"Educational" Christmas gift for 3 & 6 y/o boys


DIS Veteran
Jun 16, 2005
My parents want to get my boys (almost 3 and almost 6 y/o) an "educational" gift for Christmas this year. They mentioned the V-smile, but I think the games would be too young for my 6 y/o, he's already in Kindergarten and reading.
They both have LeapPads. 6 y/o has the writing one and 3 y/o has 6 y/o's old one.
I don't think it has to be a joint gift, but I do think that would be easier on them.

I read the other thread about V-smile, and thought about attaching my question to that thread, but didn't want to be a "thread hog". :rotfl:

any suggestions? thanks!!
Another two thumbs way up for the Leapsters (or Leapster L-Max) DS#1 received a Leapster for Christmas 2004 (he was 4). Shortly there after we purchased a second one for DS#2 (3 at the time.) They both still play with these to this day! They have learned so much from their Leapsters and it has helped tremendously with their fine motor skills as well as their hand eye coordination. I would definitely recommend getting the recharging station for this system. Otherwise you will spend a fortune on batteries!

I can't recommend the Leapster enough for young children!!!
How about a zoo, museum, or science center pass? The last thing most kids need is another screen in their lives.

I do like the mindware catalog, though, and Young Explorers.

Blocks, puzzles, art supplies, play kitchen or workshop, magazine subscription, things from Discovery Toys, science experiments + equipment...
leapster vote here too. My ds got it at 4 and almost never put it down. When he went into Kindergarten he was way ahead of other kids b/c of this toy. He is now in 1st grade and still plays with it occasionally. They have so many new games, it keeps him coming back to it. :thumbsup2
budbeerlady said:
My parents get alot from Mind Ware.... www.mindwareonline.com

The items hold up well and they really make DD think or use her imagination.

I saw your original question... and thought... Mindware!

It is a great catalog... with all sorts of items... from Puzzles, Mazes, Models, Games etc.

I find alot of educational type toys at the teacher stores. They have alot of items from Mindware and Learning Resources.
I too was looking for educational items for Christmas gifts this year and finally settled on a few different magazine subscriptions. I got Our Big backyard, Discovery kids, Ranger Rick and American girl. The best thing is that a new one will come each month!
Love the magazines idea...we did "Your Big Backyard" and also "Ask". This year may be "National Geographic Kids". Grandma also paid for kids science museum membership.

What about Lincoln Logs, or K'nex or Legos? What about a Cranium fort? There are lots of neat, big floor puzzles. Try teacher supply stores or websites.

In talking with teachers, some say that kids today are not as able to stay on task for as long as they used to be, and they believe that is because our TV/video oriented way of life is moving us too quickly from one activitity to another. Imagination-type games and toys allow kids to think and create at their own speed, and to see different results each time.

Good luck!
One of the best "educational" toys my daughter ever recieved was a basic "Gears! Gears! Gears!" set. She received a variety of add-ons over the years, and after years of trying, I finally convinced her last year to let me list them on Ebay; she is 13 years old!!
So my vote for the best play value as well since she used this from age 3 thru 12 and sets resold for same price I paid with NO broken pieces. :goodvibes

I'm also a big proponent for open ended (no right way to do it) building sets that exercise problem solving skills. Her friends would beg to use this and often each one started building their own but then they would combine their efforts into one big creation - perhaps well suited to your 2 children.

BTW, basic sets come with about 60 or 120 pcs depending on size, and add-ons (that include pulleys, motors, bulldozer pcs, merry-go-rounds, body parts, etc) cost about $10-25.
Come to think of it, I kinda miss this toy myself! :rotfl:


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