For those of you considering Vistana Villages - info on timeshare presentation


Jun 25, 2001
As you may have read in previous posts on this board, it is a lovely resort - nice pool, nicely furnished, close to everything. On our last trip (our first at VV) dh decided he wanted to go to the timeshare presentation to see what it was all about ( the "gift" didn't hurt either). This is what they had to say:

About $19,000 for 1 week in a 2 bdrm plus about $800 a year in condo fees. For 2 or more weeks they dropped the price to about $16,000. The resort is scheduled to have many more condos than it already has - it will be big like VR and they will be adding a restaurant (right now they have a deli). If you are an owner you are guaranteed to get a place no matter when you call. You don't have to take your whole week at any one time, and there are no blackout periods. You can trade your time at VV for any other Sheraton property for free and for a huge list of other hotels and resorts around the world for $169-$199/week. They also have this list of hotels and resorts that comes out once or twice a month where owners can buy extra weeks for $199 a week, kind of like a stand-by club.

We decided not to go for it - when we really had a chance to think about it, it was not for us. We like to go where we want to go and do what we want to do, not be limited in any way to certain resorts/hotels (though it was a huge, thick book of opportunities). We didn't want the responsibility of being owners.

Our salesperson did work really hard and I think they thought we were going to bite because they kept us for 4 hours. I have to admit it was tempting so I guess we were showing interest. The angle they took was they asked us how much we spend on vacation accomodation per year, then they multiplied it over the number of years we expected to take vacations in our lifetime. Then they compared that figure to 1 week's worth of VV condo. Well, when we were left alone to compare apples to apples instead of oranges, our way was cheaper and more flexible. They warned that we wouldn't always be able to get as good a deal as we got this time for our villa (from Hotelkingdom) and I don't doubt it, but as much as I liked this resort, it is not a must do. If it is too expensive there are other nice enough places. Another thing they said was that in the future everything would be timeshare - ya, right, okay, whatever.

Anyway, I just thought others would be interested in having an idea of what goes on at these presentations. I do think it's worth it to go because of the gift, but not at the expense of your vacation (we went on a day we would be traveling so we had nothing planned except driving). Also, timeshare is probably right up some people's alley so I am not trying to disuade anyone who might be interested, just thought it would be good to go armed with a little prior info.

I also think that if you like to travel and are pretty open to where you would go and would take advantage of that "stand-by club" (my term, not theirs), then it seems worth it it to buy, if you have the money.

That reminds me, if you do the minimum downpayment (can't remember what it was) they will give you a loan for the rest at 16.9% (WHAT?!!!!). And, apparently, no one ever plunks down the whole shebang right there and then. All I can say is Sheraton must be making a BUNDLE.

On a side note, our saleperson said that Disney had plans to build 27 (yes 27!) new parks in Orlando (oh ya??).
It is their job to try to hit from every angle but anyway you look at it Sheraton, Marriott, all of the timeshare companies are making a TON of money! It's how they can afford to offer those cheap vacations and perks for taking a timeshare. I agree, that interest rate is unbelievable. My guess they make more money on the gullible a day than they give away a year on discount tickets and rebate checks...
I commend you on being so brave to try the time share pitch ! I just don't have the nerves for it. Someone once posted that they would have rather "chewed off their leg to get a way they to listen anymore to the pitch." That pretty much settled it for me.
We have a week booked in a two bedroom for mid October and we received a call YESTERDAY (Good Friday) to see if we were interested in the tour during our stay. Wow, a bit early I thought! Maybe they'll up the ante if we wait to say yes!
We did the VV timeshare presentation. I have posted this before to other threads on the subject. We were there around an hour and 15 minutes and that included the the time to enjoy the complimentary breakfast. It was the easiest $100 that we ever "earned". We were at the park by 9:00 am opening, no worse for wear. My own opinion only, but the only way most folks would spend around 4 hours at a presentation is that they had nothing better to do. Seriously, all you have to say to the VV folks is not interested in buying but feel free to give me your pitch. You will be out of there in a little over an hour. If it were to get to 90 minutes, just stop the salesperson and explain that you have heard enough and don't have interest in purchasing. TS presentations are not a problem unless you can't stand up for yourself.
I agree that you can easily get out of there faster than we did. Although, in our case, it had nothing to do with spinelessness. We did not go just for the money. Dh wanted to hear everything they had to say - we might have bought a timeshare if it had been worth it. I think the salesperson could sense this, so we got the long version of the spiel. Once we got around to declining, it did not take them long to accept the fact that they did not make a sale and pack up and say goodbye (even after all that hard work). Also, I found that it took our salesperson a really long time to get around to revealling prices. It was probably half an hour before we even sat down and even after that they spent forever showing us the literature. They kept asking if we found it interesting and we'd say "yes (because it was), but it all boils down to money - how much is it?". They kept skirting the issue. If we had been any more insistant, we would have had to be rude (I guess there was nothing to stop us from doing that, but we were in a pretty good mood so why bother?). To tell the truth, I had no idea that we had been there for so long - I thought maybe 2 - 2.5 hours.

It's too bad I hadn't seen the other threads here because the knowledge would have saved us a lot of time (which is why I posted the info for others).

If it had been up to me, I wouldn't have gone at all though, as it turned out, it was fairly harmless and if I had a little spare time, I would do it again for the money. Luckily, the time spent on the extended version of the presentation was no biggie for us, since we were only going to spend part of the day driving somewhere. I think that I would not do it on a day that I was anxious to get going somewhere even if we were just going for the money and the short version.

I just wanted to emphasize that you should not feel guilty about saying "no", even if you did only go for the money. They are well aware that a lot of people are only there for the money, and very few people ever go with the actual intention of buying timeshare. You are not pulling the wool over their eyes by going for the money with absolutely no intention of buying. They are paying for the opportunity to convince you that timeshare is a perfect deal for you and that is what you are giving them by showing up at the presentation.
Great points in your post....I hope that you did not think that I was calling you spineless....I was not. Your point about not feeling bad about going for the cash only is a good one. We are DVC members (bought through a resale at a great price with HH as our home resort) and we told the folks at VV who were encouraging us to do the ts spiel that we were only doing it for the money but if they were fine with that then, okay. We did tell them that we were impressed with the resort and would encourage our friends to visit. We told our sales guy the same thing upfront and when asked to relate what we knew about timeshares, he remarked that there was very little that he could add that would convince us to join. He briefly went through the prices and we were on our way. We have since sent 2 families to VV for a look so maybe the $100 that was "invested" in us might pay off for them.


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