Contemporary Resort's gift shop's Phone #


Apr 26, 2000
Hi Everyone,

I was wandering if any knew the Contemporary Resort's gift shop's phone number. The gift shop that is on the oppposite side of the monorail platform, where they sell art gallery sculptures and stuff. I can't think of the name.
Anyone know? Let me know if you do
The store you are referring to is called BVG, that is short for "Bay View Gifts". The store has quite a few different phones around, try any of these numbers:


If you can't get through to anyone, you can call the manager's desk and leave a message...


The two managers that are at that desk are Diane and Jeff.

Hope that helps.
Okay I was gonna ask how you got all those #'s... Then I saw your location...:)
is there anything Ed, Donna or I can do to help?
Hi Kathryn,

Well, I called once, but no one answered any of the phones and I didnt want to leave a message for the managers because they probably have sooo much more stuff to worry about. I saw a Sorcerer Mickey statue in BVG (and in other locations on property) that has Mickey in three different poses on what looked like a piece of art paper made out of ceramic or something like that. I believe it was $75, but I am not sure. I was going to ask them if I ordered it over the phone, is there tax since they would be mailing it out of state? And I was going to ask how much shipping would be and how much the statue actually costs.
I will probably try to call back tonight.
Matt ~ I think the piece you are referring to is the Sorcerer Mickey sketchpad...I've been looking for it myself! Glad to hear it is easily found at the Contemporary. Let us know how you fare with your phone call!
Matt I saw that pieca at the Art of Disney as well. And with a store at DTD you could save some money. I almost bought the Goofy on... Ohh I was so close.
I tried calling again, with still no answer...oh well, I am in no rush. I will try tomorrow afternoon. Maybe they wont be as busy then.

How could I save money? They make a Goofy one? I'm sure that one looks really cool too!

Unless Nat was thinking that you could buy it at the WoD and if you are an Annual Passholder you would get a 10% discount
Hello again,

Go ahead and leave a message for Jeff or Diane if you can't get the phone answered. I am sure they won't mind. Remember that the other numbers ring on stage, so the CMs can easily be just about anywhere, or helping a guest. And for reasons obvious on these boards, I wouldn't even think of calling on a Friday night, because I am quite certain that they will be busy! Your best bet is to call the managers number, since they are off stage.

As for shipping, you do not have to pay the tax if it is going out of state, and the cost is the same at all stores on property. You would not be able to get a discount with a phone order, since you are not there is person to present your annual pass or Disney Club card (and imagine how many people would be calling that in fraudulently if they DID allow it!).

Let me know if you have any other problems.


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