"Bring me to the Margaritas!": WDW12/11-12/17-2 families, 1 world(let survival begin)


Jun 18, 2008
How do you plan a vacation for two families who have NEVER vacationed together before and have two very different views on how vacations should be run?? Well we are about to find out!

First I should probably give a little background. It all started almost 4 years ago and was best friends with a man who would eventually become my future husband :cloud9: (well not officially yet but we'll get to that part of the story soon). Tony was PERFECT for me in every way except for one small detail...HE HATED DISNEY:scared1: ! Disney to him was a chore. He grew up going to Disney pretty frequently, but he was always on his aunt's schedules which I believe turned him off to the entire thing. I also grew up as on of the lucky people who enjoyed the magic of Disney sometimes twice a year, a tradition I knew I would always want to continue with my children. Before we started dating I would be planning one of my many trips in college and he would say things like "it's spring break, why are you going to Disney?" or, "don't you get sick of that place?" and I would explain to him that it's not just about running around from ride to ride trying to fit everything in and then crashing. Disney for us was a place where my family could all be kids together! It's a place that we love because it brings us closer every time we go, and of course i got the eye roll from him but things were about to change!

I knew that he had a soft spot for Disney that just needed a little prodding. He loved Disney movies and knew all of the songs to Hercules :lmao: . He would have very heated debates about which movie was the best and why (go figure he is now about to become a lawyer), and out of everyone I knew he was one of the most young at heart. When we finally decided to be together about 2 years ago (needless to say no one was shocked) I started working on him. I tried to convince him that the way that my family does Disney and the way his did were two very different things. I explained that we take nice long nap breaks during the day, we have fun plans to dodge the crowds, and now we're above the legal drinking age and can finally enjoy a nice tall beer in England before watching Illuminations. He was skeptical, but once he started becoming more a part of my family, and listening to my dad (a sometimes grumpy, tough on the exterior but in reality a big softy kind of guy) talk about how much fun he has on Splash Mtn. he decided to give it another try! So this past February Tony and I went on what was supposed to be a long weekend, but turned out to be an extra day longer because we were having so much fun! :yay: So long story short, as soon as we got back we started talking about our next trip!

Now here is where it gets interesting...:goodvibes
This past year it has been no secret that Tony and I have decided to take the relationship to the next level. We have discussed getting engaged with both our families and at this point it's just a matter of when he's going to surprise me! When my parents heard what a great time we had in Disney they decided that it was time to book their next trip too, and what better time of year then CHRISTMAS :santa: ! When Tony's mom heard this, she also decided that it was the perfect trip for her and Tony's sister too. They had never been with all adults and it was a great way for our two families to get a little closer, and this is how the Italians Take Over the World trip began!

On top of all of this excitement there seems to be something else even a little more special in the works. My FSIL has spilt a little hint that the proposal that I have been waiting so patiently for :yay: is happening some time on this trip!! :jumping1: So as you can see I have never been more excited for a trip in my life!!

So here's the run down of the trip:

Dates: December 11 - 17
Hotel: Beach Club
DM (Terri - my mom) ::MinnieMo
DD (Big Tony - my dad) :smickey:
Me! (Jenna) princess:
DB (Mark) pluto:
DB (Brian) :donald:

Bella (Tony's Mom) :tinker:
DBF (Tony) pirate:
Tina (Tony's older sister) :hippie:

Stay tuned for some Pics and Planning Itinerary!!
Very, very cute! This should be a lot of fun. I hope that all of the suprises are good ones :goodvibes .
Very, very cute! This should be a lot of fun. I hope that all of the suprises are good ones :goodvibes .

Thank you!! I hope they are too :goodvibes

Ok before I start giving an update on the itinerary, here are some images to go along with the faces!

Here's my crazy family and I at my cousin's birthday party, my brothers are definitely goof balls...


This is DBF's Mom (Bella) and Sister (Tina)


Here's my DBF, Tony looking cute as always :lovestruc


...and just to show you how cute he is, here is our baby boy. His name is Achilles (no not my choice), he's a brindle boxer and a crazy puppy but Tony and I love him:goodvibes


Here's a pic of DBF and I on our first trip to WDW in Feb.

I have been gone for such a long time! This past month has been an absolute whirlwind in my personal life, which has put a little black rain cloud over our upcoming trip and i just need to vent a bit...:guilty:

To give a little update, everyone I'm sure has felt the burden of this economic crisis that our country is going through. Of course the major industry that has felt it the most at this point is Wall Street, the stock market, and Financial Law firms, which put my poor DBF at risk of the chopping block. We had heard from many sources in his office that things were looking grim, and after they laid off the first 150 people we thought we were safe. Then when we thought things for us had finally calmed down, my company announced that it would also be having layoffs of more than 6% of our work force. Our publisher was laid off right away, and we found out that we would be merging, which made us all fearful of our jobs. Thankfully, they decided to keep my on, and my security in my job and our future life was once again there. We decided to continue with our engagement plans, and I even started saving for all the odds and ends of wedding planning. But as luck would have it, Tony took a friday off about 2 weeks ago to purchase my ring, and on Thursday at 5:00 he recieved the ominous email requesting a meeting with him and the manager in his department before he left for the weekend...:scared1: Needless to say, he was laid off that night, and simply could not bring himself to go to our jeweler spend a large portion of his savings to pay in full for the ring and setting :guilty:. I was so sad for him that he lost his job, especially right before the holidays and even though they did give him a reasonable severence package, we have all still been very disappointed. So as you may guess, i will most likely not be getting engaged on this trip to Disney...

