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DIS Veteran
Mar 27, 2003
SNOW!! Anybody want any, just come on up to NH, after another snow storm on Saturday it doesn't look like spring will be early this year. Some pics I shot this morning at my place.






Looks much like our property up here in Maine! We keep saying, after every storm, "If we get another storm like this, there will be no place to put it!":scared1:
Here in the Raleigh, NC area, we are 10" down on rainfall since January 2007. Those caught watering their lawns or washing their cars are shot on sight. We'll take your snow, please arrange to have it delivered to Falls Lake.
Wow! How far up are you? I'm in Salem and we have no where near that on the ground. My Dh was just up in Pinkham Notch hiking- they have tons up there. Its just about up to the trail signs and the blazes on the trees.
we've had some blizzardy storms but it's been in the forty's for a day or two between so it melts...it actually is snowwhite still here instead of the usual 4 -6 ft piles of blackish gray matter we call "snow" like most winters...today i actually saw the mudway err i mean walkway
What is this snow stuff you guys are talking about? I didn't see any when I mowed the yard today.
You yard looks like mine except I may have a little mroe than you! LOL!!

I'll send it by the truckload to NC if you send me the truck to fill!! It's just gonna flood my basement anyways as it melts, forget the snow we're getting this week still!
What is this snow stuff you guys are talking about? I didn't see any when I mowed the yard today.
that is the only benefit..no lawn mowing, no weeding,no hayfever:rotfl: ( our neighbor plows for us:thumbsup2 )
Snow stuff - - - we have our share here in northern Michigan - - but, as I write - - - wow - - it is thundering and lightning something fierce - - very weird - the snow is coming alive with light - really strange!!! It's coming your way Buffalo and NH - just wait a day - we love sending all this stuff to you!!:yay:

We had 73 degrees here today. Tonight we are expecting severe storms (large hail and possible tornados) flooding and by this time tomorrow - and inch of snow - IN DALLAS!

Please - do not send more of that stuff. I hate it.

How about if we send YOU guys all of our snow and you send us your summer heat?

Well who ever wants it send me the truck and I'll ship it your way.
YEKCIM my son keeps asking his science teacher what happen to global warming.
My2Girls66 I'm about 35 miles north of Portsmouth, like pyrxtc said the father north the more there is!!!
MarkBarbieri Well at least I know I won't be mowing my lawn for some time, but I would rather mow the lawn then snowblow, the older I get the more I hate the cold and snow.
I'd like some of it down here in PA, please. We haven't gotten much snow this winter and I kind of MISS it!!
Wow, I thought we got it bad here where I live. We're not quite as bad you but we're are getting there. Free snow, no thank you. You can keep it.




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