Ending a relationship over Disney

Like other PPs said, it's all about compromising. With me and my current boyfriend, we actually went on our first WDW trip last December. We went during Christmas time staying only 2 days at the parks, but after leaving, I wanted to go back so bad. I love everything disney and have grown up going to DLR multiple times as a child, as I had multiple family members who lived around the area. My boyfriend wasn't so privileged and actually went to DLR the first time ever while we were in SoCal for my aunt's wedding in 2011. So he doesn't get why I love Disney so much since he has only been to each resort once. He doesn't get why I would stand in like for 30 mins to an hour just to get an autograph from Mickey or one of the princesses. He doesn't understand why I still watch a old Disney movie once a week. He tells me that he doesn't understand why I am so into Disney when he thinks that Disney is meant for kids, but he is willing to still go on our upcoming trip in 2015 as long as he's able to do things that he wants to do too. So for our upcoming trip, I'm going to show him that there's a side to Disney for adults too. Like there are things that he likes that I'm not too fond of, but I would still do them with him anyways. I think that's how relationships should work. You can't always have it your way. Yes, I love disney as much as the next person, and I would LOVE to be able to do an annual trip like a lot of other people on these boards, but I have to think about my significant other too. If he doesn't want to do it, then we aren't going to have a good time since I know in the back of my mind that he doesn't want to be there and he is only there because I'm making him go. That doesn't make an enjoyable vacation for anyone.
I've been married for 27 years, I bought a DVC Timeshare in 1996 and started taking my children to Disney. We went 2-3 times a year - my husband NEVER went with us. Now my children are grown I still do 1 trip a year with them, but I want to go more often. I feel my husband and I have grown apart, we were going to separate, but he wants to stay together. So last year he went to Disney with me, in fact he's now gone 3 times. He hates it and he pretends he's just observing everything, trying to understand the attraction. I say - stay home! I've been compromising my entire married life - not worth it! It's always one sided!
I've been married for 27 years, I bought a DVC Timeshare in 1996 and started taking my children to Disney. We went 2-3 times a year - my husband NEVER went with us. Now my children are grown I still do 1 trip a year with them, but I want to go more often. I feel my husband and I have grown apart, we were going to separate, but he wants to stay together. So last year he went to Disney with me, in fact he's now gone 3 times. He hates it and he pretends he's just observing everything, trying to understand the attraction. I say - stay home! I've been compromising my entire married life - not worth it! It's always one sided!

I haven't heard it from this angle before and I appreciate you posting it. This is 100% what I fear that I would be compromising my entire life, thus harboring resentment, because he truly hates it. I hope you find some peace in this situation soon.
He hates it and he pretends he's just observing everything, trying to understand the attraction.

I don't get this. I don't get this at all. I realize the problem is me, not him, for not understanding his point of view. ....but I totally don't get this. If you can't be happy at a Disney resort then maybe you can't be happy.

Oh wait, is he an engineer?
You actually do know how it will go over -- the fact that she laughed at your suggestion and now "seems like she's over it" gives you the information you need.

Relationships are about compromise. Neither of you want to take vacations you don't like, but have you considered taking a trip that combines what you each enjoy?

Disneyland at Christmas combined with a few days on the California Coast, maybe?

If she continues to laugh at your suggestions, I'd reconsider the relationship -- not because of Disney, per se, but for the lack of respect that represents.

Good luck.

Sums up exactly what I was going to say. Good luck!


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