Flower/window boxes


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2000
Hi everyone! I've never posted on this board because I've never had anywhere to plant or garden. We just bought a house so now I have to make it look nice! I posted this question on the community board but just realized I should have put it here.

What kind of flowers/plants do you put in your window boxes for the holiday season. With our new house came window boxes (filled with ugly dead plants) so I want to put something nice and festive in them. Thanks!
Cinmell, Welcome to the F&G board. So glad you're here. That's a good question.

Our boxes are under the windows of our little house (garden shed). I put an (electric) candle in the windows and evergreen branches(snipped off of my bushes) with a bit of holly and a plaid bow in the boxes.

Good luck with your new home and gardens.:wave2:
That sounds so festive Deb. I'll have to figure out where I can put some greens & plaid. I can't believe I'm already getting excited for Christmas!

Welcome to the F&G board Cinmell.


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