Coming to the Experts -- A Potted Tulip


<font color=green>The two most important items for
Aug 18, 1999
We had a potted tulip for Easter and the flowers have now died off. Is it possible to plant this outside? Should I plant it in the ground now or do I need to do something with the bulbs and then plant them in the fall?

Any guidance would be appreciated. I'm not much of a gardener but I'm trying.
Since seasonally tulips are blooming and the weather won't force a premature second bloom, I'm pretty sure you can plant your tulips right now. Don't cut off the foliage....the plant derives nutrition necessary for next year's growth from it. Also, tulips aren't the most long lived bulb but are certainly among the most beautiful. So don't be surprised if you get one or two more years of good bloom and then they fizzle.

A bit of bone meal or bulb booster spread on top of the soil at planting will give them nutrients also.

Heck, if you knew how many plants I've killed, Pam, you'd laugh yourself silly. We all try....sure is nice to succeed, though.....:teeth:
Thanks so much for your help. I'd like to at least give them a try and wasn't sure what to do.

Last fall I bought several King Alfred daffodil bulbs at a local garden center. They were individual bulbs. I now have several hyacinths coming up! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Bulbs sure can be tricky.
Hi PamOKW, and welcome!

The King Alfred daffodils morphed into hyacinths? Cool must share your secret! ;) :D


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