Dis Breast Cancer Survivors - GAGWTA!

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GAGWTA! :umbrella:

Congratulations on 7 years, Laura - I love the sound of that!! :thumbsup2 And thanks for sending us the rain. ;) Sounds like you have reason to get some rest, hope you have a quiet day today. My kids were off this week so I'm kind of tired, too, lots of running around.

My neighbor across the street lost her son the other night, he died in his sleep. We came home late and her house was all lit up and there were tons of cars there, I knew something was wrong. He was a little younger than me, had a longstanding seizure disorder - when he lived here there would often be ambulances there in the middle of the night. He was her only child. :sad2: I was going to make a turkey dinner today, I think I'll bring her a plate and maybe some daffodils (or maybe that might be too much of a reminder later on??). Any other ideas, I'm feeling kind of stymied.

scrappinmom said:
Hi Linda - My initial mammogram was done on the first day of my period (APril 12th) so yesterday would have been 10 days later. Mine usually last 5-6 days. I actually called the morning of my mammo to ask if it made a difference that my period just had started and they said no, other than it might hurt more.
I've posted about it here a couple of times, but on my first mamms post treatment (lumpectomy, chemo and radiation) they found a vague spot on my other breast. It was also either the day before or day of my period (i.e. the time when breasts are the most swollen). Anyway, the radiologist thought it should be biopsied. My surgeon told me it looked like a new cancer. :worried: I thought I was a goner if after finishing up 8 doses of 3 different types of chemo I had a new spot. Biopsy done next day came back negative. They wanted to be sure it wasn't a false negative, so they recommended an excisional biopsy where they place a wire in the spot and take the whole thing out and re-biopsy it.

Well, it had been one heck of a difficult year in our house already. My twins' 7th birthday party was coming up, and I told them I wanted to wait to do the excisional biopsy until after the party, since at the party the previous year I'd been waiting for my original results and I just wanted to be in a good frame of mind this year without all the worry. I prayed for a miracle, and remember saying wouldn't it be nice if it just disappeared?

So I show up at the hospital weeks later and the (different) radiologist is trying to find the spot in order to place the wire, and he's fishing around and fishing around with the ultrasound and finally announces he can't find the spot. (He actually got a little testy when in response to his query of did I have any questions I asked him (through my tears) 3 times "are you sure there's nothing there? LOL) My surgeon came in the room and gave me the option of taking the entire area out anyway (a CYA maneuver, I'm sure) but with a negative biopsy already and no spot found that day, I said no. We agreed to follow up in 3 months which we did and there was nothing there again, nor has there been since, including on my recent breast MRI.

Interestingly enough, the second radiologist told me had he been the one to read the mammogram and ultrasound the day I had the original ones done, he would have "sent me home". He saw the "spot" as normal breast tissue. When I told him how the original was done right before my period, he said it was probably related to a premenstrual change. After that, my doctors told me to just have my mammograms done at the hospital for consistency which I've been doing. I don't fault the original radiologist because I believe he had my best interest at heart considering my history - I'd rather have it that way than the other. But sometimes what one person sees is not the same as someone else would see.

I post this story to illustrate how complicated these things can sometimes be and how interpreting images is not an exact science. I don't know that this is the case with you, but it is what happened to me which is why I asked about your cycle. If anything similar happens to me in the future I will probably ask for repeats in several weeks before going through all the hoopla, but that's just me based on my own experience (I doubt you want to wait so long). I'm hoping everything comes turns out well for you. :wizard:
Thanks Sue - I"ve gotten a wealth of information and support here! I feel as if you're all going with me on Monday afternoon! I am so grateful for women like you!

Linda - WHat a GREAT idea to bring them a turkey dinner....I know after my son died the only time I ate was when someone brought something over...People would ask "what can I do" & I'd say nothing....but when they brought something over we actually ate.
& WHat a great disappearing spot story!
Happy Sunday morning to everyone. It's raining here, but we need it. My husband won't have to go out and water the lawn today.

