autograph book question


Earning My Ears
Feb 12, 2002
We are taking our first trip next month - ds, age 11, is in the middle of a "cool" phase, and doesn't think he wants an autograph book. Yet, when asked if he would rather wear a hat to have autographs on, he said he'd take the book. (he'll also be following his 17 yo uncle around, so it's important that he maintains his "cool" status). DS, age 6, and DD age 4 are both rather shy, but will do what their older brother does, if it's their idea and we don't try to force them. The 11 yr old already said he would take his brother and sister up to get autographs if they wanted. So do we get one book for them to share, or get them each their own book? I know they aren't expensive, but don't want to spend the whole time trying to get the kids to approach the characters for their autographs simply because we have this book to try and fill.

They'll probably each want their own book. One thing we've done is to have some index cards for the characters to sign. Get a photo of each child getting an autograph, and when you get home make a photo album with the autographs and photos on facing pages. Then finish the book with other favorite photos and each child has a nifty rememberbook!

98 days till I go 'home' to FW
Can't remember what it is called but...

It is a polarid camera that prints the picture on a sticker. Works just like an instant camera but has a sticker back. The picture is only about an inch square. Develops in the sunlight. I would snap their picture and stick it to the page with the signature. And their dad would take a picture with the Nikon.

They loved it...
When my oldest got to 10 they bagged the autograph books, we took pictures and made an album with the pictures, always thought it was hard to sign those books. Access at the character meals blew us away. We always schedule three of them and get all the characters with pics with the kids each year when we go. The characters each stop at your table and pose with each person. The best deal at disney, but you have to plan ahead and make priority seating reservations in advance! After going to one meal we never count on the characters in the parks anymore.
As someone who used to sign a lot of books at Disney, I can tell you that the characters like autograph books. We like them becasue the pages are big enough to sign and we have something hard to write on. Index cards are a bad idea, its much easier for everyone if you rip out the autograph pages when you get home. Also make sure your pen is ON, and you hand the character the book open and the right way. If you hand it to us upside down you might get it signed upside down.
We took our first trip to Disney this year and a dear friend gave me the BEST advice re: autograph books.

This is how we did the autographs:

We went to the Disney store and bought a 2 ring photo album binder.
Inside each photo album page was a pice of paper with pale Mickey heads on it.

I took each of those page out of the plastic cover. (The pages also had holes punched in them for the binder. )

I put the pages in the front of the album and the plastic page cover in the back.
We took the album to the park for characters to sign. One signature on each page, no signature on the back of pages.

Once we got back to the hotel at night I took the signed pages out and placed them back in their covers at the back of the book.

Now that we are home we put a picture of our children with each character next to the signature. The kids can look at the signature and the picture and appreciate it better.

The upside of this too, is while the process works similar to the index card, there is still a firm surface to have the characters sign on and you can buy the photo albums with your childs favorite characters on the front of them. We had princess albums.

You're thinking of the Polaroid I-zone cameras. I just bought one for my DD's 12th b-day (2 days before we leave for WDW) for $17 at Walmart. The film cost about $6 for 12 sticker pictures. I got her 2 rolls of film, and if she wants more she'll need to pay for it (if it's her money she'll be less likely to take pictures of absolutely everything she sees).

We're also taking a digital camera & photo printer (can print 3.4 x 2.1 pictures that we can stick in autograph books each night).
Originally posted by firsttimer34
We took our first trip to Disney this year and a dear friend gave me the BEST advice re: autograph books.

This is how we did the autographs:

We went to the Disney store and bought a 2 ring photo album binder.
Inside each photo album page was a pice of paper with pale Mickey heads on it.

I took each of those page out of the plastic cover. (The pages also had holes punched in them for the binder. )

I put the pages in the front of the album and the plastic page cover in the back.
We took the album to the park for characters to sign. One signature on each page, no signature on the back of pages.

Once we got back to the hotel at night I took the signed pages out and placed them back in their covers at the back of the book.

Now that we are home we put a picture of our children with each character next to the signature. The kids can look at the signature and the picture and appreciate it better.

The upside of this too, is while the process works similar to the index card, there is still a firm surface to have the characters sign on and you can buy the photo albums with your childs favorite characters on the front of them. We had princess albums.

That's so funny! That's almost exactly what I'm doing! I intend to (and I know I'm crazy!) cut cardstock paper for the autographs. Hopefully, the way I have it in my mind, the autographs will go on the cardstock, which I will trim down and put into the back side of the plastic sleeve (so when you're looking it's on the left) and then I'll put the picutres on the right. I need to get busy cutting the cardstock though. With two kiddos to do, it might take me awhile.
We made our own autograph books (a tip I gathered on these boards). We printed pictures of the characters on card stock, grouping characters that went together. Then we cut the card stock to the size that the kids could easily hold on to, punch holes in the paper and tied it with ribbon.

The characters really made a big deal when they saw there pictues and teased the ones who didn't have a picture!! The Queen of Hearts signed here autograph and then drew a picture of "The Little King". We also took pictures of them getting autographs and they were placed in the books later.

The books worked perfectly and we always had them opened to correct page. DS 11 didn't particpate as much as we would have liked, but DD 3 was a pro by the end of the trip. Only picture we got of DS 16 was when Captain Hook made him hold the book for him while he signed DD's book.

This was a really great idea and I'm glad I found it on the board.
Where do you find the character pictures/images (hopefully digital)? How much are the autogragh books?


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