Bring the 18 month old or not?


Dreaming of Disney
Feb 13, 2002
We just purchased our first trip to Disney in April, where we opted for a 4 day land/3 day cruise package. My husband and I were bringing our two boys, ages 5 and 18 mos. This morning, however, hubby's parents offered to keep the 18 month old for half the time. My folks said they could keep him the other half, but it would be a bit of trouble (my parents both work full time.)

My husband thinks we will have way more fun and be able to do a lot more if we leave our little guy at home. I wanted this to be a family vacation, and my heart breaks when I think of leaving a kid out.

I understand what your husband is saying, but I would never leave one of my kids out of a family vacation. We took our oldest DD (now 5) when she was just over 8 weeks old and have been taking all three DDs to WDW every chance we get. Sure, it's a "hassle" with kids, diapers, formula, diaper bag, etc. but no more so than real life and I can't think of a better place to be "hassled" than at WDW. It is the happiest place on Earth. On the other hand, we've never had anyone offer to help by keeping any one or all of our kids so maybe I'm a little jealous (LOL).

Good luck whatever you decide, but my vote is for a family vacation which includes EVERYONE.
Everyone included is what I'd do too!

We took our then 2 year old and she LOVED both WDW and the cruise. She cried when she realized we were pulling into our driveway and said "more Mickey!" "more Mickey boat!"
Our family of 5 consists of DH, me, 12 yr old DD, 11 yr old DS, and 6 month old DD. We go away alot during the winter months since my husband races snowmobiles. We have the luxury of a grandmother who loves to spend time with her grandchildren. We usually leave the baby home with her (only for 1 night) and I can't tell you how miserable I can get thinking about the baby being somewhere else while we are there. I would recommend taking the baby with you on your family vacation. If one day leaves me feeling that lonesome I can't imagine an entire family vacation without her. You know what works for you and I'm sure whatever you decide will be the right decision for you. By the way - I leave the baby home for the 1 day on the weekends because it's too cold for her to be outdoors all day and I do enjoy going to the races with the rest of my family.
I would definitely suggest bringing the baby. At 18 months, all three of my girls had been to Disney at least once, and we always had a great time. Traveling with a little one can be a little rough, but they help you to slow down and see things that you might have missed out on. I always take things at their pace - and we've always had wonderful family vacations!!! The pictures and memories you'll bring back are priceless!!!
I'm going in May and I'm bringing my 6 yr, 4 yr and 6 mos old daughters. I can't imagine not bringing the baby. Sure, it's going to be a hassle (just like every other day of the year) but I think the worrying about her and missing her would be more of a hassle to me. My sister did offer to take her for the week but I said no. Follow your heart and not your mind and have a blast!
I also cannot imagine leaving the baby at home. In November we took our then 14 month old DD to WDW for the first time. She had the best time and we had the best time b/c of her!!!!! She didn't know any of the characters except Winnie b/4 we went down - by the time our vacation was done, Mickey, Minnie, Tigger were in her vocabulary and she pointed to the rest. She loved seeing and meeting all the characters. She loved the sights, the rides, the parades, lights, restaurants and pool. In fact after the first two days she would wake up in the morning and stand next to her stroller and bang on it and say "go!" She knew there was fun awaiting her.

Disney is the place for little ones. I cannot imagine not taking a little one.
Here's another vote for bringing him. We are going in April, DD12, DS10 and 18 month old DD I just ask my son's opinion and he adds "Of course you have to take him!"
Bring him, it will be loads of fun. If you don't, you may always regret it. Our oldest DD went when she was 13 months old and had a blast!
I couldn't leave my little guy at home! He makes me smile every day! I figure in a couple years my dh and I will be able to do some nights out when both kids are old enough for the onsite clubs, til then, we all go!
We went last year with our 3 year old and left the baby with Nana and Pop. We're going again on 2/23 and taking the baby this time. He's 18 months. It will be a hassle but I swore I would never leave him behind again and I won't. He deserves to have fun too and I know he'll love it.
DH and I discussed it very logically, and decided our "goal" for this trip was to have a real family vacation, with all family members included. That might mean not seeing everything or experiencing everything we want, but that's okay. We can return another year and experience the things we miss this time.

So.....Connor is on his way to meet Mickey, along with the rest of the gang!!

THANK YOU all so much for your truly means so much to us!
You will not regret your decision, you will have a blast all together! Even though you may have to go slower with a toddler, the look of wonder in their eyes may very well make your whole trip!
We had a great time with our daughter Julia in October 2001 when she was 16 months old. At the time we were planning the trip we were considering doing the combination cruise\WDW stay, but we thought that might be a little much for her. When we did our research it seemed to us that everything on the cruise was geared to children who were at least potty trained. For that reason we decided to do 6 nights/7 days in WDW instead. That would be my only concern.. The cruise part of the vacation.. She had a great time at WDW and loved those characters!


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