wow -was I glad to see this subject come just so happens that we are leaving next Friday (yeah!) for our boys' first ever trip to WDW. They are 5 &. 7. The only PS I made was for a CHaracter breakfast on our first full day there (Sunday) for 8:10 at Animal Kingdom. I really hadn't thought about what attraction to do first. ..... we were kinda hoping to just "wing it" in a relaxed kinda way, I'm thinking the crowds won't be to bad the week before Presidents day. Am I on the right track? Should we head over to the safari first? THis will be the first park the boys go to. Thanks!
This is what we did - after breakfast at Donald's DH took the kids to the boneyard, and I had a nice powerwalk to Kiliminjaro to pickup fast passes. By the time I got there the return time was around 10:30 or so. I had a nice "stroll" back to Dinoland by myself (walked the paths behind Tough to be a bug). Close to the return time we made our way to Kiliminjaro then after explored the park from there. FYI - it took me under 10 minutes each way to get the FP's.
I hope this helps.
This is easy.

Get there early and check in-even if your PS is at 8:10- we always get in around 8am.

Finish breakfast (you will be finished eating way before the park opens-trust me.)

Do dinoland when the park opens.
Don't worry about dinosaur and primeval whirl. They aren't that bad. I mean-are you going to stuff yourself so that you can barely move? The heat will do worse to you, if you do.

Head out of dinoland and you will run into Tough to Be a Bug.
Exit out of TTBAB -left into Asia-ride Kali

If it's very early, you can walk the Maharaja Jungle Trek. If you are worried about the time, head to Africa. Get fastpasses for the Safari and walk the Pangani Forest Trail and take the train to the conservation station, if there is time before your FP time is up.

Ride the safari

Use your afternoon to see the shows.

Doing dinoland first and working "backwards" hasn't failed for us yet. In fact, the only "bad" time we had at AK was when we followed the UG's touring plans! It was like everyone had the same idea!

The last time we did AK (very successfully) was last Vet day weekend (on sunday)- Super Soap and NJ week were going on as well.

We did-
Primeval Whirl
My son rode Triceratops 4x without getting off
spent 10 minutes in the boneyard,while DH did dinosaur

No wait for TTBAB
No wait for Kali-rode 3x
Got FP for Safari and walked Pang forest trail

was only 11am , so got lunch at Tusker House- no wait there
and still rode Safari all before noon.


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