Day 3


<font color=indigo>Those blinking rats get me ever
May 21, 2005
Day 3

Here we go again! Just let me know if its too detailed - don’t want to bore anyone to death.

Start the morning off with another Beavers Creek breakfast. Once again there is no queue, and this time we are given a table at the opposite end of the restaurant .

Why is it that children always seem to raise questions about difficult issues right at the wrong moment and worse still at the tops of their voices?!:rolleyes:

Anyway his mind is cast onto other matters when he notices the Deer’s head on the wall. A million questions followed, Was it real ? How did it die? Why was it stuck on the wall ? He had to go and check its mouth out, and decided its jaw and teeth were in a strange position attempting to demonstrate exactly what he meant. (Not a topic to be discussed over breakfast, believe me !):sick:

He insisted on the way out that I ask if it was real. The answer was No, but he wasn’t convinced, saying that its fur felt real and it’s teeth looked real - what could I say?

We decide to hit the Studio’s today, again it is a hot day and yes the balloon is up the usual question ensued and this time he was told “later on” I decide that I had better start taking photos, usually the camera is out first day, but the heat was just too much!

We hit Rocking Roller Coaster and to my dismay he is tall enough, makes DS’s day, but I die a death. We decided to let him ride but I wouldn’t let him go on his own - guess who had to go with him?:scared1: :bounce:

I can only describe it as the ride from hell !!!!!!!!!! I was terrified that when we got to the end he wouldn’t be in the seat, but of course my fears were groundless. He got off in seventh heaven, I think I looked a bit the worse for wear because my DH told me to sit down and take it easy. Anyway I soon recovered and we were off.
The tour, the stunt show, Animagique ( Yes folks I fell fast asleep once again, what is it about that show, I cannot never mind how much I fight, keep my eyes open or stay awake) DS nudges me to wake up when the show finishes and I jump sky high. :rolleyes1

We go and do Cinemagique, never done it before. DS is totally drawn in to the whole thing and convinced that the man is jumping into the screen.

We come out of the show only to find that there has been a serious downpour and it looks like there may be more rain on the way. Decide to head off and maybe back to the hotel. Suddenly the heavens open and we make a run for it to the bus shelter. Back to the hotel, shower and change a bit of R&R in the bar again and off to the parks we go. We have a dinner reservation at the Plaza GardensRestaurant so we make our way there. The temperature has certainly dropped a few degrees. A great buffet dinner, DS really got tucked in so it was worth the money. We use the Share holders club card to get discount and off we go. Oh no, the balloon is strapped down ! Think that the sun will come out tomorrow so plenty of time. :umbrella: :sunny:

What a brilliant mum you are to ride Rock N Roller Coaster with your DS. Don't know if anything would ever get me on those big rides.

Re the detail in your reports - the more detail the better as far as I'm concerned!
I :lovestruc details - keep 'em coming :cool1:

Can't believe you went on RnRC - Mum of the Year :cheer2:
Absolutely not too detailed - I LOVE the details!!!
Well done on tackling Rock 'n' Roller Coaster - rather you than me!!!!!
I think Animagique is very snooze-inducing, however much you like it, after all that fresh air and heat!!!
Very interesting again, thank you Dee - roll on day 4!!
Just let me know if its too detailed - don’t want to bore anyone to death.

The more detail the better in my eyes!

I know what you mean about difficult subjects in places you would rather avoid them :rolleyes1 I think my worst moment was in Tesco's when DD kepty demanding (in a loud voice) to know "where babies come from". Not want you want when you are waiting to pay for your shopping really ;)
dlpSteve said:
Can't believe you went on RnRC - Mum of the Year :cheer2:

Most definitely!!! Well done, you are so brave! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Another lovely report, and yes, the more details the better!:flower:


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