Beth, No, I am not on Xeoleda. The treatment they have me on is Arimidex, which blocks the estrogen, and zometa. I get the iv of zometa monthly at my visit.

I go for my monthly checkup with the oncologist tomorrow. I always get a little, sometimes a lot, nervous before these visits. He says that the tumor in the breast is shrinking, and harder to distinguish from the rest of my fiberous breast. my spelling is terrible, so if I misspell, just ignore it.

Stage 2 sounds much better than 4. But I no longer think that way, I don't let the # control my life. :grouphug:

Linda, I am going to lunch with Monique on Friday, she just went thru her 2nd chemo after surgery. She sounds really great.

NHANN, I am going to go back to the support group next meeting. I hope it's diffrent, and I am in a better place mentally than I was in December. Thanks for the encouragement.
Well, off to my grandson's bowling birthday party.

Have a great day all of you, you are all in my prayers.
Send the rain down here, Donna, we are cooking!!!

Just back from a soccer game. My skin is still hot, and I used an umbrella. Luckily it is the last game of the season. No more practices, just tryouts for premier. We'll see about that. The traveling is daunting for a premier team.
It was better before Katrina, a lot of games were in N.O.

Good luck tomorrow Donna. Please update us when you can.

Say hi to Monique when you see her Friday. Glad she sounds good. Please tell her we are thinking of her.

School starts back tomorrow. No more sleeping in.
Linda, sorry to hear about your neighbor's son. Dinner and flowers sound wonderful. Bless your heart!

Sunny here today. Rainy yesterday! Kevin goes back to school tomorrow after a looooong Spring Break!

Registered Rhett for the SAT today. How time flies with that one. sigh!

Biggest news: We upgraded our July WDW trip to a package to include the Disney Dining Plan! The one place we always cut corners is food. It'll be SO nice to have all of that taken care of and get to eat well!

Also, we added a room (so now 2 rooms at Pop) because Rhett wants to bring his girlfriend. She's a sweetie, so I certainly don't mind and it'll really make the trip special for him. I'm am beside myself with excitement! I must do a countdown to see how many days. Yippeeeeee!! I'm gonna have fun! My GAGWTA sistas are the FIRST to know this big plan!!

Beth :love:
Congrats Beth on adding the dining. You are going to have such a wonderful trip.

You are sweet Linda to bring a turkey dinner to your neighbor. Sorry she lost her son. I think a visit and a conversation with you would really lift her too.

Good luck scrappinmom tomorrow.
Sounds like great Disney therapy in the works , Beth!! :goodvibes :thumbsup2

DD and I leave for our 4 night girls trip 3 weeks from Friday!! :cool1: We are not doing the dining plan though as we are staying at the Swan. I do have the DDE card though which helps!

Oh, and for all of you suffering from insomnia...I have found the cure!! ;)
I discovered it yesterday/last night!! DH left early (like 6:30 am early :rolleyes) yesterday to go to our hosue lot and burn brush since we were forecast for a rainy day here. I joined him mid-morning and stayed for nine hours...dragging branches to the fire, chopping long ones with an axe even, sitting under a tarp, watching the fire.....
Slept like a log!!All night!! A little stiffer than normal this morning but the feeling of a full nights deep sleep is sooo worth it...it's beena long time... :cool1:

Havre a great day ...it is still dreary here and chilly :umbrella:
Sounds like a DRASTIC cure, Ann. If it catches on though, you all could get that lot cleared very quickly. Hey, it could also be marketed as a weight reduction program!!! :banana:

Makes a lot more sense than some of the products I saw last night when I was watching Meet Joe black on some cable station.

