"Damn Lakes" Resurrected


Apr 11, 2014
I think no one could argue with Pete's decision to retire his famous catch phrase a couple weeks ago due to the sensitive nature of the death of a child due to an alligator attack.

I was happy to hear, however, that Pete resurrected the tag line in this week's show. I'm not sure if it was a one-time deal or if Pete plans to bring it back permanently. But I can tell you this: His weekly warning was as valuable to me as any tip I've ever heard on the show or in these DIS forums.

I know Pete's catch phrase is part comedy. It's a callback to an epic rant. It's an inside joke. It provides character and personality to the show's host. It's entertaining. It's show-bizzy. (I actually found myself missing it when Pete started tagging shows with, "Go to Disneyland.") But it also has a much more important value - an educational value. You may laugh at this, but I'd argue it could save somebody's life.

I started listening to the podcast, on and off, a few years ago. I would hear Pete's catch phrase and wonder what the heck he was talking about. I wanted to be in on the joke. So I asked about it here, in these very forums, and quickly learned the history of the warning. I also was told about the alligators, the water moccasins, and the brain-eating amoebas. And here's the most important part: IT MADE ME STAY AWAY FROM THE DAMN LAKES.

Let me be clear: I couldn't imagine myself ever swimming in the lakes - even before hearing Pete and the podcast. For one, if I wanted a day at the beach, I'd go to the beach not Disney. Secondly, the water looks murky, cold, and uninviting. And Disney has fantastic pools. Who'd want to swim in their lakes, instead? Who'd want to swim in any lakes anywhere? And a final reason: the signs say not to do it!

But I have to admit, I wouldn't have been afraid to go near the water. I've stayed at the Yacht Club and my family has sat on chairs on the beach there and I've walked along the edge of the water. I consider myself smart, but for some reason, I never thought there'd be such danger in the middle of magical Disney World. But once I learned about it from Pete, I was confronted with a new reality. I never went near the damn lakes again.

So l hope Pete's catch phrase is back to stay. The educational component of those words may outweigh the need for sensitivity.
I think no one could argue with Pete's decision to retire his famous catch phrase a couple weeks ago due to the sensitive nature of the death of a child due to an alligator attack.
many poel did argue in the chat that it was import for him to keep. Retiring it out of respect of the stupidity of a set of parents wasn't righ. And if you think I am being harsh I have a 3 month old nephew and my brother and sister in law said the parents of the kid were stupid to let their kid in the water that late at night.
many poel did argue in the chat that it was import for him to keep. Retiring it out of respect of the stupidity of a set of parents wasn't righ. And if you think I am being harsh I have a 3 month old nephew and my brother and sister in law said the parents of the kid were stupid to let their kid in the water that late at night.

Yes, this comes across as being harsh in my opinion. I'm frustrated that the parents allowed their child near the water but will not belittle them. They were from a very different area (Nebraska I think). In fact, Pete was very clear on the show regarding his not blaming them for what happened.
I really wish the tag line wasn't needed.

I also had a gut feeling if there was a fence or something that people would get a false sense of security. I give it a few months before someone turns around and their kid climbs up and falls in the water when they weren't watching.
Blaming these parents is absurd. They obviously weren't aware of the dangers. My point is that Pete's words educate folks who are unaware and for that, we should be happy to have the warning.

The Alligator attack was unfortunate what I was calling stupid was letting the kid in the water that late at nigh. My Sister in law said that herself that it was stupid to let the kid in the water at hat time of night and would never do that with hers. My parents also never let us in any water when it was dark out, no mater where we were unless it was a pool at a hotel or someone's house.
Yes, this comes across as being harsh in my opinion. I'm frustrated that the parents allowed their child near the water but will not belittle them. They were from a very different area (Nebraska I think). In fact, Pete was very clear on the show regarding his not blaming them for what happened.

Totally agree, anyone who is a parent will makes mistakes, and you might not let your kids be near water at dark, but you might do something else that seems total fine but could end up in a tragic accident.

Parent in all walks of life just need support especially off other parent, who know how hard it is.

So what I suggest, for what it's worth, lets just keep them in our prayers, learn from their mistakes (as being for the UK this was a really shocking story I knew there were gators but wow) So on my next trip I will always be between my DS 3 year old son and any outside body of water even if there is a fence.

Last point my favorite sign off from Pete is: "Voodoo Sticky Pig Wings"
many poel did argue in the chat that it was import for him to keep. Retiring it out of respect of the stupidity of a set of parents wasn't righ. And if you think I am being harsh I have a 3 month old nephew and my brother and sister in law said the parents of the kid were stupid to let their kid in the water that late at night.

So you blame the parents for wading in the water at night at a beach event hosted by Disney? Get real.

There is a complete difference letting your children play and swim in the waters at night or letting them wade and splash totally under supervision.
Starting a thread like this was only going to lead to another conflict and bashing the parents of the dead child. Terrible.
I don't blame the parents, but gators or not, the thing I feel like people are skimming over is that the signs that were there said "deep water. Steep drop off"
To me, I wouldn't let a toddler in water that had that sign, because one wrong foot could mean the child steps off said drop off and be under the water in half a second.

It's a tragedy that shouldn't have happened, and let's hope it never does again.
Yes, this comes across as being harsh in my opinion. I'm frustrated that the parents allowed their child near the water but will not belittle them. They were from a very different area (Nebraska I think). In fact, Pete was very clear on the show regarding his not blaming them for what happened.


So you blame the parents for wading in the water at night at a beach event hosted by Disney? Get real.

There is a complete difference letting your children play and swim in the waters at night or letting them wade and splash totally under supervision.


Frankly, accidents happen and hindsight is 20/20. Blaming the parents is a crappy thing to do.
many poel did argue in the chat that it was import for him to keep. Retiring it out of respect of the stupidity of a set of parents wasn't righ. And if you think I am being harsh I have a 3 month old nephew and my brother and sister in law said the parents of the kid were stupid to let their kid in the water that late at night.

With all due respect, something doesn't come across as less harsh simply because someone else carries the same harsh opinion.

I'll never understand bashing two people who have experienced the hardest things someone could go through.


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