"But if we go somewhere else, the Princesses will be sad..." A Pre-Trip Report!


Jan 18, 2007
Hi all!
I've been reading everyone else's trip reports and pre-trip reports, and so I thought I would start my own (mostly to save my DH sanity... every third word out of my mouth is Disney!)

Cast of Characters:
me: :surfweb: I'm a 32 yo working mom; I'm also the oldest of six kids and when we were growing up, I think the thought of a WDW trip would send my parents to bed for a week! So my first trip was in 2003 for 1 day (!) after a cruise with my DH. Can I tell you, I cried pretty much the entire day! (as in: we're walking down Main Street! (sob) Look, there's cinderella's castle! (sob) A parade! (sob) Look, a streetlight! (sob) you get the picture...) Which brings me to:

DH: :yoda: 32 yo wonderful, very even-keel, man. He is not quite as obsessed as I am but did love WDW. As the youngest of 7, he grew up watching Dallas and not Disney, so I am teaching him the joys of Disney films... which are pretty much all we watch nowadays because of...

DD1: princess: 3 yo, beautiful, princess obsessed, Princess of choice= Cinderella and
DD2: princess: also 3 (yes, identical twins!) also beautiful, also princess obsessed, Princess of choice = Aurora

So, in May 2007, we decided to take the "trip of a lifetime"- 7 days, 6 nights at the Wilderness Lodge. It was the girls' first trip and nothing short of magical. We had a wonderful time, fell in love with the WL, rode IASW 3 or 4 times in a row every time we entered the MK, met as many princesses as we could find. The advice I got from these boards and TGM was invaluable. We avoided crowds, got great seats at shows, it was incredible. Leaving was not fun. The girls have every minute of the trip memorized, and I took tons of pictures. I'll post a few later when I figure out how. :goodvibes

The girls and I immediately decided that we would be going back. Preferably as soon as possible. DH, however, thought that maybe we should go someplace else for our vacation next year... silly. So the great debate started...

Then, one day last month, the girls were talking about - what else - Disney, and DH suggested that maybe for our trip next year we could go and see the mountains, or an island, or a big beach. Both of my DDs turned, looked at DH, and in perfect unison burst into tears. I'm talking faces changing expression at EXACTLY the same time, tears coming at EXACTLY the same time. DH just stared, dumbfounded, at them. :eek: Once he could get a word in, he said, "girls, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
DD1 gave him this withering look: "But, if we go somewhere else, the PRINCESSES will be SAD!"

And so, because my DDs have their daddy wrapped around their pinky fingers, WE WIN! We are planning a trip probably in Late April/Early May 2008 - Less than a year away! So many decision points to discuss and so much else to tell you, but I should go to work so we can actually pretend to afford another trip. Quick question of the day: I know the weather is great in late april - how are the crowds?

Thanks for reading! More soon! I promise I will post pics soon as well...
So here is, as promised, some more background with pics of the trip that really jumpstarted my WDW obsession.

Here is DH, who talks a big talk about not wanting to go back to WDW, but look how happy he is here:

DD1 and DD2 in the respective colors of their princesses, meeting Tigger at Crystal Palace. When I told them we were going to have dinner with Pooh, DD2 got very upset - "But I am a GIRL! I don't LIKE honey! I'm not a bear..."
She warmed up to the idea pretty quickly, as you can see:

And Crystal Palace was excellent, great food. Tigger actually missed our table but we went to get him and he came back and made a big deal about the girls, which was very nice.

A couple of character shots, the girls were awestruck;


We watched the dreams show every day we were in the MK. I have so many pics of it that if you printed them out and flipped through them you could watch the show again! I'll only post one though...

And finally, our last day. When DD2 chained herself to the WL bridge and gave me this look, I knew we were going to be back...

But when? We wanted to go in May, but looking at our calendar it doesn't look like that will work out. So, it looks like LATE APRIL for us, which means...
we will be having our 7th anniversary at WDW!!! :love: So excited.

Next installment: Resort choices and CRT ADR countdown...
Oh my goodness, your girls are so beautiful!!! The story about how they got upset over not returning to WDW at the exact same time had me totally cracking up.. that is just too adorable!! Great trip report so far :thumbsup2
I'm so glad you had fun!

You could almost feel sorry for our husbands if they were not so dense! Too bad you don't have the dual crying on tape - you could have won on Funniest Videos!

Your daughters are so sweet - keep them going when they are young and it is so magical, they will have plenty of time for beaches, etc.
Oh my goodness, your girls are so beautiful!!! The story about how they got upset over not returning to WDW at the exact same time had me totally cracking up.. that is just too adorable!! Great trip report so far :thumbsup2

Thanks for reading! It is definitely a therapeutic endeavor...

I'm so glad you had fun!

You could almost feel sorry for our husbands if they were not so dense! Too bad you don't have the dual crying on tape - you could have won on Funniest Videos!

Your daughters are so sweet - keep them going when they are young and it is so magical, they will have plenty of time for beaches, etc.

That's exactly what I was thinking. It won't be so long before WDW will be fun and magical, but not that extra special, "I"m really meeting royalty" magic.
Time for bed...I'll write more later...


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