That Brad Pitt and the girl in the flick were both so pretty. His hair was definitely better coifed than hers. I just couldn't understand the dialogue half of the movie. I think he took on the voice of whoever he was speaking to. It did not really matter. It was really visual movie anyway. :teeth:

GAGWTA all you wonderful gals!!!
DH left this morning for Syracuse. So I'm doing the single parent routine. It's been a busy day. I just wanted to stop by to see if we'd heard from Chris yet. I've been praying for her all day. I'll be back later this evening. :wave2:
I've been thinking of Chris today too, Merry, I think her procedure was this afternoon.

snappy ...LOL I'm not sure the weight loss part would fit, at least it wouldn't yesterday...I have to confess we had 2 McDonalds' meals in eight hours...more than I usually have in a month. Late morning we had bagel/egg/cheese sandwiches (no bacon or sausage though) and late afternoon we had crispy chicken sandwiches and (gasp) fries, :blush: though we did have light lemonade ;) BAD BAD BAD ...oh well, we don't eat fast food very often........and I'll be extra good on portion size and upping the fruit and veggies this week to make up for it...

The lot is pretty much ready for the excavator/site work phase after the full day. I will try to post a pic or two of the site later on.

Hi :wave: I'm back. The wait in the office was forever! My appointment was at 3:20 and it's 5:30 and I literally just walked in the door! The procedute itself was ok I guess, I was on my back, and it did hurt a little. THANK you to whoever told me about the loud noise! What she said is to call Wednesday morning to see if they got the results. However, she said that it looked suspicious enough to her, that evenif it came back benign she would still recommend the surgical biopsy because it looked suspicious enough. So what does THAT mean????
Chris, glad you posted. And glad you have it behind you. I am confused too about having a surgical biopsy in addition to the core needle. I'll check my Susan Love book and look at breastcancer.org.

Did they take additional ultrasounds today? You said it hurt a little, how are you NOW?

Was it the radiologist who said it was suspicious?

Can you contact your doc and ask? You will need to find a surgeon from what you heard today. Most of my reading indicates that you should try to find a breast specialist. I took another route, I asked many, many people, wives of doctors, other survivors, even the wife of a doctor who was a survivor.

Sorry to hear this, I'll get back to you if I can find anything.

Got this from breastcancer.org:

Needle biopsy of palpable lesions is least invasive. It can be done in the doctor's office. The surgeon obtains material for microscopic analysis using a needle with a hollow center. Results are often available in 24 hours. New technologies are helping to improve the effectiveness of needle biopsy. In some cases, a technique called needle localization guides biopsy of a non-palpable lesion (a mass that can't be felt) that was detected by mammography.

A long, thin hollow needle is placed in the lesion with the help of mammography or ultrasound to see where the needle is going. Cells are extracted through the center of the needle. A collapsible hook at the end of the needle keeps the needle in place until the surgery is done. X-rays verify that the abnormal area seen on the original X-rays is the same area into which the surgeon inserts the needle. This biopsy technique has the highest risk of "false negatives," which is when the biopsy result says normal, even though a cancer is present. The reason for this is probably that the needle doesn't always pick up the cancer cells.

Stereotactic needle biopsy (core biopsy) removes multiple pieces of a lesion. If the lesion can't be felt, the needle is guided to the area of concern with the help of mammography or ultrasound. If a cancer is only found by MRI, then needle biopsy may be guided by that technique. A small metal clip may be inserted into the breast to mark the site of biopsy in case the biopsy proves cancerous and additional surgery is required.

Incisional biopsy is more like regular surgery—it involves removing a small piece of tissue for sectioning and examination. *** Often, incisional biopsies are done when needle biopsies are inconclusive***

or if the lump, mammographic change, or suspicious rash is too extensive or too big to be removed easily. There is the possibility that you will have false negatives with both needle biopsy and incisional biopsy. But the advantage to each is the quick results.

Excisional biopsy is the most involved kind of biopsy. It attempts to remove the entire suspicious lump of tissue from the breast. This is the surest way to establish the diagnosis without winding up with a false negative. Removing the entire lump also provides you some peace of mind. Both incisional and excisional biopsies can be done in an outpatient center or hospital, using local anesthesia.

