Flying with 4 month old...


<font color=red>Disney Addict<font color=teal></fo
Jun 23, 2000
Please give me your best advice from past experiences with your children this age.
What will make him the most comfortable? We have bought him his own seat and are taking his carrier/car seat that will fit in the stroller, too.
Has your pediatrician reccomended anything?
We're flying to Orlando in a couple of weeks. Our peditrition said to just give our 4 month old a dropper full of infant's Tylenol about 30 minutes before take off. She said this way if there's any discomfort the tylenol is already in their system.
I've had no problem flying with infants, and I made sure I had a bottle. The sucking helps the ears to pop.
i had a pacifier at the ready for take-off and landing, but as i recall, he hardly used it and didn't seem to be in any pain. to be honest, i don't think Tylenol would help that much. the pain is caused by unequal pressures in the inner and outer ear, and the best way to relieve it is to get them to swallow by sucking on a pacifier/bottle/breast (although you may not want to be nursing during take-off and landing for safety).

try to have the baby awake for take-off/landing so that it will be easier to get them to suck on something and keep the pressure equalized right from the start.

good luck!
jadyson, I've never flown with a child that age, but Disney magazine has an advertisement for these things called Ear-planes. Apparently they are small things that you put in your ears and they equalize the pressure. They make them in children's size as well as adults, although I'm not certain if 4 months old is too small....... I'm not sure where buy them, but I'd try a pharmacy. Maybe if you ask the pediatrician they might know about them.
the first time he was 5 months old. He's since flown a handful of other times, and we have never had a problem. Note even when he got sick in Jamaica and had to fly home with a bad cold. That time we did give him some Infants Tylenol Cold, but all the other times we just gave him a bottle during take off & landing.

Every time that we've flown people have told us they were amazed that there was a baby on the plane. He was so good and quiet.

It's gotten a little more involved now that he's older - We have to travel with a multitude of diversions for him if it's a longer flight - but he loves to go places, and I really think it's because we've done so much with him.

I would have the Tylenol handy, but I really don't think you'll need it.

Have a wonderful time!



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