Confess one weird thing

I think I should be scared!!! :eek:
I am a lady so no grossing out. i do think it is rather weird to like licking a sweaty guy so yeah her thread so I guess she wins.:thumbsup2

My wierdest body parts have to be my little toes. The little toes aer at a 90 degree angle twisted so the nails face side ways and there is no way to make them turn to normal without a lot of duct tape. At home I often have my little toes crossing their neighbor toe which ar a bit odd shaped. I cannot wear many types and brands of shoes as the nail digs in the side of the shoes. This means everyone is stuck seeing me in flip flops. I would love to wear pretty pink princess shoes but not am not getting rid of my weird toes.

I sleep with a big plushie but that cannot be too weird can it?
I always wear socks to sleep. Sleeping barefoot makes me feel naked! :rotfl:
Licking my very handsome and salty DH.........wierd, and yet....not!

I will except the prize however :) Mom will be so proud.
Licking my very handsome and salty DH.........wierd, and yet....not!

I will except the prize however :) Mom will be so proud.
I am a lady so no grossing out. i do think it is rather weird to like licking a sweaty guy so yeah her thread so I guess she wins.:thumbsup2

My wierdest body parts have to be my little toes. The little toes aer at a 90 degree angle twisted so the nails face side ways and there is no way to make them turn to normal without a lot of duct tape. At home I often have my little toes crossing their neighbor toe which ar a bit odd shaped. I cannot wear many types and brands of shoes as the nail digs in the side of the shoes. This means everyone is stuck seeing me in flip flops. I would love to wear pretty pink princess shoes but not am not getting rid of my weird toes.

I sleep with a big plushie but that cannot be too weird can it?

LOL I sleep with a big plushie, I call him DBF. :) LOL Well, really, he's not very plushie but he is pretty big. :) Poor guy, his feet hang off the end of our bed if he's not careful. lol Oh and our dog sleeps next to him on the floor....does he count as a plushie? lol

Oh ya, I wanted to say about your toes. My baby toes turn slightly sideways too, not massively but a bit. Especially when I walk, apparently I use those toes for balance and grip in my shoes. lol My second toe is longer than my big toe and I have a bone spur on the side of my foot. Makes it very difficult to wear super cute girly shoes or high heels for too long. I love flip flops simply because they are easy to wear with that bone spur. My sis has it too, she had hers "shaved" off and it came back!!!!!!!!!!

Licking my very handsome and salty DH.........wierd, and yet....not!

I will except the prize however :) Mom will be so proud.

Licking my very handsome and salty DH.........wierd, and yet....not!

I will except the prize however :) Mom will be so proud.


When I'm home, if I put ice in a drink, I have to control how many are in there depending on glass size/what I'm drinking/how cold I want it. Usually 4 or 7 cubes. Oh and I very rarely use crushed ice, not a fan. :confused3
Oh, I just thought of another weird thing (although I don't think anyone can beat Judy's claim to fame). I always have to set the microwave for an unusual number. I can't just set it for 30 seconds, I have to do 32 seconds. I'm not sure why. I do the same with alarm clocks. I won't set it for 6:00 am, it has to be 5:57 or 6:02 or something like that.
No, I don't wear contacts. Something about putting my finger directly into my eye just doesn't appeal to me. :rotfl:

It's not like that really, you barely touch your eye at all. :) I've been wearing contacts since I was, that's a LOOOOOONG time! LOL almost 22 years....geez, that makes me feel old! lol
I wear contacts too. I just hate having glasses in front of me. They bother me. I agree, not a big deal and not touching your eye. I can't see far away but can see up close with or without contacts. My sister is the opposite and needs glasses for reading.
It's not like that really, you barely touch your eye at all. :) I've been wearing contacts since I was, that's a LOOOOOONG time! LOL almost 22 years....geez, that makes me feel old! lol

Now you're making me feel old, I've been wearing contacts for 30 years.
..just wait until you hit the mid 40s and it's like overnight your eye gets terribly worst.:rotfl:
Now you're making me feel old, I've been wearing contacts for 30 years.
..just wait until you hit the mid 40s and it's like overnight your eye gets terribly worst.:rotfl:

my eyes went bad after my first year of law school. didn't know how bad until I got contacts, came home and looked out the front window (I lived in downtown L.A. at the time) and realized the bank across the street had a bas relief on it that I had never seen !! :rotfl2:

28 years of contact wearing here . . . . .
I was about 16 when I found out I needed glasses. When I first got them my mom was driving me home and I was looking at the trees out the window and saying to her how amazed I was that I could see the leaves on the tree. They had just been a green blur and I didn't know it wasn't supposed to be that way! Kind of like the difference between an old tv and an HDTV with blu-ray. :rotfl:
I was about 16 when I found out I needed glasses. When I first got them my mom was driving me home and I was looking at the trees out the window and saying to her how amazed I was that I could see the leaves on the tree. They had just been a green blur and I didn't know it wasn't supposed to be that way! Kind of like the difference between an old tv and an HDTV with blu-ray. :rotfl:

LOL Too funny.....DD12 does that.....she moves her glasses up and down and says "TV-HD-TV-HD" LOL


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