In all honestly it has made my feelings toward the trip very impartial. I no longer wanted to be involved with the planning, and I couldn't bring myself to get excited about it anymore. I would see things on TV for Disney, and read many of the happy and exciting TR, but it would only make things worse. It was so selfish of me I know. I know how many peole have faced so many disappointments due to this financial crisis, and thankfully we are not in debt, we have no payments due, and we have our health. I finally decided to snap out of it and just enjoy the fact that I will be in Disney with all of the people I love at the most magical time of the year. I still think about the engagement and it does make me sad, but I've decided to try to move on. Thankfully, Tony did have an interview yesterday with a very promising Law Firm in NJ, which would be perfect, so we are keeping our fingers crossed and him in our prayers.

Ah now I feel so much better after that little vent session! :blush:

Ok next post...our itinerary!!
Ok enough of the doom and gloom and on to the pixie dust! :tinker:

Here is what we have so far for our very ambitious itinerary:

Day 1: Thursday, 12/11
-I will be working a half day today so it may be a little stressful leaving the city for Newark Airport to make our 6:10pm flight! :scared1:
-Since we arrive at MCO around 9:30pm, we decided to save some money and stay at the POP for our first night and will be moving to the BC the next day.

We have never done this before and I am a little nervous about the whole procedure. The told us that we can leave for the parks the next morning and our bags will "magically" appear at the BC waiting for us...again I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

-To make everyone happy, my DBF's sister Tina has requested that we make our way to Raglan Road, the Irish Pub in Downtown Disney. Has anyone ever been to this?? It would be all of our first times so I am looking forward to it!

Day 2: Friday, 12/12
**Check into Beach Club**
Morning Park: RD at DHS!
Afternoon Plans: pool/relax
Evening Park: Return to DHS for Osborne Lights and Fantasmic!
ADR: Late dinner at the Flying Fish (one of our all time favorites:woohoo: )

Day 3: Saturday, 12/13
Morning Park: AK (of course for RD) ---designated FP runners to EE: DBF and DB
Afternoon Plans: relax - lunch at Beaches & Cream
ADR: 5:30 Dinner at CALIFORNIA GRILL!! (never a better meal in my life)
Evening Park: Ok here is where it gets tricky...we're planning on heading over to MK and grabbing a seat at the train station for Spectromagic and Wishes...hopefully we have enough time! (we tend to take long italian dinners with lots of hand waving and laughing :laughing: )

Day 4: Sunday, 12/14
Morning Park: MK!! --designated FP runners to SM: DBF and I
Afernoon Plans: Lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern (should I make an ADR??) then back to the pool
Evening Park: EPCOT but really WS
ADR: We decided to do the Italy/Candelight Processional package which again I have never done. Are there any secrets to this?
Late Evening Plan: Again to make the party-people of the group happy...we are going to try the Atlantic Dance Hall for some late night fun! :cool1:

Dave 4: Monday, 12/15
Morning Park: EPCOT
Afternoon Plans: Lunch at ESPN Zone for the boys and pool time
ADR: ok we have 2 of these tonight... 1) the family will be going to Japan for their ADR, and 2) Tony and I will be having our super-secret romantic dinner and an undesclosed location very close to MK:lovestruc
Evening Park: After wishes we are meeting up with the family at MK for some EMH!! (even though i know TGM does not normally approve of this, i love EMH at night in MK)

Day 5: Tuesday, 12/16
Our last full day...:idea:

Morning Park: DHS --designated FP runners for RRC - DBF and DB
Afternoon Plans: relax at pool (enjoy last day)
ADR: 5:30 at Kona Cafe (i have never been here either!)
Evening: Again, another question: We have our tickets for MVMCP this night...is a 5:30 dinner too late?? We are a group of adults and don't really need to hear the reading of the Christmas stories, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Day 6: Wednesday, 12/17
Morning ADR: Princess Breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table princess: (GIRLS ONLY!)
Morning Park(s): First stop is MK then off to DHS for some more favorite rides
ADR: 12:30 Lunch at Le Cellier
Afternoon Park: Relax around WS and enjoy our final moments at the World.
**Our magical express leaves at 4:30 from the BC

Just writing that all out got me so excited!! :banana:



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