Evaluation Progress


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2008
DS went back for an IQ test and just a general evaluation since we already had the autism DX 2 years ago.

He did well on his IQ test but just had problems understanding what they were asking.

But the good news was the final outcome. We told the Dr. how we privately funded an ABA program for DS and ran it for two years, hired a private Dr. from the university who runs the autism school, and basically did all I could to help our guy.

We have a new DX!!:banana: He is now Aspergers. Ok, so it is still autism but even the dr said he could not believe how well our guy has done since he saw him last!:lovestruc

Yes, we are thrilled. I remember when we first started our ABA I told his case manager that someday he would be off the waiver. That day has come true!:woohoo:
Congratulations!! That's a big leap!!:hug: You made a big sacrifice, both in time and money, and it really paid off, I'm so happy for you!

It is amazing how much progress many of our children can make with the proper supports. In the end you still have the same wonderful child, but an appropriate diagnosis does make getting the proper services a lot easier.

One good thing is that now if you tell and educator or clinician that your child is Aspergers at least 50% will actually have some idea of what it is and maybe 10-20% will have some clue as to how to meet at least some of the child’s needs, 10 or even 5 years ago it would have been much close to 0%.

It is a leaning process for everyone (parents, family, friends, clinicians and educators etc).



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