Do you think COP will be open more when Alien Encounter closes?


Has a Buzz Lightyear shoot-off with her husband
Jun 9, 2003
Since they are closing Alien Encounter in mid-october do you think that they will open something like Carasel of Progress which is typically only open during peak season?
The rumor that's been floating around since well before the closure was officially announced was that both COP and Timekeeper would become daily attractions during the rehab of AE (and upcoming rehab of Space Mountain). I hope so; otherwise Tomorrowland's gonna be pretty darned empty!
DH has never seen either CofP or Timekeeper so I hope this will ease his pain of losing Alien Encounter...
I really hope so, for one reason or another we never got to ride AE, and this year we definitely were going to do it but now it is closing befor we go. :(
I really wont mind missing AE if COP is going to be open. :)
:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
Last Dec I actually went to Town Hall and asked if COP or Timekeeper would be open at any time during our stay; they weren't.:(

It would be great if they were open this year. For all I know it may be our last chance to see them. I suspect I saw COP in 1980 but I'm not sure. I'm almost certain I've never seen Timekeeper.
I really hope so!!!
We did not care for AE, just too "lame" for us. So we are not sad to see it go, but we have never seen COP or Timekeeper. I would love to see those during our next trip. We are going in early Decemeber....please oh please let COP be open!!!!

When is Space Mountain closing down for rehab??? I sure hope it is open during our December trip. My son just missed riding it last time by 1 inch. He keeps saying the next time we go to Disney he will be tall enough to ride Space Mountain
I guess that we will just all have to keep our fingers crossed. I would actually welcome the rehab of Alien Encounter if it means they open COP. :Pinkbounc
I sure hope they open Carousel of Progress back up--I have really missed seeing it on my last few trips. It's a Disney classic! I also enjoy Timekeeper. Alien Encounter would terrify me (I can't stand things near my neck, so from what I've seen on the video I would hate it), so I won't miss it, lol.
According to a note on Screamscape from mid August, SM may be scheduled to go down for an extended (couple of month) rehab in January, once the busy holiday season is over.


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