"Bow to the all-powerful Birthday Button!"-Dec 12-20 TR (4/9 - FINAL POST MADE!)

The pictures from the parade came out great. We never caught the Christmas castle show when we were at the party. Our time there was kind of a bust. :headache: It looks like you had a wonderful time.
Nice that you got to see the Christmas parade without paying for a MVMCP ticket, but boo for the crowds!! :scared1: Your DW got some great pics!!

The castle stage show looks awesome. I'm disappointed that we missed that this year! Hopefully there will be other December trips in our future to see it. :thumbsup2

The pictures from the parade came out great. We never caught the Christmas castle show when we were at the party. Our time there was kind of a bust. :headache: It looks like you had a wonderful time.

Thanks...I will pass the pro-parade pics comments onto my DW. She was sitting on the ground with DD in the front, so had a great view up around the traffic circle at the butt-end of main street...so it was perfect for pictures.

It's funny you both missed the castle show. I was quite surprised that I liked it better than the parade, and WAYYY better than the regular castle show. Definitely if you go back again some day, I would recommend it highly.

The crowds were bad...but only if you wanted to actually ride any rides...which we didn't...so it was fine. We saw the three things we wanted to see.

Heading into the home stretch...just gotta cover dinner at Chef Mickey's, and about two hours in the morning the next day for MK. Should be wrapped up by the weekend perhaps...
Well, after all the Christmas excitement, we were finally having dinner with the Fab 5. Now, I don't know if it's the influence of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or just the fact that Mickey is the face of WDW, but DD loves the Fab 5, and especially Mickey and Minnie. So, she was very excited to hit Chef Mickey's. We had an early ADR (5:30 PM) so we headed over there after the castle show. People were still streaming into the park, I can't imagine how crowded MK would have been for Wishes.


Don't cha just want this wreath at home in your kitchen:

DMIL had started getting into the idea of having her bag signed, and she was almost as into the characters as DD.






Actually, we all got into the photo act! Why not, we're at Disney! The character interaction was great...again my Birthday Button took affect, and I was given a cupcake to celebrate my birthday and Donald came by the Table when it was time to do the 'celebration' dance that they did every once in a while.

The food...well...let's say I wouldn't recommend the food at Chef Mickey's. While some things were good (the prime rib comes to mind) a lot of it was low-grade food service quality. I remembered it maybe being slightly better 2 years ago, but food-wise, it is the least favorite of the buffets. (Well, HV Play&Dine ranks pretty low too.)

After the meal was done, we walked from the Contemporary back to the MK bus stop, and from there went back to the hotel. We had to pack up all of our stuff, and be ready the next day. We had a 2 PM flight, which meant a 11 AM ME bus, but we still had a little park time lined up for the AM!

Next up...last day...sniff...sniff :sad1:
Last day already? Sniff! Glad you enjoyed your time at Chef Mickey's. I've only done breakfast there, but wasn't terribly impressed either. It wasn't one of our favorities.
So, our last morning, it was COLD...like 35 degrees COLD. I guess that was Florida's way of telling us it was time to go home. I took our bags down to Luggage services a 6:30 AM. Since we were flying SWA, they had started doing the check baggage directly from POP, but I had seen the size of the lines there earlier in the trip during the day...I wanted to get the bags through check-in before the crowds. Well, there was no-one there..so we got out no problem. We finished packing up and got dressed, and headed out for our 8:05 AM ADR at Crystal Palace.

Our family as a whole are not big eat-out breakfast people...don't get me wrong, I believe in a good breakfast, but I find the meals that you cook for breakfast can mostly be done fast an easy at home. (I have an awesome Omelet technique!) I would much rather go out to lunch or dinner, especially now that most restaurants charge $8-$10 for a lot of breakfast selections.

For this reason, we almost never do the breakfast buffets at WDW. We find the food much less interesting...the value versus the dining plan low, and in generel we'd rather attack the parks first thing in the morning instead.

That said, we are all big fans of Crystal Palace - we generally love the decor of the place, and it is our favorite buffet food meal. DD loves meeting Pooh and the gang. It's probably the only meal that I would say has become a bit of a "tradition" with our family. We had eaten there at every single adult trip DW and I have been on...even back to 1997 before it was a buffet restaurant. However, I am big on being a non-traditionalist, and I was going to skip it this trip, but DD specifically asked to go. I couldn't really fit it in, but decided it would be perfect for our last morning when we had so little time.

So here we are, coming over to MK for 8 AM. The true pleasure of this experience to me was being able to walk down Main aStreet first thing without doing a Dumbo Dash. There were still actually quite a few people around...but we were able to pause for a few uncluttered photopass shots.




And a guest appearance from everyone's favorite fairy:


A few more shots from Main Street:



Coming up - breakfast and our trip wraps up.
So, we over to CP to check in. I was a bit surprised we had to wait about 5 minutes. I let DD have the camera and take a few shots:




We went into the restaurant about 8:10. The characters were already coming around. We weren't really super hungry, since we had buffeted the night before. (Is buffeted a proper verb? I think that's only buff-et-ted.) The food was really good though. I was surprised to like the breakfast lasagna, which sounded disgusting in theory (custard and fruit and eggs and pancakes or something like that) but was surprisingly tasty.


