Anyone leave the SLR ast home?

Molly K

Grants Mom
Feb 1, 2006
We are going to WDW in October 2007 and I am acutally thinking about (and kicking myself at the same time) getting a smaller digital camera. I have the Canon Rebel SLR and 3 different lenses to go with it. Plus the flash. I have really been thinking about getting something smaller though to take with me so I don't have to carry that big of a cmera around. Am I crazy????????
I took my 20D on our AUG trip and ended up taking more photos with the wife and kids smaller digicams. It was our first trip there and I was just not in "Photography" mode. Disneyland we go to very often, and sometimes I do nothing but take pictures(with the 20d).

So no you are not crazy, IMO.
It depends. I don't always bring the Nikon, sometimes I just toss the DiMage in my bag. For daylight shots where I'm not going to want to blow anything up, the DiMage is close enough.

But I live close and can go anytime, so it's not a "family vacation". In that case I'd be taking the Nikon.

Hello Molly,

I have been so frustrated of the years I have gone to Disney with some of the lower quality shots I have gotten from a digital point and shoot that I went out and upgraded for my next trip this March.

I am bringing a Canon 20D with a single 28mm-135mm IS USM walk around lens and either my 50mm or 24mm 2.x for night shots. If you limit what you actually need you will have better memories to bring home. Anything you take with your Rebel will be better quality than a point and shoot.

I had actually thought of posting the opposite question to see if anyone would recommend bare bones equipement.

I've left my Nikon SLRs at home on a few trips. On those trips I used my Nikon Coolpix or before I had that a Nikon P&S. The pics are nice but I always miss the SLR shots. In November I brought both. It worked out well. Some days I left the SLR at the GF or on the ship. Sometimes I went back and got it for night shots. It was fun and the pics are great. Much more creative than just digital.:hippie:
I bought my Digital Rebel to take pictures. If I leave it at home then I ought to sell it. Before the Rebel I used my EOS1 film camera and it weighed at least a pound more. Still I took it with me to Disney (and any where else) because that is what I bought it for. I consider the "trouble" of carrying the weight around worth the results.

Carry it!
i would definately take the slr!...the digital cameras just don't cut it for taking photos of high speed action! :moped:
Carrying all that weight is really worth it when a Power Ranger ran to my DD and shook her hand (she loves shaking the character hands during the parades but during this past trip she was only approached once :( )

also there is no way you can get this type of shots handheld (no tripod) using a point and shoot.

Well then I guess I am taking the SLR. There is no way after all of this advise that I would leave it at home. THANKS!!!!!!


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