Cable TV in resorts?


Feb 18, 2000
I know - I am embarrased to ask - but I need to know how extensive the cable channels are at the hotels. Do they have the Fox channel and WB channel in addition to ABC? Please tell me if anyone knows.
As much as I like WDW the very worst thing about it is the cable system. The channel selections are poor and since I am already at WDW I don't need every other channel being Disney info. In my room the Weather channel gets the most screen time. Luckily its just a bed and a shower place for me little time is spent there.
I know what you mean about the selection of channels, but I just checked it out and they actually have all I need.. Soap Network, Weather Channel and Lifetime movie network. What more could a girl want? Well, that question probably belongs on the debate board.... LOL!

Hopefully, we won't be in the room long enough to watch a whole soap!!
I was so excited last year when I realized they had Soapnet, it was great to be able to catch GH after everybody was asleep.


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