Canon EF 70-200mm f/4L USM Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras


XBOX: Mattisamus
Sep 25, 2007
Just purchased this lens from Amazon and it will be arriving today. So excited about this I cant hardly stand it. That said, a lot of the reviews say it will take practice. Has anyone used/uses this lens and can you point me to some tips or tricks to get me moving in the right direction?

My current plan is to use this lens for Dance recital pictures, theater pictures (Stage plays) and portraits.
Congrats! Did you get the version with IS? My only recommendation is to keep the shutter speed up like with any longer lens, especially if you don't have IS.

I use mine at all sorts of events, including college graduations a couple times. It's a fabulous lens.
Thanks! No, I couldn't afford the IS version, and I'm hoping that this will get me back in photography. I was doing really well for a while, but I only have a few lenses and no one wanted to actually have to pay for photos at an event. (*insert eye roll here)
Depending on where you got it, good chance it won't come with the tripod collar. Definitely order one, just don't pay for the Canon version. I have this one and it works quite well. Having the extra bulk makes hand holding more convenient. And a must if you're doing a monopod.
KVH, I make sure to get a tripod collar with it when I ordered. Still have to contact Amazon about my order, they didnt put the uv filter in with everything else.
(don't use a UV filter) depending on the lighting f/4 could be a challenge for indoor dance recitals

As you say, it's going to vary a lot based on the lighting. My first thought was that f/4 might not be fast enough. A lot of this is going to depend on how high the OP is willing to go on the ISO. I have to admit I'm a little spoiled by the high ISO performance of the 6D. But I did fine as low as 3200 ISO at graduation ceremonies. But dance requires a faster shutter speed, so could still be an issue. The good news is that the lens should be decent enough to use wide open at f/4.


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