I guess the doc today meant the incisional biopsy? My sister had the excisional biopsy and was under general anesthesia in the hospital. Hers was very large though, more than 9 cm. Yours sounded much smaller.
I don't usually like to talk about it but what you wrote made me feel hopeful. First time i'm writing it down: I survive breast cancer. I had surgery, chemo, and radiation. And now thinking (not just whishing!)I can live long because of what many of you wrote ! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Feeling good tonight because of you ! :grouphug: Thanks again

Good night

PS Sorry if I made some mistakes i'm not use to write in english ! :wave2:
Chantale - what a great post YEAH for you!

Yes they did another u/s today...but only to guide the needle...it only hurt when she was getting thru the obviosuly dense tissue...she had to give the needle a good old "heave ho" :rotfl2: I'm still confused by what she said too..it was a breast surgeon that did the biopsy. What she said was that because it was so small, she would consider doing a surgical biopsy? I'm thinkig she meant going in and removing the whole thing? Only if you give me some valium hunny! I have to call my doctor on Wednesday afternoon.

I feel pretty good now...a little sore, but ok. I'm going to have some tea and scrapbook ....

again to the waiting...
Chris.....glad you are feeling OK tonight...sorry about the continued waiting, and the confusion of the surgeon's comments. It does sound puzzling she would make that comment before even seeing the results of the needle biopsy. Perhaps since there is some risk of false negatives in these biopsies, a surgical biospy would give you and the docor more definitive answers and peace of mind. Just not sure why it wasn't recommended to start with? :confused3 In any event,please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, and you ARE going to be fine!!!

Chantale: bienvenue!! I'm so glad you posted here...it does give strength and hope and suppport to communicate with other survivors!!
snappy said:
Sounds like a DRASTIC cure, Ann. If it catches on though, you all could get that lot cleared very quickly. Hey, it could also be marketed as a weight reduction program!!! :banana:

Makes a lot more sense than some of the products I saw last night when I was watching Meet Joe black on some cable station.

That Brad Pitt and the girl in the flick were both so pretty. His hair was definitely better coifed than hers. I just couldn't understand the dialogue half of the movie. I think he took on the voice of whoever he was speaking to. It did not really matter. It was really visual movie anyway. :teeth:

GAGWTA all you wonderful gals!!!

Doggone it Snappy! Next time Joe Black is on you must let me know! Chances are I'm up.....like last night..... 4am..... ugh! I think I'll put it in my TiVo! I love that movie and Brad in it! Very sexy! :love:
Chris.....I'm glad today wasn't too awful. Take it easy, though! Sorry you have to wait wait wait again. Clock just moves so slowly on those days!

Chantele, welcome! You ARE a survivor!! Life is GOOD! Never been to Quebec, but Toronto was fabulous!!

Hoping to sleep tonight! GAGWTA! :love:
Chris, glad you got through today. Just try to take things one day at a time. I can understand why the surgeon wants to be sure, but I agree that I don't understand why they didn't go that route to begin with. :confused3 But I'm glad they are erring on the side of caution. Just don't bleed until you are shot. We'll deal with the results on Wednesday.

I am a scrapbooker, too. In fact, I have a big box of my breast cancer stuff that is going in a pink survivor album one of these days. Another way I dealt with the whole situation. My kids laughed that even after my surgery, I was insisting that they snap pictures of my visitors. :rotfl:

Chantele, your English is wonderful. Don't ever worry about that. No one here will care if you make some mistakes. We're glad that you have joined our little group. And it does help to be able to talk to other women with the same experiences. Please come back often. And I'm glad that things said here have helped you.

Bad weather here in Oklahoma tonight. Lots of tornadoes and hail. I hate severe storms. But things seem to be calming down a bit. I'm glad for that.
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