The rest was pretty standard breakfast fare. We also had a decorated table (the last residuals of the All-Powerful Birthday Button) and I was brought a cupcake, which I let DD lick the frosting off of.

The character interaction was good...they had re-instituted the parade (They didn't do it the last time we were here.) and we had a good time with the characters. (My favorite: I asked Tigger "What is it that Tigger's do best? It's accounting, isn't it?" or something like that....turns out its bouncin'!)




The only negative I would say is that it took a bit over an hour to get out of there, mostly waiting for the characters to come around. This would have been more annoying had it been our first day and we were trying to hit rope drop, but since we only planned on hitting 2 or 3 rides, it wasn't a real issue for us today.

So, we had about an hour until we had to catch a bus back to Pop Century. We let DD pick the rides. We started out heading for Tomorrowland, and hopped on Buzz Lightyear (no wait) and the TTA (of course no wait). Then, we figured we had time for one more, and she picked Pirates! Just two days ago, she wouldn't go on that ride ever ever! So, our last ride was with Jack Sparrow, and we headed out of the park.

We caught a bus pretty much right away, and made our way back to POP. We went and got our bags, and came down and checked in for the ME. Now here's a co-incidence. DD was playing with the hula-hoops, and so I went over to the ME bus stop to wait. There was another couple with a small DD, probably about 3 or 4. We were talking a bit and they mentioned they were flying into Boston. The conversation went like this:

Me: "Oh, I'm originally from Massachusetts, are you from Boston?"
Them: "We just tell people we're from Boston, we're really from western mass"
Me: "That's where I grew up, where are you from?"
Them: "We live in West Springfield."
Me: "Oh, I grew up in Agawam." (This is the next town over from West Springfield.)
Them: "Really!" The Man: "I went to High School in Agawam. When did you graduate?"
Me: "1987"
The man: "Me too...I'm *name not typed*."
Them: "Oh yeah, I remember!"

So, it turns out I went to high school with this guy, though I admit we were not hanging in the same circles.Still, a wild coincidence...not making THREE times at Disney I have crossed paths with people from my past. (Once it was my college roomates ex-girlfriend, another time my old hairdresser from back when I had bair.)

Well, that was the biggest event of the trip back. We had to fly back through Baltimore, which had gotten slammed by a blizzard just the day before. The result was a 2-hour delay in getting home, but it wasn't so bad, we were still back by 8:30 PM.

So, that's it for our wonderful Christmas trip. I got it all typed in under four months, and a mere 13 days before we are scheduled to leave on our next trip. I can't be bothered with a PTR, but anyone reading that is interested, I will post a new link to the new TR (assuming I write one) on this thread, so look for a future bump in the last-post date sometime at the end of April.

And finally, thank you to those of you that have stuck with reading this for the entire trip...and especially to those that post occasionally. It's nice to know that SOMEONE is reading this!

really enjoyed reading your trip report thanks for sharing

Thanks a lot! And thanks so much for reading...its knowing that people are actually looking at it that makes me keep writing.

Looks like you have a 40th birthday celebration coming up next year...and first trip to WDW too? Lucky you! If you ever have any questions, I'm pretty good at knowing my way around that place! (Of course, I'm one of many on the DIS, so posting a general question is probably even better.)

It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing all the details. :)

We did, thanks! Again sorry we missed you by a week, and again this coming fall I think! One of these times we'll share a chat on a bus again.
I'm so glad you had such a great Christmas/Birthday trip! And how perfect that this TR took just long enough to tide you over till the next trip. :thumbsup2 I will definitely be hanging in for the next one!
Just finished reading your TR, what a trip! I get the birthday button everytime I go on my birthday, and although I dont get all the fun stuff you enjoyed I did get a few cupcakes here and there :laughing: Your DD is just adorable and looks like she enjoyed the parks even if a few fits erupted. Im looking forward to reading your next TR and i'll stay tuned in!:goodvibes
I'm so glad you had such a great Christmas/Birthday trip! And how perfect that this TR took just long enough to tide you over till the next trip. :thumbsup2 I will definitely be hanging in for the next one!

Thanks for the encouragement!

Just finished reading your TR, what a trip! I get the birthday button everytime I go on my birthday, and although I dont get all the fun stuff you enjoyed I did get a few cupcakes here and there :laughing: Your DD is just adorable and looks like she enjoyed the parks even if a few fits erupted. Im looking forward to reading your next TR and i'll stay tuned in!:goodvibes

All this interest, I guess I'll have to put out a TR for the next trip. Thanks for the compliments on DD. I can only take credit for 50 % of her adorableness.

And...welcome to the DIS! Looks like you are a Disney Park veteran, but new to the DIS. It's great to hang out here with the fellow obsessives. Sometimes makes me feel like I'm not even crazy.
So sad the TR is over, but will stay subscribed here just in case you post a link to the new trip. (Lucky you getting to go again so soon)
So sad the TR is over, but will stay subscribed here just in case you post a link to the new trip. (Lucky you getting to go again so soon)

Thanks for the positive feedback. I will definitely post about my new TR (assuming I do one) right here on this thread. Look for it to pop up in your "recent posts" queue sometime near the end of April.

Edit: They locked my TR so I can't add a new post! Anyways, here's the location of the new TR:


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