Apparently I signed up for Connections too early!


<font color=purple>DIS Earth Angel! :)<br><font c
May 11, 2000
I just read from other posts that the expiration dates on Connections vouchers are May of 2002, and we are going in July!

I am only going to do the trial membership because I only want to get 3 vouchers and an $80 membership doesn't seem worth it.

What a bummer - I don't have any options do I?

Wait until May or June to Join. They will have a new set of dates by then, will they not. Everyone on this board said that anything they have ordered through connections was at their doorstep in a matter of days.
Unfortunately I already joined - can my husband join later? or will they not let you 2 people in the house do a trial membership?

I know that buying and selling aren't allowed on the board and I'm not asking to buy any, just wondering if people do that (buy them for others as a favor?)

Do you have to have a Connections membership card to use the vouchers? If so you wouldnt want to buy them off anyone anyway. I am signing up today to use them for our vacation in

3 WEEKS!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!
I don't know, can anyone answer that question?

Can you buy vouchers from someone else? Do they have your name on them or anything? Do you have to show any identification to use them?

thanks! tamie
It was my understanding that it is just a voucher you dont need a card or anything. If you needed a membership card to use the stuff then how could you CANCEL after buying the tickets? I saw a post the other day where someone signed up placed their order got their tickets and vouchers 2 days later then cancelled that day. I also read a post form someone who just got back that had vouchers left over that she wanted to knwo if anyone wanted.......

I was planing to order a few vouchers but finidng it hard to pin down exactly what we will be doing and would need or want vouvhers for...... I am deffinitly planning to order the 4 day plus hoppers formt hem though
I will call today and find out for sure. Will let you guys know later.

:) K
You do not need a card in order to use the vouchers. All you need is the voucher. :) We used a few on our last trip and the savings were great!
I joined connections in November for my December trip. All of my vouchers came within the week. I also received hoppers passes and used their deals on Toys R US and Olive Garden. All of them were shipped separately, seemed like a waste of money, but oh well. They were all here within a week, and then I cancelled. I used the vouchers no problem, there is no membership card. I saved over $100!!! Just figure out exactly what you want to use and if it's really worth it, because alot of the meals didn't really seem to save you money.
I joined Connections and just bought my vouchers. Just wanted to let you know that the lunch vouncher have gone up to 11.00. Still worth it!


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