"Bible Swayed Jury in Death Sentence"...Opinions?

In no way should a Bible ever be used in cases, unless that sucker has fingerprints or evidence on it!

The state high court's majority said jurors could be influenced by biblical passages such as "an eye for an eye," and another requiring that people obey the government and its officials because they are chosen by God. Jurors referred to both in deliberating Harlan's fate

Yea, lets just step into the dark ages, shall we? :sad2:
The Bible should NOT be used in a court of Law. It's there to help us lead our lives, not to help us murder criminals!

Besides, whatever happened to "thou shalt not kill"? Did they "forget" that part? Oooh, maybe they "interpreted" it. Or maybe they found a footnote...

dcentity2000 said:
The Bible should NOT be used in a court of Law. It's there to help us lead our lives, not to help us murder criminals!

Besides, whatever happened to "thou shalt not kill"? Did they "forget" that part? Oooh, maybe they "interpreted" it. Or maybe they found a footnote...


Someone is about to step in and say it "actually" means thou shalt not murder. I've heard it before on here Rich :rolleyes:
chadfromdallas said:
Someone is about to step in and say it "actually" means thou shalt not murder. I've heard it before on here Rich :rolleyes:

Really? Oh poot.

The basis for all our laws is based on the Bible.
The Bible is also the basis for a lot of things that many members of society would rather we do without. While the right to venerate the Bible, if one wishes to do so, should be protected, according to my faith, which is fully recognized and protected by the US Constitution, it is morally reprehensible to use the Bible as the basis of imposing a legal sanction on a party that does not agree to have the Bible used in that manner.
I guess to me it is irrelevant that a Bible was used. I don't need to actually hold a Bible in my hand for my opinions to be swayed by what it says.

Maybe the person using the Bible was using passages from the New Testament to sway against the death penalty. Who knows?
1 - "The basis for our laws is the bible." :rotfl: Really ? Just because we can all agree - pagan, atheist, deist, or bible-thumper - that killing and stealing are wrong, that means we're basing our laws on the bible ? Sorry, but no, our laws are not based on a 2000 year old book that sanctions everything from slavery to killing people for such grievous offenses as wearing a shirt made from different threads. And thank goodness it's not.

2 - I'm sure many of the taliban's "judges" ruled based on religious law...what's the problem ? ;)


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