DC Card/Entertainment Book??


<font color="blue">never been tagged ... until now
Aug 16, 1999
How are the DC card and the entertainment book related? I've read where they have something to do with each other.... can someone explain?
The 2002 Entertainment Book offers a discount for joining the Disney Club.
The regular price is $39.95, with the Entertainment discount the price is $31.95.
The Disney Club membership also includes an Entertainment membership. The Entertainment logo is on the card and can be used at participating restaurants and hotels. You can check out the offers at www.disneyclub.com.
I got something from Disney yesterday that said if you join before the end of Dec., it's $29.95! I called to see if I could renew at that price since mine is good until May, but she said to wait untol May and it would be that price too.


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